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Posts posted by TheTruth05

  1. QUOTE (raBBit @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 12:46 PM)
    There is more dark clouds downtown than a game thread after Donnie Veal enters the game.


    This game has just as much a chance to be rained out as yesterday's game did. I hope it doesn't cuz besides the clouds the temp is awesome.

  2. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 01:06 PM)
    I am in no way defending him or what he said, but does anyone else have a major issue with him being fined for comments made in private that someone illegally recorded without one party being aware? To me, the legality of such a thing seems a bit tenuous


    Yea, the guy is a real POS but the legality in all this is very hazy.

  3. QUOTE (pittshoganerkoff @ Apr 29, 2014 -> 09:59 AM)
    My son and I were watching the game, and he asked who was making all that noise. I told him to look at the fat ass in the Blackhawks jersey right behind homeplate. Guy was a pain in the ass.


    Dude was a tool.

  4. QUOTE (pettie4sox @ Apr 28, 2014 -> 08:27 AM)
    Well the Bulls played like crap and Hinrich was an uber turnover machine. Taj was beasting. I love that guy.


    I think the Bulls win the next game and then drop the 4th contest in Washington.


    Yea Kirk played like he was in the D-League.

  5. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Apr 23, 2014 -> 06:07 PM)
    Im just saying sounds like complete bulls***. You dont get over a concussion in a few days.


    If it's true he's gonna try and play through a concussion then someone is saying yes to him playing which is even worse.He's only screwing himself long term.

  6. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Apr 22, 2014 -> 02:47 PM)


    SOX - Danks 8, Semien 5, Abreu 3, Dunn DH, Viciedo 9, Ramirez 6, DeAza 7, Flowers 2, Garcia 4; Leesman 1

    DET - Davis 8, Kinsler 4, Cabrera 3, Martinez DH, Hunter 9, Martinez 7, Castellanos 5, Avila 2, Romine 6; Verlander 1


    I may be the only one, but I'm glad Jordan is getting more AB's and I hope he stays in LF when Spanky returns to CF. I know he won't since they want to showcase DeAza but they way Alejandro has been swinging the lumber, Danks should be starting.

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