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Posts posted by ScootsMcGoots

  1. I would love to hear what Jerry has to say about this season, and for someone to ask him the question about hiring Getz so the team wins now, yet he ended up with one the worst teams in major league baseball history.

  2. 4 hours ago, tray said:

    Trying to score from third on a shallow fly ball, is not just aggressive, it's just foolish.  Veering too far off second base when everyone in the stands knows that a pick-off attempt is imminent is also foolish.  Throwing strikes to  power hitters like Wisdom or Morel in key at-bats is insane....better off walking them instead of letting them beat you.  The Sox have played well enough to win in several games where they have been out-strategized and out-managed.  Getz lacks the moxie to make the necessary personnel moves. Given that, JR needs to fire Grifol and his assistant managers.

    JR needs to fire himself 👋 

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  3. 7 minutes ago, sin city sox fan said:

    The only thing that could possibly bring a small amount of joy to Sox fans this year would be beating the Cubs.   And Pedro manages the staff so we have Flexon starting the opener.   I swear the pile of crap can’t do anything right.

    It only makes sense that Pedro is a secret agent spy working against the Sox to sabotage whatever good is left in this org.

  4. 6 hours ago, Lip Man 1 said:

    Up until the mid 80's the team that had the better record usually had the best attendance. 

    From 1951-1967 for example the Sox outdrew the Cubs in 16 of those 17 seasons.

    This stayed the same until around the mid 80's when the Cubs (under John McDonough who grew up a Sox fan) started promoting Wrigley Field more than what the club was doing on the field. Studies showed the Cubs were getting roughly 40% of their yearly attendance from out of towners visiting and them being on Superstation WGN really helped push that along. 

    The Sox had opportunities to "own the town" but bad decisions by ownership as well as an inability to consistently make the playoffs short circuited that hope.

    That being said, new ownership (much like the charge EE and JR put into the franchise in 81-82-83 could drastically change that dynamic.

    Putting a good team on the field, promoting the club (not cancelling things like Sox fest), and making headlines by signing actual 'superstar' talent can change the perception in a hurry.

    It happened before the 1971 and 1981 seasons for example. 

    Please Jerry sell the team

  5. 6 hours ago, Green Line said:

    I don’t get this.  I live on the Northside. There are tons of Sox fans.  I see Sox hats everywhere.  The Cubs draw more tourists and have larger attendance because their games are more entertaining, but Ive never felt like it was a Cubs town.  There are probably numerically more Cubs than Sox fans in the city but its not that dramatic, and they get equal coverage in the media.

    Equal media coverage, but I would bet the house those ratings aren't equal. And you see a lot of Sox gear, that's really cool, but I bet a lot of that is more for looks than anything. I've spoken to many people trying to strike up a conversation about the Sox, and i can't tell you how many times they tell me they just like the look of the hat. 

  6. 1 hour ago, T R U said:

    When I was young it was cool to hate the Cubs. Now, I couldn’t care less. 

    I've taken it upon myself to actually learn more about their history. I took a tour of Wrigley Field last weekend. It really is a gem, right in our city. Hating the Cubs never made sense to me. They represent the city of Chicago. And, whether us Sox fans want to admit it or not...unless the Sox are playing better (which doesnt happen these days), Chicago is a Cubs town. 

  7. Interleague play didn't kill the rivalry. Im not sure how that makes sense. The rivalry was intense back in the mid 2000s. The Buehrle/Konerko/Pierzynski/Thome vs Zambrano/Lee/Soriano/Ramirez era was so good. Ever since the Sox perpetually started sucking, there's not been any excitement. If both teams were good, it would generate a lot more excitement. Hell, if they were good and in the same division, can you imagine. Baseball in the city of Chicago would be the envy of baseball. It wont happen though. It's my dream before I die to see an all-Chicago world series. 

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  8. 11 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:


    I mean they were "good" in 2021. So I'd wager to say gotten worse the last 3 years. But yeah doesn't really matter they're still the worst lol. Honestly idk which I'd rather have, what the sox currently are, or be mired in mediocrity.

  9. 7 hours ago, FloydBannister1983 said:

    There’s no real evidence to suggest Reinsdorf wants to win baseball games.

    Not in the last 12 years. Before 2012, maybe. But since then, he's just completely lost it. 

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