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  1. It's also pretty early in the day and everyone was consumed with the All-Star Game yesterday. The national guys don't like to tweet until anything is fairly concrete and I doubt any of the teams bidding want others to know how close it is (in case teams jump in).


    Just for context, the Sale trade had some random guy on the Boston message boards leak the package early in the day, then delete his post. Info can come from the weirdest places.


    Plus, I believe Rabbit after the 3-way trade with Pitt was basically confirmed by Hahn, and he seems pretty definite that something's up. I do think the timeline is not set in stone though - guys like WSD keep saying "enjoy the next few days" - which makes me think there's either multiple moves brewing or it'll be a bidding war/process.

  2. QUOTE (ChiliIrishHammock24 @ Jul 11, 2017 -> 11:03 PM)
    I was told by someone who has a source (I do not), that the next couple days could be a s*** storm or activity.


    Nothing new, but another voice who thinks thinks are heating up.


    Thanks for sharing! Do you think that means a flurry of moves - i.e. multiple pieces in talks. Or just a storm of Q activity?


    All good if you don't know or can't say.

  3. QUOTE (Springfield SoxFan @ Jul 12, 2017 -> 06:14 AM)
    Did I read some tweets over the weekend that Burdi was supposed to be in Chicago for an MRI on his arm this week? If so, I/we haven't heard anything. Anyone see/hear the same?


    The tweet I saw said the MRI was for Thursday. Kinda confused why they'd wait that long but who knows.

  4. Man this Q suspense is killing me. Felt like something was brewing with that weird Twins rumor (seems like a leverage leak) and all the talk about the Sox "outrageous asking price" (more posturing).


    Then the McGuffey rumor, plus rabbit's statements (here and Twitter), plus WSD putting me on high alert. Sox not announcing starters post-ASB yet isn't helping either.


    Anybody think there's any credence to the "no serious news announced on the day of the All Star game" theory? Would seem like an odd reason to hold off.



  5. Royals are supposedly kicking the tires on Gray. Would be awesome if they took him or another top P off the market quickly. Definitely might spur the rest of the market.

  6. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Jul 8, 2017 -> 10:58 AM)
    Can we start the hype train on Seby Zavala?


    .261/.332/.523/.855, leads all Sox minor leaguers with 16 homers and 2nd with 48 RBI. Been over .900 OPS each of the last 3 months after .524 April. .855 OPS is second for all players with 200 or more PAs.


    He's a bit old for the level, but part of that was being held back because Collins is there. Plus he's a catcher and the power uptick has been massive. I had kind of forgotten about him but he's definitely back on the radar.


    Dickman has officially gone from intriguing late-bloomer to serious prospect for me. Absolutely mashing with a 150 wRC+, and the BB/K split points to real sustainability. Plus the power has really started to blossom. Would love to see him get a promotion soon and see how he handles AA.

  7. QUOTE (FT35 @ Jul 7, 2017 -> 10:07 AM)
    I don't know...if I'm the Cubs, I'm stuck. They're 4.5 games back from an overachieving Milwaukee team who always fades late...6.5 back in the Wild Card. They have essentially the same team as last year that won. About everyone in their core group is under-performing well below what they are capable of--but they are all still intact. I feel like they are a cold shooter on a basketball court. All they need is to see the ball go through the hoop--string a few wins together, see a few studs start to heat up and the team will take off and still win the division by a half-dozen games. I'm not sure if I were them--a year removed from dealing Gleyber Torres, if I'm ready to send off Jimenez or anything else of that level of significance when they have a World Championship caliber roster as it is now. If they can add a SP, without giving up another pillar of strength from their system, I think they will do it, but I don't see them unloading another haul from their system to acquire someone like Sonny Gray or Verlander who is doing the SAME thing the rest of their players are doing--underachieving.


    If I'm the Cubs--which I'm not--I'm not dealing Eloy, Happ, or anyone of that talent to acquire anything but TOP, long-term potential talent in return. I'd move some lesser pieces and take on salary for a guy like Verlander in hopes he turns it around, but yikes...to see them gut their system for someone who has been kicked around like a beach ball on a summer day is a head-scratcher to me. A Trevor Cahill re-acquisition seems more likely because the price is right. If they decide to go for broke, I think you'll see a run at someone like Yu Darvish rather than Sonny Gray--someone who can be a confident regular in a short playoff rotation.


    The issue is they absolutely need a cost-controlled starter for the next few years. Arrieta isn't the same guy, Lackey is toast, and Lester will be 34. That's not a rotation you can win a World Series with going forward.


    Plus, most of these guys are blocked. Calendario has literally nowhere to play. Almora can't get on the field enough. Hell, even Happ doesn't have a full time position with the log jam the Cubs have in the outfield.


    Maybe they won't move Eloy. But they'll most certainly move Calendario and/or some of even the major league pieces. Otherwise those assets just waste away.


  8. Micker another bomb, #12. That's 10 in his last 32 games.


    37 XBH on the year in 71 games. The power has really started to shine.

  9. QUOTE (SoxPride18 @ Jul 6, 2017 -> 02:00 PM)


    We traded Gordon Beckham to the Angels couple years ago for a PTBNL. That player was Yelncy Almonte. We turned Yelncy Almonte into Tommy Kahnle for 2 months of Gordon Beckham.


    So yes, no matter the value, trade guys who will 100% not be back.


    Yeah and we also traded Chris Devenski for a washed up Brett Myers. Adding lower level/risky talent with some upside can't hurt.

  10. I think Bartolo is the most feasible reason (if there is really a move coming), because he's officially a FA today. Would make sense if they anticipate trading Holland and Q this month. Prevents them from having to expose the young guys.


    Rotation would then likely be Rodon/Shields/Pelfrey/MiGo/Bartolo. [insert puke emojii]


    Honestly though who knows. They could just roll with Holmberg and I don't think Lopez is that far off.

  11. QUOTE (ChiSox59 @ Jul 6, 2017 -> 12:19 PM)
    Interesting move when you have both Infante and Minaya on the 25 man. Both have options, and Infante would have been the easy choice. This also opens a spot on the 40 man.


    Either the Sox are just flat done with Ynoa and Coop gave up, or there is a roster move impending adding someone to the 40 man. Minaya is younger and still has a (small) chance of being a part of the next bullpen that matters, but Infante is over 30 and has no chance of being a part of the future. Weird to get rid of Ynoa who is at least somewhat intriguing due to his stature and arm when a guy like Infante could get optioned again without even losing him.


    Are the Sox signing Bartolo? :unsure:


    Wow I actually think the Bartolo move is very possible. Why not? Throw him out there a few times and see if he recovers value. Worst case maybe an August move guy.


    Other than that, maybe related to adding guys to the 40 man roster like you said? Would probably have to be a Q move since that would involve guys close to the majors and the quantity to create a squeeze.


  12. Figured I'd get a topic going because discussion on him keeps bleeding into the other threads. Nobody here seems to think he'll return much. I think he's being undervalued:


    2.52 ERA / 2.12 FIP / 3.64 XFIP / 3.21 SIERRA


    9.38 K/9 2.29 BB/9


    1.4 fWAR - 7th among relievers in all of baseball. Right between Felipe Rivero and Roberto Osuna.


    I get that he's a journeyman righty having a career year. But he's had some very solid seasons in the past despite splitting between starting and the bullpen, and was the victim of horrific luck last year in NY (absurd HR/FB rate of 27%+). He's also seen a slight velocity increase this year and his stuff has been great.

  13. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 6, 2017 -> 06:14 AM)
    I am not dismissing him at all.


    Scouts and GM's fall in love with the big arms. It's human nature, especially in today's game with 100+ Mph readings all over the place.


    And the three guys (other than Wells) to make the biggest impacts were three finesse pitchers in Garland, Buehrle and Fogg, who was actually a reliever closer at Univ. of Florida, but even then never blew batters away with stuff.


    Ah yeah sorry I misunderstood. He could definitely go under the radar.


    It's interesting because guys like him and Stephens/Adams might almost have a better chance of at least ending up as back of the rotation arms than say Lopez. But the upside is probably way lower of course.

  14. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 5, 2017 -> 09:13 PM)
    Not without a 94-96 mph FB.


    From what I've heard the FB is low 90s but can run up to 94. The curve has made massive strides and his changeup is great. Plus he's a lefty, and was well liked by scouts before struggling last year. I think it's pretty silly to dismiss him.

  15. Swarzak has pitched really well and the peripherals back him up. I think a Tilson-type return or slightly better is likely but that's not bad at all. People forget Tilton was a solid prospect because of the brutal luck with injuries. Likely 4th OF but the speed to maybe make it work as a regular in CF.

  16. QUOTE (steveno89 @ Jul 5, 2017 -> 10:58 AM)
    The Tyler Thornburg deal is the most recent somewhat comparable trade of a reliever like Kahnle. I'm sure the Red Sox wish the had that trade back as Shaw has been outstanding.


    Reliever ERA and other counting stats are certainly quite volatile, because they pitch in small sample sizes. I'm not sure I agree that their underlying K%/BB%/FIP/SIERRA, etc. are that volatile. And that's what teams will judge him on.


    He's not some random guy with a decent fastball doing this. He has a filthy FB/changeup combination and the increase in command with his mechanics changes has been astronomical.



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