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  1. QUOTE (steveno89 @ Jul 18, 2017 -> 03:41 PM)
    I would decline the deal if only centered around Chavis, who I think will not be able to stick at 3B. His defense is not good and is pretty much a bat only player.


    Agreed. Need much more for the Kahn-man.

  2. QUOTE (NCsoxfan @ Jul 18, 2017 -> 03:38 PM)
    He said Groome and Chavis for Robertson and Frazier. Then he said they'd settle for Kahnle and Frazier for just Chavis. I don't think we would make that trade.


    LOL did he really? That's pretty bad.

  3. QUOTE (NCsoxfan @ Jul 18, 2017 -> 03:25 PM)
    I agree that he's much more valuable than people think now. For instance, I don't buy the Nightengale "throw him in with Frazier" and only land Chavis. I also agree that teams are seeing these exact stats, he ISNT going unnoticed by them. Excited to see what we get for him.


    I thought Nightengale had them getting Groome and Chavis? Kahnle would make up most of the value of that package (over Frazier).


    I tend to think you're right that he hasn't gone unnoticed. The stuff and numbers are way too good to just brush off.


    Also have to believe some of the scouts supposedly checking out Robertson (there's been a crazy amount) are there for Kahnle or both. Robertson is a pretty known quantity. Seems overkill to have scouts all over the sox if it's just that.

  4. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jul 18, 2017 -> 10:44 AM)
    You can turn twitter into the "logic games" section:


    1) Ken R says...

    2) Bob Nightgals says...

    3) Brian Bilek says...

    4) Buster Olney thinks...

    5) Jon Heyman insists...




    Hahaha yeah it can definitely feel that way, scouring twitter and reading the tea leaves. Except I love this stuff, unlike the LSAT...


    ^ raBBit you studying as well?


  5. QUOTE (yesterday333 @ Jul 18, 2017 -> 09:22 AM)
    So I am thinking I should just come to the grips with the fact that I will be distracted from everything in life until the trade deadline passes. its going to be a long couple of weeks.


    Hahaha yeah I'm studying for the Bar exam and legit can't stop checking twitter. Test is in a week and I'm busy posting in Soxtalk.

  6. QUOTE (KnightsOnMintSt @ Jul 18, 2017 -> 09:11 AM)
    Have to think at this point teams are trying to find a way to get Robertson involved in a deal. Feels like this Frazier to Boston talk started forever ago.


    Totally agreed. If it's just a lower-level arm that failed a physical they would've probably figured it out by now.


    My take? The Nationals traded for Madson and Doolittle roughly a day after the Frazier rumors started. Willing to bet the Red Sox were in on one of those two, and the Nats closing the deal has spurred them to go after DRob.

  7. QUOTE (heirdog @ Jul 17, 2017 -> 09:58 PM)
    This is the allegedly reputable Boston guy w 21k followers:




    "Source;Red Sox had a deal in place with the White Sox for Todd Frazier but something was wrong on the medical from a player going to Chicago"


    That's exactly what rabbit said too. Wonder why it's still being held up - or maybe it's been expanded to include a reliever.

  8. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jul 17, 2017 -> 10:06 PM)
    I posted something similar in a different thread, but I would be marketing Avi to all the clubs with interest in JD.


    Ah gotcha. Yeah I'm intrigued to see if his name starts to pop up more. I'm all for keeping him unless you can get a big haul.


    The market is flooded with bats, but until guys like Yelich/Ozuna go on the market Avi is a bit of a unique asset since he's controlled. Might also be hard for the market to commit based on a breakout year.

  9. Was crunching the numbers today and Avi and JD Martinez have had identical per-game WAR numbers this year (both on pace for 5.2 over a full 162 game season). Hard to believe with how well JD is mashing.


    Shows you how insane Avi's defensive progress has been and how important that is to his value. Also makes me wonder if teams like the Diamondbacks/Rockies that are pursuing JD will look heavily at Avi.


    Those are young teams and he actually fits the window way better.

  10. Man, Micker's swing looks awesome right now. He's super far off the plate but his set-up and load honestly remind me a lot of Aaron Judge (I'm not comparing him don't worry!). So much more balanced and he's not all arms with his swing like he was in previous years.


    Also, holy crap he's a big dude. Guy has the frame for monster power if he can keep progressing.

  11. I think that's absolutely fair value - dude has 3.5 years of control left and his peripherals are borderline insane. But whether teams are willing to pay anything near that after a 1/2 season remains to be seen.

  12. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Jul 17, 2017 -> 12:14 PM)
    Nightengale predicted Kahnle/Frazier for Groome/Chavis


    I think it was actually based on a survey that Nightengale sent out to MLB execs. Though the deal itself might have been Nightengale's prediction.


    Kahnle is tough to part with but that's a really tempting package. Especially with Chavis's surge this year.

  13. QUOTE (bmags @ Jul 17, 2017 -> 08:21 AM)
    Abbot is performing really well. So is Hickman. Neither striking out too much either.


    Kiel also had a scoreless inning with only one walk


    8 BBs to 4Ks for Abbot. It's early but that's awesome, especially given how raw he supposedly is.

  14. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Jul 17, 2017 -> 08:14 AM)
    I could see Robertson + cash for Andujar/Mateo + Abreu. That would clear two spots off their 40 man roster crunch and give them a high caliber setup man who has proven himself in the NY spotlight.


    I think the cash component is huge for them. Having Robertson for 2 years at cheap is a pretty substantial asset, especially given their desire to stay under the luxury tax. Hope we eat a lot to get a better prospect back.


    This type of deal fits way better for them than Q (though they need him more). They've got the excess 40 man guys and lots of 2nd tier specs that are blocked.


    I feel like Tyler Wade could be a good get as well. Highly versatile, only 22 and all he's done is hit.

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