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Posts posted by yesterday333

  1. 1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

    Honestly it's such a mess predicting them that far out that I'm not sure I even want to try - just to illustrate, Rodon is a FA after 2021, do we even know if we'd want him back?

    But anyway, Lindor, Bryant, Schwarber, Baez, Corey Seager, Correa, Syndergaard, Conforto, Trevor Story, Anthony Rizzo, Sal Perez, Freddie Freeman, Chris Archer, Arenado if he opts out,  Kluber, Scherzer. 

    Some of those guys will break down, sign extensions, or even just retire - I didn't include Kershaw since I doubt he pitches past that year. That's also the potential lockout/strike offseason.

    Yup. Counting on future FAs is a fools errand. Nolan is example A....

  2. 1 hour ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    We need  a catchy phrase for this disaster like The White Flag Trade, The Machado Disaster ? The Machado Catastrophe ? Calamity Manny ? The Manny Machado Misadventure  (Mishap) ? Front Office Flop ?

    Im not creative but it should have to do with having a seat at the table or a participation trophy... maybe proud of our effort

  3. 1 minute ago, Soxbadger said:

    All allegedly known facts go against sox signing harper.

    1) Machado allegedly Sox #1 target

    2) Sox not willing to offer 10 years 300mil.

    3) Harper has allegedly turned down a more lucrative offer than that.

    So now im supposed to believe that the sox are going to pay more money for their 2nd choice when they could have just signed their first choice?

    That makes 0 sense. But i guess that is the reason it may happen. Its illogical, so therefore its the White Sox way.

    Ive been here a decade, im a pretty positive person. But if i was betting greg's house, id bet against the Sox getting Harper.

    Not trying to say we are in on him, but what if part of the reason Manny was our first choice is because we thought he would be cheaper?

  4. 7 minutes ago, Charlie Haeger's Knuckles said:

    I hope that Holmes will ask Hahn the important questions, such as if the Sox plan on adding replicas of the "Chair at the Table" to the merchandise stands around the park...



    HAHAHA this is great. Can we also have a in the running trophy?

  5. 1 minute ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    Pal it's not rapport. You're not telling a team hey give me your best bid so I can go tell the team we want to play for to match. You're never getting a teams best offer that way and you're certainly not asking for best offers and turning the one teams around and telling the other team. You'll destroy your word in any negotiations going forward.

    But the phils got a chance to match it...

  6. 2 minutes ago, Soxbadger said:

    Im not sure how in early January people didnt understand this was the natural conclusion. Somehow people thought that an elite talent was going to just fall into the Sox laps for a bargain price.

    I wish I could pull up every post where people said "dont bid against yourself" or how the Sox should "lower their offer".

    Its amateur hour. Im pretty sure Hahn has never negotiated a $100mil contract, so he was completely out of his depth. 

    I hope i never hear "insider" on this forum again. 

    I personally thought we would be willing to bid this much.... but I was wrong. I still believe don't bid against yourself. I don't think he would've signed had we upped it. I think we really had no chance if we weren't willing to go to $300 no matter what we did a month ago.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    It would be hard to argue with you. If the White Sox are offering the most money, and they want to play here, it would seem something other than waiting would have happened by now.

    Or their agents think they have a chance of getting more money by waiting.... and they were hoping to get more than they are....

  8. 2 minutes ago, bmags said:

    He may not be signed, but if the sox had a 10 year 327 mill offer on the table for manny there would be 0 doubt that he would sign short term, and no chance for a significant push from a team on the sidelines.

    Or the agent would think, they already bid against themselves before, maybe we can get them to do it again if we just wait it out. if not we will just sign the 10 for 327

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  9. Just now, mqr said:

    The attitude around here ebbs and flows based on absolutely nothing. It really is something  to behold.

    I think it ebbs and flows based on when media brings up the big market teams. If a media member mentions the yanks with MM or cubs with Harper everybody loses their minds...

  10. 2 minutes ago, Jose Abreu said:

    I don't know about this. I actually wrote a blog post last week about this very idea. I think the White Sox have the upper hand because they, unlike the Phillies, are not expected to compete this year, so they are able to just wait and wait and wait because their 2019 roster isn't the priority 

    Exactly, we have no reason to throw our hands up, even if the season started. We've always known we aren't going for it this season, its all about the future. If Manny wants to sign here in June why would we say no?

  11. 2 minutes ago, iWiN4PreP said:

    1. Universal DH should definitely be a thing. It's long overdue and I don't think I need to repeat the argument why.

    2. I DON'T like the pitch to 3-batter rule. First, the whole injury scenario that is being discussed is a legitimate concern. If a pitcher feels a tweak he may be more inclined to try to pitch a few more batters to not break the rule and suffer a DL stint of sorts. That could lead to an increase in devastating injuries. I think this rule is similiar to the 'no-shift' rules. It's like saying 'we can't beat it, so let's make a rule against it.' I realize that that this is more for the entertainment of the viewer, but perhaps there could be ways to streamline this process or better reward pitchers who pitch more innings, idk.

    The limit of 3 seems arbitrary. Why not 2? Why not 4? Just because it's one inning? What if you get 1 out of 3? You can be pulled then? etc. 


    There's gotta be better ways to 'fix' the game then forcing RP to face 3 batters or limiting how many pitchers you can use per game. 

    I was thinking maybe you could have a rule that your relief pitcher needs to be warmed up before you bring him in. Give him 3 pitches or a time limit or something to make it a shorter process...

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  12. ; and he can throw and calls a good game but is a below-average receiver

    judging by this line, if mlb goes to an automated strike zone in the next couple of years it would completely change his defensive outlook. Plus this is not the scouting report of a butcher behind the plate that some say he is...

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