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Bad News, Looks Like Cubs will Sign Maddux


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Watch and pray that the injury bug hits the Cubs.  Zambrano, Wood and Prior will miss a lot of starts after so much pitching last year.  I hate to wish injury upon someone, but if it hurts the Cubs, I am for it.

I'd much rather that there is a clash of the egos, much like Lofton did when he disputed with Sosa about swinging for the fences. A good veteran can make this happen. If not a clash of the egos, the team is overhyped and chokes big time, much like our Sox the past 3 years

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Watch and pray that the injury bug hits the Cubs.  Zambrano, Wood and Prior will miss a lot of starts after so much pitching last year.  I hate to wish injury upon someone, but if it hurts the Cubs, I am for it.

Prior will NOT miss time because of pitching too much. The guys mechanics are as sweet as you'll find in the league. Also, as an FYI, Wood threw 2 fewer innings in 2003 then he did in 2002 while making one fewer start(and I don't even think it was an injury related missed start....I just don't think the schedule worked out to where he could get 33 starts in).


I won't rule out Zambrano though. He might, but I doubt it.


We should not hope for injuries. What anti-Cubs fans should do(because I know there are some on this board) is expect the Cubs to have a great season. If they do, you aren't heartbroken, and if they don't, you get that nice, warm fuzzy feeling inside of you. I expect they'll sign Maddux, he'll have a decent year(15-10 4.00 180 innings with a good K-BB ratio), the Cubs will win the division and they'll lose in the NLCS in 6 games.

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