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widows of 911 victims speak out


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I am sitting at the office listening to NPR, to four widows of victims of the terrorist attack on the WTC. The things they are saying are incredible. And even more so is that some people ahve called in to rip into these women for asking questions, ripping these women for wanting the inquiry to what happened that day have the limitations taken off.


They indicate there is a "smoking gun" out there that is being hidden thus far. They have been informed of this in pursuit of their own search foir answers.


911 family link

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Cw, are you saying there Is some "deepthroat" out there steering these families toward the truth? Some of those questions intended to be asked of the President (on the website) cover some interesting points. I believe there is no way Bush voluntarily takes part in this unless he is subpoenead.

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Cw, are you saying there Is some "deepthroat" out there steering these families toward the truth?  Some of those questions intended to be asked of the President (on the website) cover some interesting points.  I believe there is no way Bush voluntarily takes part in this unless he is subpoenead.

I am saying that one of them very specifically said that they have told of a smoking gun by several deep throats, and that some of the deep throats have testified and some not testified yet but that it will all come out.


One of their very interesting other points was why were we told repatedly that everything was done with box cutters when the stewardess' telephone call that was released indicated mace - they said a lot of key parts of that call were not released -


and that the one that they continue to be refused is the logs of the president's briefings in August 2001...


and before it gets asked, all of them tonight on NPR had voted for G W in 2000 and were Republicans

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