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And another ones gone......And another ones gone...........

Israel had previously tried to kill Rantisi June 10 when three Apache helicopters fired at least seven missiles toward Rantisi's car in a crowded Gaza thoroughfare, reducing his vehicle to a scorched heap of metal. Rantisi escaped with a wound to the right leg. Two Palestinian bystanders were killed.

Rantisi's car in a crowded Gaza thoroughfare

Two Palestinian bystanders were killed


I would be so proud to know I was murdering innocent bystanders. I cannot believe anyone can applaud the murder of innocent lives. Imagine of Israel decided to fire missles down the Dan Ryan suring rush hour because a Hamas leader was around. :headshake

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Rantisi's car in a crowded Gaza thoroughfare

Two Palestinian bystanders were killed


I would be so proud to know I was murdering innocent bystanders. I cannot believe anyone can applaud the murder of innocent lives. Imagine of Israel decided to fire missles down the Dan Ryan suring rush hour because a Hamas leader was around. :headshake

Who cares?


Not me and not Isreal4ever either.

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There's not a whole lot of innocent palis! 70+% of them want Israel eliminated.


Bummer for them...wrong place, wrong time!



f*** em. I could care less.


I love hearing about another terrorist mastermind getting a missle shoved up his ass. The more the better.

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Rantisi's car in a crowded Gaza thoroughfare

Two Palestinian bystanders were killed


I would be so proud to know I was murdering innocent bystanders. I cannot believe anyone can applaud the murder of innocent lives. Imagine of Israel decided to fire missles down the Dan Ryan suring rush hour because a Hamas leader was around. :headshake

Maybe next time, Israel can invite the "poor terrorist" to come out in the open, so they can kill him there.



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Like I'm supposed to shed 1 tear for "the poor terrorists".



No, not for the terrorist, but for the two people killed because they travelled on a highway. What was their crime? Driving to work?


You two have such high regard for human life. At least if you ever meet up with terrorists, you will have something in common.

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No, not for the terrorist, but for the two people killed because they travelled on a highway. What was their crime? Driving to work?


You two have such high regard for human life. At least if you ever meet up with terrorists, you will have something in common.

It's like I keep saying. Islamic fundamentalists only understand one language: Action. They only understand one word: Force. You cannot deal with these people with flowers and a rendition of Koom-ba-ya. If there are truly innocent people that get killed that's a tragedy to be sure but that is part of war and always will be.

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Isreal has got to keep this up. Hamas appoints a new leader.......the IDF shoves a missile up his ass as a way of saying hello. Knocking off anybody with the balls to step up and take charge of these assholes will keep them off balance and keep them from attacking civillians.

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If there are truly innocent people that get killed that's a tragedy

Then why cheer their deaths?


Israel fires onto a crowded highway, doesn't kill their target but does kill two bystanders. Your reaction

Who cares?


Not me and not Isreal4ever either


Israel4ever's reaction

Maybe next time, Israel can invite the "poor terrorist" to come out in the open, so they can kill him there.


So again I point out your callous disregard for human life. A trait you share with the terrorists you despise. Be proud.

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Then why cheer their deaths?


Israel fires onto a crowded highway, doesn't kill their target but does kill two bystanders. Your reaction



Israel4ever's reaction



So again I point out your callous disregard for human life. A trait you share with the terrorists you despise. Be proud.

Who's cheering innocent people's deaths? I was cheering because a terrorist mastermind got blown up into little terrorist pieces. Unless you regard Hamas bosses as "innocent" which I wouldn't put past you or a few others around here.


Apathy about collateral damage does not equate to cheering.

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Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers. --Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



That statement is true for violence as a way of achieving any kind of justice.

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Violence as a way of achieving racial justice is both impractical and immoral. It is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. The old law of an eye for an eye leaves everyone blind. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding; it seeks to annihilate rather than convert. Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers. --Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.



That statement is true for violence as a way of achieving any kind of justice.

Nice try.


Martin Luther King wasn't in charge of a nation which was surrounded on all sides by militant islamists sworn to annihilate his country and people.


As I've said before. When the stated objective of your adversary is your complete destruction, no defensive measure can be considered "extreme".

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When the stated objective of your adversary is your complete destruction, no defensive measure can be considered "extreme".

What is defensive about shooting 6 missels into a crowded highway?

You wouldn't consider nuclear extreme?

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What Dr. King said is reality.


What is not reality is the concept that any particular act of violence commited now is going to be the first time ever that violence solved anything.


Violence ends by defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers. 
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What Dr. King said is reality.


What is not reality is the concept that any particular act of violence commited now is going to be the first time ever that violence solved anything.


You are trying to debate with someone who our government has trained to believe that violence is the answer. Don't get frustrated :banghead

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Assigned reading for the Day:

The Powers that Be by Walter Wink, ethicist, see chapter 2, but the whole book couldn't really hurt...

always a good choice in author


and you really should be at the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago next fall


trust me


I am right on this


not only where you should go to school because of your yet unrecognised vocation but very convenient to USCF

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Assigned reading for the Day:

The Powers that Be by Walter Wink, ethicist, see chapter 2, but the whole book couldn't really hurt...

Would this be a good one for a week in the mountains? I am planning my summer vacation reading.

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