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MB wins again


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I like Buehrle, but i find it odd that he finally starts pitching good right when he gets a WHOLE bunch of run support.


I'd still like to see Buehrle win those low-scoring, one run games before I call him our ACE.

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You changed your argument when you used Nolan Ryan's ERA to defend your point.


And Phil Niekro is a Hall of Famer.


Quit arguing, you are showing that you are either immature and pigheaded or stupid. Either way, you are the only one that thinks you are making any sense here at all.

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so you figure 2-10 is as many games under as 8-16 too, huh?  It's not just me who comes up with that result?   ;)


since MB would need to go 1-6 to get a record like Ryan's, I would suggest that while Ryan might not have been "2-10" at any moment, his record was probably worse at points in that season.  And I'd rather have a pitcher slump early and recover than end the season at 8 under - but that is just me.


Funny that neither you nor I are trying to trash Ryan, just point out the natural slump cycles of all highly regarded pitchers - I think someone is trying to trash MB and I cannot fathom why, can you?

Youre doing nothing but making a fool of yourself. Nolay ryans 8-16 was matched with a below 3 era..........you guys are splitting hairs to try and disprove a point i never made. I said great pitchers dont start 2-10. Who cares how MB or any of the others finished? If you want to hold me to my SPECIFIC point, you must too. :rolleyes:

your point is bullls***.


many great pitchers have been 8 (or more) down at a point in a season.




MB has rebounded from that in the same season - other highly regarded pitchers haven't which is why ended 8 (or more) down.


How many seasons did Ryan lose 16 or more?


Comparing ERAs across different eras in baseball is difficult because of many circumstances. Ryans 3.something era in that season wasn't that great, although it was good.


You want to keep arguing - go on, that is what this forum provides, but you are arguing bulls*** nit picks to create something which I fail to understand.


If your sole point is no other picther in human histrory ever started 2-10, I would say odds are there are a few. If you want to slam MB for that, go ahead. But then by your reasoning - and here, stick to specifics - if an 8 down start is so horrid, than a 8 down finish is pathetic and there should be a special category of losers hall of fame for everyone to be trashed who ever finished a season 8 down.



Or... rex and I stating that all pitchers have slumps and being 8 down at some point or another is not the end of the world would allow us both to recognise the talent and quality of Ryan and MB and trash no one.


Trash no one - could you handle that?


:huh: :rolleyes:

ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm all i ever said was great pitchers dont start 2-10. YOU and REX are the ones attacking and nitpicking. Are you really this self absorbed, not to notice?

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You changed your argument when you used Nolan Ryan's ERA to defend your point. 


And Phil Niekro is a Hall of Famer. 


Quit arguing, you are showing that you are either immature and pigheaded or stupid.  Either way, you are the only one that thinks you are making any sense here at all.

Lol youre kinda immature for your age huh?

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bmr says

Who cares how MB or any of the others finished?



I guess at the end of every season, I care. At the end of the season when things like where a team finishes and if they get to the playoffs or not, no one gives a s*** about how they started - it is where they finished that matters, and the only, only, only thing that matters.

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bmr says



I guess at the end of every season, I care.  At the end of the season when things like where a team finishes and if they get to the playoffs or not, no one gives a s*** about how they started - it is where they finished that matters, and the only, only, only thing that matters.

LOL!!!!!!!!! make up your mind. I was sticking to my point.

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YOU and REX are the ones attacking and nitpicking.  Are you really this self absorbed, not to notice?

that is too totally self absorbed and self indulgent and being the poor baby on your part to even comment on so:













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Bmr, when you are being an idiot, I am going to call you on it. Your statement that Mark Buehrle is not a great pitcher because he started 2-10 is pointless. That's like saying no great hitter ever started a season by hitting less than .200 for the first month of the season.


You can try and make any point you want, but again, if it is ridiculous, I'll call you on it. Like it or not, I don't care.

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REX and CWSOX you two are really pathetic man. I never once(other than mentioning era) left my original statement, yet you two continue to do so, and tell ME im nitpicking. This is actually comical. Not to mention not once did i use a personal attack, yet i received several. I think if you re-read the thread, without worrying about whether you were wrong or right, you will see the truth. LOL have a good night. :rolleyes:

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Bmr, when you are being an idiot, I am going to call you on it.  Your statement that Mark Buehrle is not a great pitcher because he started 2-10 is pointless.  That's like saying no great hitter ever started a season by  hitting less than .200 for the first month of the season. 


You can try and make any point you want, but again, if it is ridiculous, I'll call you on it.  Like it or not, I don't care.

WHat if my point was wrong? So what. ITS MY OPINION and it gives you no right to call me names, and call me immature, and saying im trying to start figghts, when the only people doing those things are you and cwsox.

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REX and CWSOX you two are really pathetic man.  I never once(other than mentioning era) left my original statement, yet you two continue to do so, and tell ME im nitpicking.  This is actually comical.  Not to mention not once did i use a personal attack, yet i received several. I think if you re-read the thread, without worrying about whether you were wrong or right, you will see the truth.  LOL have a good night. :rolleyes:

Say what you want. If you aren't smart enough to admit that your point was ridiculous, then I have no time for you. A man admits when he is wrong. Sticking to your point even when you are wrong shows immaturity or stubbornness. Either way, I'll let you have whatever dignity you want to try and hang on to and I will walk away with my head high, knowing not only was I right, but that pathetic doesn't even enter into the picture here.

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Say what you want.  If you aren't smart enough to admit that your point was ridiculous, then I have no time for you.  A man admits when he is wrong.  Sticking to your point even when you are wrong shows immaturity or stubbornness.  Either way, I'll let you have whatever dignity you want to try and hang on to and I will walk away with my head high, knowing not only was I right, but that pathetic doesn't even enter into the picture here.

Last time i checked, opinions are never wrong. If youre too blind to see that, and have to resort to name calling, it says something about you, now doesnt it?

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Last time i checked, opinions are never wrong. If youre too blind to see that, and have to resort to name calling, it says something about you, now doesnt it?

Think what you want. But I know many opinions that are completely baseless, therefore wrong. I have even had a few myself before. Granted, I was mature enough to admit they were. That's what kind of man I am.

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BMR: REX and CWSOX you two are really pathetic man [sic]. Not to mention not once did i use a personal attack,



Rex, he insults us all along, ending with calling us "really pathetic men" (I presume he meant "men" and that was a typo, unless he thinks we are the same person, and says he never insults, just receives them.


Oh well.


time for the bmr space cadet smiley: :rolleyes:



I appreciate your citation of some stats in this, and the things you have said. I know you understand the game on a level that most of us don't and I appreciate your insights a great, great deal. :headbang

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Think what you want. But I know many opinions that are completely baseless, therefore wrong.  I have even had a few myself before.  Granted, I was mature enough to admit they were.  That's what kind of man I am.

LOL!!!!!!!! yeah what a guy. Cant admit hes wrong, and turns the mirror when he realizes it, and starts calling the other person names, like a 10 year old. I'm impressed.

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Rex, he insults us all along, ending with calling us "pathetic men" and says he never insults, just receives them.


Oh well. 


time for the bmr space cadet smiley:  :rolleyes:



I appreciate your citation of some stats in this, and the things you have said.  I know you understand the game on a level that most of us don't and I appreciate your insights a great, great deal. :headbang

Thank you sir. Those were very kind words. I appreciate you standing up with me.

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Whatever makes you happy, Bmr.  That's what makes the world go.

Just a suggestion bro. Try looking in that mirror every once in awhile, instead of turning it. Youll be amazed at the results. I admit im wrong when its proven. Opinions cant be wrong. I happen to think MB is not a great pitcher, and i just so happen to have mentioned that that great pitchers dont start 2-10. As far as i know, you did not prove that to be incorrect. Even if you had, It doesnt change my OPINION that MB is not a great pitcher. All i was doing was offering my opinion, which you decided to pick apart. That is your right, but i hardly think it needed to resort to name calling and pretending youre the better person, when youre the very person who started all this crap in the first place.

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Look, you lost your argument. You replied to my reference to Nolan Ryan that his ERA made his 8-16 record not as bad. Then when I pointed out that your original argument wasn't based on ERA but only on the shallow statement that "great pitchers don't start 2-10", you promptly went back to your originaly statement about "starting 2-10".


I will say one more time. You can't judge a guy because of a way he starts a season, yet not judge a guy who was equally bad in terms of record, just because he wasn't as bad in his first 12 decisions.


And for the record, Mark Buehrle's record may have been bad for the first three months of the season, but if you want to bring ERA into it, you might find it interesting that Mark has had only one month of the season out of the first three where his ERA was above 4. His ERA in May was 7.16. In April he was 3.92 and in June he was 3.83.


If you don't think Mark Buehrle is a great pitcher fine. But back it up with a statement you can back up with logical reasoning. But if Mark ends the season with an ERA under 4 and a record above .500, will he still be judged on his 2-10 start? If so, then judge his ass all the way to the playoffs because that is where he will be leading the Sox.


If you want to claim that you won your argument on a technicality, even though I disagree, go for it. But you, me and everyone else knows that you lost it on merit.

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Look, you lost your argument.  You replied to my reference to Nolan Ryan that his ERA made his 8-16 record not as bad.  Then when I pointed out that your original argument wasn't based on ERA but only on the shallow statement that "great pitchers don't start 2-10", you promptly went back to your originaly statement about "starting 2-10". 


I will say one more time.  You can't judge a guy because of a way he starts a season, yet not judge a guy who was equally bad in terms of record, just because he wasn't as bad in his first 12 decisions. 


And for the record, Mark Buehrle's record may have been bad for the first three months of the season, but if you want to bring ERA into it, you might find it interesting that Mark has had only one month of the season out of the first three where his ERA was above 4.  His ERA in May was 7.16.  In April he was 3.92 and in June he was 3.83. 


If you don't think Mark Buehrle is a great pitcher fine.  But back it up with a statement you can back up with logical reasoning.  But if Mark ends the season with an ERA under 4 and a record above .500, will he still be judged on his 2-10 start?  If so, then judge his ass all the way to the playoffs because that is where he will be leading the Sox.


If you want to claim that you won your argument on a technicality, even  though I disagree, go for it.  But  you, me and everyone else knows that you lost it on merit.

I dont care that i won or lost. I care that i was attacked, and called names, for stating an opinion. I think the fact that Mark has backed up the 2-10 start with 5 straight wins, goes a long way towards proving me wrong. However, I stick to my point. My experience tells me great pitchers dont start 2-10. I think if you re-read this theard you will see that i said IVE never seen it. Ive only been watching basball for about 23 years.

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