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Evansville Half Marathon

Rex Hudler

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As many of you know, I dropped a bunch of weight in 2008 but have been stuck in the same neighborhood the 9-10 months. Total weight loss fluctuates between 110-115 lbs. I have been training for a half marathon and it finally came and went on Sunday. I ran in Evansville, IN. It was 41 deg. at the start of the race, which wasn't too bad, but I'd have rather it been about 10 degrees warmer.


My goal going in what to finish at 2:37:00, a 12-minute mile pace, knowing I was going to do some walking. I started fast and was at a 9:54 pace at the 5k mark. Slowed to 10:47 at 10k and 11:07 at 15k. Ultimately, I finished at 2:31:30, an 11:34/mile pace. To boot, several GPS watches had the race measured long between 13.2 and 13.32 miles.

I was happy with my time, but the last 4 miles really kicked my ass. The hips started tightening up and my thighs felt like I was carrying an extra 20lbs on each around mile 10. For a first go around, it was a good experience. Here are three pics, two from the race and one from Dec. 2007 before this journey started.




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Great job, Rex! That's not too crazy about the GPS watches. Mine's usually about the same. The course is measured by the shortest distance possible. There's no way you'd be able to run exactly on that line.


You running the Mini next?

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