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Everything posted by Reddy

  1. It shocks me that you're in your 30s.
  2. We've been down this road. There are plenty of progressives you could make calls for.
  3. They sure hit the nail on the head when they described our generation as entitled, didn't they?
  4. His campaign is also brutally bad on an operational level. If this were any other year he'd be toast.
  5. With Bernie we will all achieve immortality.
  6. Yes to the former, nah to the latter. He hates Trump.
  7. Accurate. Like, who does Bloomberg think his base is?? Moderate Republicans and Independents? Because........ That ain't gonna work in a primary.
  8. Well, yeah. This idea that people like Bloomberg or Booker are worse than what's going on right now is some truly insane white male privilege.
  9. What on earth? How can you be a hardcore socialist style Dem now (out of nowhere I might add) yet say you'd vote for Will freaking Hurd over Booker? Y'all have lost your collective minds haha
  10. You sound like a blast at parties
  11. This just made me back him even harder.
  12. He's the last person we want here in IA01. He's also going to hurt JD.
  13. Why would Booker have a worse shot than Avenatti/Garcetti/ORourke? That's madness.
  14. There's a difference in entrenched deep Blue cities. That's where the party thing goes out the window. But federally it's gotta be about the D.
  15. Choosing between the two would be so painful for me.
  16. Lol this sounds like a story I gotta hear. His staff loves him. The same can't be said about many of the current hopefuls, and that gives you an inside look into who the person really is. Who are they when the cameras aren't on and they're just running an office? And honestly - all policy aside - I think he's one of the candidates with the best chances to win, and y'all know that's all I really care about.
  17. Met Booker today. Definitely has the perfect mix of fight+optimism that we need right now. Don't have a horse in the race, yet, but if I HAD to pick it'd probably be him right now.
  18. Dam you volunteering yet? 30 days.
  19. I don't support them if their plan is to undermine and syphon votes from candidates who can actually win. Winning is my priority. You know this. As you say, I live in the real world - not the fantasy world in which I wish we lived.
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