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Posts posted by SoxBlanco

  1. 7 hours ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    The batter was out automatically on the infield fly rule.Vaughn was called out for interference .

    Yeah, I understand what was called. It just seems like a strange rule to me. If the batter is automatically out on the infield fly, then what is Vaughn really interfering with?

    I guess you need that to be the rule to avoid an unrealistic scenario where a base runner shields the fielder from ever getting to the baseball on an infield fly and a different runner scores from third or something like that. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, fathom said:

    Yep, infielders should purposefully run into runners on every pop up now

    Exactly. I might (key word “might”) be able to get behind the call if the catch happened right after the “almost” collision. But he ran around Vaughn, ran forward another ten feet, and then camped under it for a bit. It had no effect on the play. And it was an infield fly rule. It’s baffling. 

    • Like 3
  3. 1 hour ago, caulfield12 said:


    At least he's over .700, there's that.

    This would be a much more informative post with a name attached to it. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    Having him spend the first 45 days of the season in AAA and gradually work up his innings makes much more sense to me.  First, it helps protect your bullpen to open up the season.  Second, it claws backs a year of control which is very important in the event he wears out in June or July.

    Why do we care about protecting the bullpen? Honest question, as I might be missing something.

    The way I look at it is that either...

    • Our team is so bad that it won't matter if our bullpen is taxed. It's a lost season anyway, so why worry about the bullpen?


    • We do care about the bullpen, because there's always an outside chance we could compete in our division. And if that's the case, then I'd want Crochet making his starts in the big leagues to start the year.
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  5. 6 minutes ago, Jerksticks said:

    There’s like 1500 innings that need to be thrown this year.  If him and Kopech get over 200 of those I’d call that a major success. 

    Did you remember to subtract 81, since we won’t need a pitcher to cover the bottom of the ninth for any road game this year?

    • Like 1
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    • Haha 7
  6. 2 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

    5-13 and still last by far RS/RA this spring.

    -24/-26 two worst teams after Sox.

    Still looking at mid -30s for that category after tonight.

    Did you think I was being serious?

  7. 1 hour ago, SoxAce said:

    Not that I think Thompson will amount to much (I am much higher on Mena) Getz trading younger prospects for 26 year old AAAA players is getting annoying. 

    If the Sox are very confident that Thompson will never amount to anything, the time to trade him is right now. However, you aren’t going to get a young prospect for him straight up. So you make this trade, hope Horn pitches well enough, and then you flip him for a young prospect. It would basically be flipping Thompson for said prospect, but the only way to get there is this indirect route. 

    I have no idea if that’s the actual plan here, but that’s what I’m going to tell myself to feel better about the trade. 

    • Like 4
  8. 6 hours ago, Balta1701 said:

    I would suggest skepticism over anyone claiming that this is knowable for certain. Daniel Hudson was a guaranteed injury risk, the White Sox gave him up because the pitching coach said so, he pitched well for a year and then got hurt...and since then has had a 10 year career and made over $40 million as a reliever. 

    Totally agree. You can never know that for certain. You can feel strongly that somebody might never become a major league player, but you can never know for sure. 

    However, the job of the front office is to make moves like this if you feel strongly. The person I quoted says it makes zero sense to make a trade like this. I was simply pointing out that the trade DOES make sense IF you feel strongly that Mena will never amount to anything. 

  9. 10 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    What in the f*** are you talking about?  What assertion have I backed off of?  I just don’t think that this group of pitching prospects represents some sort of surplus when our major league rotation has zero guys controllable beyond the 2025 season.  Never once referred to them as “laughable”, but misconstruing statements appears to be par for the course with you.

    But for perspective, we kicked off our previous rebuild with basically eight 50 FV and above pitching prospects.  Several of these kids peaked out at 60 FV type prospects.  The talent gap between that group and this one is tremendous and that previous group didn’t exactly provide us with a surplus of pitching.  That all may change after potential Cease & Robert trades, but the current group is not nearly deep enough IMO to be trading from and feeling good about it.

    Again, this is just my opinion.  It’s weird that my opinion is so triggering for you, but I can assure you I don’t complain about trades for “engagement”…lol.

    I think what he was trying to say is that you claimed Mena falls into the category of pitching prospects that we have quite a few of. So in that regard, we do have a surplus of those types of guys. So why not turn one of them into an outfielder when we have very few OF prospects?

    • Like 1
  10. Just now, Sports Guy said:

    Has any team met Getz’s price?  If a team had met his price, do you think he would have traded him?

    Just out of curiosity, if Cease was a free agent this offseason, what do you think his contract would look like? Just looking for your best guess. 

  11. 53 minutes ago, Tnetennba said:

    Former Royal>> 

    I watched plenty of Whit with the Jays last season. He's just not good anymore. Don't the MLB INFs they've already acquired check enough of those boxes?

    edit - With Pedro at the helm, I doubt Whit would simply be a UTIL, he'd likely play almost every day.

    Agreed. He’s not good. But I don’t think we are trying to sign good players. 

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