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Posts posted by CBJ03

  1. 23 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    Another kid that came up and for the most part just sucked ass. I don't even think it's the players at this point it's the org. It happens too often to be anything but. The core is rotten and the fruit rots around it. 

    He's 22 and came straight from AA. He did really well before getting injured. He seemed to have an idea at the plate as he didnt chase bad pitches. He's been young for every stop of his career so far. This to me screams more of a move to try and save Grifol then anything to do with Bryan. 

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  2. 34 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:

    It is insane.  I am guessing something like the Giolito return is the very top, probably less.

    Im sure it is. I just dont get how much longer they want to keep a 25 year old OF in the minors. And Gio had 3 months of control headed to Free Agency. Fedde is cost controled for a year and a half at 7.5. Thats 5th starter level contract. 

  3. 1 minute ago, caulfield12 said:

    You're willing to bet your house he will put up a 775 ops next year when his future contract situation will finally be in doubt?

    Other than getting rid of that contract and possibly getting something in trade return like Eder...he's irrelevant to the Sox future.

    I dont discount that he's not in the Sox future. But I tend to be on the side that 2020 (COVID year) and 2022 were his only bad years while everyone around here acts like he's been a waste of roster space his entire career. I think in some ways he gets an awful reputation around here for things like "all he does is party" when I'm not sure that anyone around here actually knows that he case. He made music in the off season and everyone equated that to he doesnt give a s%*# about baseball which I think is an unfair assumption as well. 

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  4. 3 hours ago, bmags said:

    i'm sorry guys. I'm gonna wait a bit on this one because I think Shane Riordan is a moron. He's probably going to be wrong in one aspect that makes the fact that he's wrong worse.


    Calling him a moron is probably one of the nicer adjectives that you can use to describe him. Also, he doesn’t have any sources. Just because he works for the score doesn’t mean he has any idea what happens in that organization. I can promise you from experience that just because you work in radio it doesn’t not translate to being in the know about anything. You’re more likely to hear personal opinions or inner workings talk then you are about clubhouse or players. 

    Also, I will add that while everyone likes to say how horrible the organization is from an on field perspective, which is totally fine to do, there are some great people who work there and they do treat people incredibly well. 

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  5. 2 minutes ago, fathom said:

    Problem is Yoan and Timmy have turned into garbage over the last full year.


    Do you think that this is the Tim Anderson that whatever team he's on next will get for the rest of his career or do you think its more likely that he's better next year? Its unfortunate that he's struggled but if I had to bet, I'd bet he'll be much better next year whether he's with the Sox or not. 


    And Moncada's back has absolutely killed him this year. It's unfortunate because it killed any chance he had at a normal season. He will probably require disc surgery or being completely shut down which the Sox refuse to do. It's unfortunate more then anything. 

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  6. 2 minutes ago, fathom said:

    The Sox have made it quite obvious they have an issue with him.  And yes, just look at the WAR of these guys. Most of them have no business starting in the majors.

    I would argue that they have  MLB starting caliber players but the construction of said players is poor. Robert, Eloy, Anderson, Bennentendi, and even Moncada are starting players on almost every team in baseball in some capacity. Just because the sum of the parts hasn't worked out doesn't mean all the parts are garbage. 

  7. 4 minutes ago, fathom said:

    I think they will quickly look for a new RF

    Kid has played in 41 games and has 138 major league at bats. Everyone  here is so quick to give up on anyone because of how the last couple of years have gone. There's no patience for anyone anymore. Everyone on this team is either someone that needs to be traded or DFA'd according to people here. 

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  8. 12 minutes ago, Heads22 said:

    If we can't justify Gavin in this starting lineup without Vaughn, there's no reason he's on the roster


    There hasnt been a justification for him in the last two years except for the front office sees a left handed bat and a guy who looks like he could hit HR's but has never had more then 16 at any level of professional baseball. He did hit 21 at Wake with a metal bat though. 

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  9. 2 minutes ago, fathom said:

    I also think his stuff would have been way down if he tried to pace himself 

    The 102 MPH fastball was what made him special when he debuted. His slider is fine, but the lack of the 3rd pitch wouldve been a problem as well. Once again not aruing the choice to put him in the pen and not sending him to the minors was the correct call. 

  10. 1 minute ago, Balta1701 said:

    You mean the kind of thing you try to get better at in the minor leagues while also building up innings?

    I'm not arguing the developmental path chosen was correct. He just looks like a guy who consistently struggles to stay in sync during his delivery. Could he have figured that out in the minors? Absolutley. He just depends on that dumb high leg kick and doesnt seem to want to ditch it. I was just giving my opinion that I dont think he would've become an effective starter long term. 

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