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Posts posted by RTC

  1. 19 minutes ago, Chisox378 said:

    CAREER 812 KS TO 196 WALKS FOR MARTE..... If we want that type of production we can find it in our farm system. I'd rather go with players that can walk and get on base.

    Career OBP is .341 - this would:

    a) Give him the third highest OBP on the White Sox

    b) Make him 44 points higher that Billy Hamilton’s career OBP

    c) all of the above

    • Haha 6
  2. 2 minutes ago, Look at Ray Ray Run said:

    I've said repeatedly it's a slight overpay but should have no impact on their ability to compete or win games, and I am happy to reward people like Abreu as that's how business works in the real world.

    What business world do you live in?!?!?!?

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  3. 41 minutes ago, BackDoorBreach said:

    Aside from being just stuck with him as our DH for 3 years, I see a scenario where we get a shitty RF because of this.  If this doesn't hamper how much money they are going to spend fine.  It's still a terrible deal.

    Spot on 

  4. 1 minute ago, Timmy U said:

    I like Engel’s D, but he can’t throw and a lot of balls fall in front of him.  Leury is just okay out there.  From what I have seen, Robert will be better.  But, yeah, Yolmer is an elite defender at second.  Has been for a while.  Moving him to third was understandable, but destroyed his value.

    I’m in no way complaining about Luis Robert, believe me.  But from what I’ve read and seen, his routes aren’t that great and he’s forced to use his athleticism to recover.  I just think there’s a possibility he won’t be as good in the field as we might hope.  At least not his first couple years.  Doesn’t diminish my excitement to watch him though.

  5. 9 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

    Madrigal, Robert and Moncada having more experience at third will help, but it seems we’re doomed to experience problems with Anderson (unless Madrigal rubs off on him), Abreu (until moved to DH) and the corner outfield spots.   On a playoff contending team, we can only hope Anderson’s concentration and tendency to make unnecessary throws will be cut back.

    Since the conversation was about defense, in what way does replacing Engel and Yolmer with Robert and Madrigal make a lick of difference?  CF defense might actually get slightly worse.

  6. I know it's Bruce Levine, but he said on the score this morning its going to be 3/45 as soon as this week.  He was stating it as something he knows, not just a guess.  What worries me is I can't see any benefit to this being a "Jerry's mouthpiece" type thing. 

    They're going to screw this up, aren't they ... .?

  7. 1 minute ago, fathom said:

    If Abreu stays at 1B, why doesn’t it make sense for a year or two?

    For a year, yes.  I just didn't have any hope they'd do that, and I didn't want more than 1 yr with Vaughn coming.  (and, for the record, even with the QO to Abreu it still wouldn't surprise me if that was just a formality and they're working on a 3yr deal with him)

  8. 14 minutes ago, YouCanPutItOnTheBoardYES! said:

    I’ll believe it when I see it. This front office doesn’t deserve the benefit of the doubt anymore.

    Yep.  But at the same time, I've never wanted to be more wrong in my life.

  9. 2 hours ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    He's a leader of men in a way Renteria never will be.  And while he has problems with his bullpen decisions have you seen our current manager?  Joe > Rick in every way.

    Which is word for word what KW said about Robin.

    • Haha 1
  10. 49 minutes ago, Sleepy Harold said:

    I believe this is how it should be approached. Whatever beef they had like 15 years ago shouldn't matter anymore. The man represents a lot of the top talent that the MLB has to offer for a reason. Balking at negotiating with him only does a disservice to your team. If they intend to be serious about taking the next step, this is something that the FO has to get over. 

    Yep.  FA’s this winter that are Boras clients include Cole, Strasburg, Moose, JDM, Ozuna, and Rendon.

  11. 8 hours ago, thxfrthmmrs said:

    Apparently you didn’t read the first sentence. Do you read posts that lead with spoilers alert if you don’t want spoilers?

    You mean like how a few pages back I prefaced my post saying I was just spitballing and you spent several posts telling me why I was being too unrealistic? 

  12. 7 hours ago, thxfrthmmrs said:

    Use BBRef payroll projections, it's your friend. Rodon and Leury are also Arb eligible. Even if we nontender Yolmer, they're at around $48M before an Abreu extension.

    While I agree the final payroll will be between $120-130M, you've also estimated severely underestimated what these guys would get. Unless there is no one else offering these guys contract, you have to bump all your projections up by 25% at least. And in Grandal's case, he's not opting out of his deal to take less money than what's he's guaranteed, especially after a 5.2 fWAR season.

    Which is why I prefaced the whole post by saying I was totally spitballing on the numbers.  I didn’t really intend for it to be any sort of specific plan, but rather an illustration that the Sox have the financial freedom 1)to be thinking beyond answers like Avi or Yolmer and 2) it’s not a situation where they need to spend money on pitching rather than hitting, they can do both

  13. 6 minutes ago, ChiSoxJon said:

    - Who? Castellanos? Maybe

    OK, fine, considering this thread is titled "A Realistic Offseason", I'LL BITE but it's all about TOTAL roster construction, not just one position:

    PREMISE : this team has way more more payroll available that most people understand.  Enough that they need to be thinking WAY beyond friggin' Avi Garcia or Yolmer Sanchez.
    ASSUMPTION : agree or disagree, they're going to re-sign Abreu.  I'm convinced of this.  I think we need to accept it.
    ASSUMPTION : plug the holes on offense, while upgrading the defense, but emphasize starting pitching.
    ASSUMPTION : Robert and Madrigal up mid-April
    ASSUMPTION : RF defense doesn't suck

    PAYROLL (spitballing here, anyone feel free to nitpick but I don't think I'm WAY off base here):
    $15M base (all they have is TA, Herrara, and Eloy)

    $20M for Arb and league minimum players (Arb is largely McCann and Colome)
    $12M Abreu (I'm thinking/hoping they'll do 2+1option, 12/10/opt)
    that's $47M, hypothetically add:
    $10 Gardner for RF (I like BamaDoc's idea, but pick equiv if you have better RF idea)
    $15M Grandal
    $12M Moose (2+opt, move Jose to DH, Moose can be 1B, along w/ Mendick can hold 2B until Madrigal and can provide 3B, DH, left-handed bench)
    $6M bullpen (because... bullpen - you better sign a body or two)
    $32M for 2 starters (take your pick based on this budget - I'm thinking one #2 plus an inning eater)
    That works out to be $122M payroll which is roughly the Twins payroll.  If you disagree with my #'s and think it's $130+, fine, they can afford it.

    - Abreu is primary DH
    - with 26 roster spots you can afford to carry someone like Engel, if can at least hit .245
    - McCann/Collins rotate between C/DH/1B
    - If Abreu needs to pay 1B a couple times x week to keep him happy, fine, whatever

    You've added:
    - Robert, Madrigal, Moose, Gardner, Grandal, to Moncada, TA, Abreu, and Eloy.  Hella lineup. 
    - 3x LH bat
    - 3x veterans, all with playoff experience
    - 3x guys with avg to above ave OBP
    - 2 starters
    - bullpen support
    - You've upgraded, defensively at 1B/RF/C

    AND ....:
    - you've upgraded 1B, C, and RF WITHOUT BLOCKING LONG TERM Sheets/Vaughn, Collins, or Basabe/Rutherford/Adolfo/Walker

    That's way better than Yolmer and Avi, and has nothing to do with chasing JDM or, Cole.

    Now .... do I think this organization can pull this off .....?  But this is what's possible.  We need to dream bigger than Avi or Yolmer.

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