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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by Moan4Yoan

  1. 2 minutes ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    Wait I know you bolded one part of my post and then literally went on to say almost the exact same thing as me in the bolded and non-bolded part.

    Yep, I misread your post.  I thought you were saying they would be sticking with what they have.

  2. 42 minutes ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

    It seems more apparent that with every passing day the Sox are going to go with what they already have or just wait everything out and see who's left over and desperate.  They could easily sign any one of those guys right now.

    I'm not sure where payroll is now but it seems to be under the $120M many were saying where it would be . What this means I have no idea. Do they wait a little longer and sign a few more guys to minor league deals ? Are they saving to see where they stand at the trade deadline ? Perhaps they are currently in negotiations with a utility guy, reliever or any of the other players left. Many here had hope payroll would be higher but RF had no clear cut option and better starting pitchers either were extremely expensive or might not provide any more than Keuchel will and were more expensive also;

    There are still over close to 15 FA's who put up between a 1-2 WAR last year . 5 of them are classified as 2B, a few of whom are utility guys.

    Others are Andrew Cashner, Jason Vargas, Russell Martin, Puig, Maybin, Pence, Pillar, Jarrod Dyson.

    There's still Colin McHugh and Taijuan Walker as possibilities who had under 1 WAR.


    I’m not so sure about this.  I think Hahn is waiting for these bench guys to get desperate and accept a cheap or minor league deal as Spring Training gets closer.  As you noted with your list, there are still some valuable players available but I think Hahn is looking to find a deal in his final dollar store shopping of the offseason.

    Sure, he could stick with Mendick but I would be surprised if he does after all the other moves this offseason.

  3. 3 hours ago, poppysox said:

    I selected Holt for his versatility but Pence would probably be the choice for spelling Mazara.  The FO seems sold on the idea that Mazara is the man... so I'll trust in that for now.

    Use your own research and thoughts.  The FO is dead wrong if they think Mazara will be able to hit lefties.  Look at his splits.

  4. Great picks so far for a guy that can hit a bit and defend all over.

    Is anyone tempted by a little more pop and less defense with the other guys available?

    I know we don’t want to see Leury at SS anymore but I’m very curious what people think.  These dudes are going to be dirt cheap as we get closer to the start of spring training and as much as I like Mendick, I would be shocked and disappointed if Hahn didn’t grab one of these veterans.

  5. 2 hours ago, tray said:

    I wonder what the point of that is. Maybe they want Kris traded for Arenado and that is their strange way of exerting some pressure to get that done.

    They know he’s going to be traded and the return isn’t going to be as good as Bryant himself so they are trying to minimize his value and importance to the team.

  6. 28 minutes ago, tray said:

    Opinions about Madrigal's perceived value will begin to solidify when we all  get to see him against major league pitching  in Spring Training.  We will all have a better idea about whether or not he is a major league player right now, whether or not 4 weeks of hitting against AAA pitchers is in order, or if the Sox should think about spending money on a Dozier type second basemen in case  Madrigal looks like he might not be in the majors for a while. 

    The Sox should add a guy like Dozier regardless.  He will cost nothing.  The Tigers just re-signed Jordy Mercer to a minor league deal.

  7. 10 minutes ago, poppysox said:

    1.  Yep

    2.  Thank you

    3.  Yes I think they both got good deals

    4.  Of course any of us who step forward with an opinion risk the ridicule of half a dozen posters.  After all...it's much easier to criticize others ideas than have one of your own.  I stepped forward immediately upon learning that Yolmer signed with the Giants and said it surprised me and it still does.  I was correct in my Grandal "hunch" and not looking good with my Pence "guess".  I didn't realize that only people like yourself with insider information were allowed to post.  My predictions are based on a lifelong following of the Sox and my 100% positivity (you must have missed my Ricky bunting rants) and guesswork is just the same as your 100% negativity and guesswork.


    1.  I could not find this announcement.  Care to share a link?  I did find this however...



    4.  I am not an insider, nor do I aspire to be one.  There are enough fakes on Twitter.  But good to know you are not a fan of Ricky Bunteria.

  8. 32 minutes ago, poppysox said:

    You touch on many valid points and areas where fans can differ:

    1)  I am not saying a player can't fulfill his contract...file for free agency...and leave.  I am stating that it is unwise to announce from the beginning that you intend to wait for free agency and go to the highest bidder.  Doesn't make him sound like a team first kind of guy.

     2)  Secondly, if Moncada and or Giolito don't want to accept an extension...that's fine.  I hope RH trades them with two years left on their contracts so we get the major haul be are entitled to in return.  Don't pull a Baltimore and have your star walk out the door with nothing. 

    3)  Your notion that the Sox are being self serving is half true of course.  Both parties are looking out for themselves.  Teams want to save money and players want financial security in case of injury or are less success than they hope for.  

    4 )  The same posters who disagree with me about my hope that Madrigal is extended...disagreed with me when I indicated Robert should be approached with an extension.  Those people said Robert already had his payday so wouldn't be lured by dollar signs.  You were probably one of those posters.  In any event...quite a few posters told me how ridiculous my thought of Robert signing an extension was.  Not one of them has come forward to say they were wrong.  

    1.  Did Kris Bryant or his agent Boras ever officially announce from the beginning that they intended to wait for free agency and go to the highest bidder?

    2.  Now this is a reasonable perspective.

    3.  True, but do you think the Sox paid both Eloy and Robert exactly what the Sox estimate their worth to be?  Of course not.  Just look at the team options at the end of the deal.  The Sox think they will be getting a deal on both guys in the long run.  Yes, there is risk there for the Sox but I would venture to guess these types of deals for top prospects work far more often than fail (Jon Singleton is the only failed early extension I can think of).

    4.  When you are either always positive or always negative about absolutely EVERYTHING when it comes to the Sox, you will typically be right more often than not.  If Madrigal isn’t extended, will that negate your Robert extension prediction?  It’s pretty easy to simply predict extensions for the two players that need them to make the opening day roster, considering that is exactly how Eloy made the opening day roster last offseason.  Finally, you also predicted that the Sox would re-sign Yolmer and offered up a few ridiculous contract terms.  Meanwhile, you were way off and he signed for a minor league deal with the Giants.  Your predictions are simply based on your love for current Sox players, 100% positivity, and guesswork.  Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

  9. 7 hours ago, Dick Allen said:

    Right, but I bet the new CBA will address any straggler manipulations. Anyone who gets called up a day or two after their service time changes this season or next, will IMO, have it credited back. 

    It's a loophole in the rules the players should have seen coming. They will use any loophole they can get.  No one is ever going to be an expert on when a prospect is ready and when he is not. Some guys are ready to go, some need a little time. Some need no time. But calling someone up right after the magic day does indicate you are playing with  the rules, and I think it will be addressed, and stopped now. 

    I think you are way off base here.  Has there ever been a change made within an MLB CBA that retroactively affected situations prior to the agreement of the new CBA?


    From a legal standpoint, this wouldn’t even make sense.  Rules are rules and laws are laws until changes are agreed upon and the rules and laws are changed.  Once they are changed, they go into effect.

    Once the owners and players are in agreement on the new CBA, and service time manipulation is addressed within this new CBA, it will take effect going forward.

  10. 1 hour ago, poppysox said:

    When I first heard Bryant say he wouldn't consider an extension I had a neg. vibe against him.


    It’s ultimately a business.  Players are doing what is best for their lives, families, careers, etc.

    Obviously MLB players are getting paid at a much higher scale than the average 9-5 employee but have you ever applied to a better paying job while already employed at a different company?  Have you ever accepted this better opportunity and turned down your current company’s counteroffer because the new job was a better fit for you due to the money, proximity to home, less travel, better chance of moving up, etc.?  If so, you are being a hypocrite.  I think your perspective is a bit ridiculous.

    Also, are you going to start disliking Moncada and/or Giolito if they don’t accept a contract extension from the Sox?  Let’s be honest here, the Sox aren’t offering these young players long-term extensions because they want to do the players a favor.  The Sox are looking at these extensions as team friendly deals that will likely save them a lot of money over the long run.  Hahn and the Sox are being self-serving with these deals.

    I keep seeing you say you expect the Sox to extend Madrigal before the season starts so he makes the opening day roster.  Many posters have disagreed with you reasoning that he is not a sure-fire prospect like Luis Robert that a team would be wise to throw a bunch of money at until they can see how his game plays in the majors.  This could definitely be the case and it is more than likely that Hahn and the Sox are being self-serving like I said.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Kyyle23 said:

    You mean the Cubs, right

    Nope, I see what you mean but I worded it in a weird way.

    For the trade to work and keep the Cubs out of luxury tax hell, the Rockies would have to eat a lot of Arenado’s money.  Which makes the trade even less likely or logical.

  12. 12 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    This move will certainly be eliminated next contract, and I doubt the guys who have had it happen to them will be "grandfathered" to have to be controlled the extra year. If Madrigal is ready, I bet he is on the opening day roster. They won't be able to play with service time now. Last year, they probably get away with it. But I would venture to guess moving forward, any manipulation will be addressed in the next CBA.

    Why not?  This decision shows that the Sox can indeed hold Madrigal down and manipulate his service time this year.  And Madrigal is no where near the player that Bryant was in the minors so it would be even easier to defend.

    The new CBA, that hasn’t happened yet, isn’t going to retroactively change or penalize for past service time manipulation.  That is ludicrous.

  13. 37 minutes ago, fathom said:

    No idea but Jesse Rogers reporting it’s been discussed 

    It makes zero sense for a two reasons...

    The Rockies would have to take on a lot of money.  How does trading Bryant’s $18.6 million salary and taking on Arenado’s $35 million dollar salary keep the Cubs out of luxury tax hell?

    Also, Arenado has an opt-out clause after the 2021 season so both Bryant and Arenado could only be under control for 2 more seasons.  Arenado would have to waive this clause for a trade to begin to make some sense.

  14. 5 hours ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    You’re linking his hair style to potential attitude problems?  Good god man you need to get with the times because you constantly come across as some whiny curmudgeon.

    5 hours ago, poppysox said:

    What's wrong with being a whiny curmudgeon?  That description fits half the people on this board.

    26 minutes ago, tray said:

    You turned an innocuous light spirited comment about a player's hair dye into a vengeful; personal attack against a poster.  Instead of responding in kind I  will simply ignore any future comments by you. Fine by me if you do the same.


    • Haha 3
  15. 1 hour ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    Not that we’re trading for Betts, but any package would partially be offset by a supplemental draft pick if Mookie were to leave.  That would have to be packaged into a potential price.

    Which makes sense that the Red Sox would trade him now, right?  He has more value now.  If they wait until the trade deadline to deal him, no supplemental pick is attached to Betts going into free agency?

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