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Posts posted by ThirdGen

  1. A lot of interesting information, none is particularly shocking given what we have seen on the field. I am confused by the Wintrust/Guaranteed Rate field comment. I have heard from multiple people that Wintrust actually outbid GR for the rights, but some shenanigans by Sox employees misled the decision makers into GR's direction.  But if Wintrust really wanted to restore the name Comiskey Park in some fashion why would JR object? That's what he originally named the park when it was built. Not like GR was proposing Reinsdorf Field as their name.

  2. Why did Lance Johnson think Thomas would get pitched around more in the three hole with Ventura, Bell and Bo hitting behind him than hitting five with the likes of Pasqua, Sax and Karkovice behind him? And why did Johnson think having a guy OPS 1.033 in the three hole would cost the Sox a chance at a World Series? And was Lamont really stupid enough the even consider moving Frank to a spot where he would see no good pitches to give Bell and Ventura better pitches?

    And did Pearlman consider how ridiculous Johnson's quote was when he chose to publish it?

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  3. 11 hours ago, tray said:


    Reading through this thread I find some out-sized opinions about future ticket sales by some posters that only attend one game a year or live in distant locations and never go.  My hope for Sox fans is that the front office makes some moves that get fans excited about the 2023 season and maybe plan on going to a few more games.


    From my personal experience the fans who are the first to loudly proclaim a boycott are usually the ones that rarely buy tickets anyway.

    However this year, many season ticket holders I know are saying screw it, especially after the price increase.  Far more than I can ever remember, even after the White Flag trade.  This year is different.

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  4. 3 hours ago, WBWSF said:

    The Cubs will still have the highest ticket prices in MLB.  Going to a Cubs game  can bankrupt the average fan. Its much cheaper going to a White Sox game. The White Sox have numerous games where the tickets are discounted.

    If the Cubs are worried about being able to sell tickets in the current environment, a problem they rarely have, the Sox should be terrified. Raising ticket prices when everyone is getting squeezed economically from every direction, both personal costs and business costs is pure lunacy. Especially after pissing off a large chunk of the fanbase with an unlikeable team and unwillingness to make necessary changes last year. Completely tone deaf decision making and evidence they don't give a s%*# about season ticket holders.

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  5. The baseball world isn't that big, I would guess that they know 95% of what a potential manager is about and can bring to the organization without an interview. If they aren't interviewing Maddon, Guillen etc it is because they already know 100% of what that manager is and aren't interested.

    It works the other way around also, and I wouldn't be surprised if some of the top bench coach choices would interview for the experience and then drop out of consideration based on Sox disfunction reputation.  Particularly if they think other organizations are interested, including their own in a year or two.

    • Like 1
  6. 4 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

    When he left the Sox it was a promotion to manager. The tried to bring him back after they fired Lamont after  30 or so games in 1995. Somehow they blamed that horrible start on him, and thought Terry Bevington was the better choice.  After the season Leyland was available, but since the Sox s%*# on his friend they had no chance. They kept Bevington which is all you really need to know about what JR thinks managers not named Tony or Jim are worth.

    Harrelson also s%*# on Leyland a bit before he left.  Harrelson's first winter as GM he was publicly talking about not bringing TLR back, and mentioned he had candidates in mind.  Leyland was not one of them, as none were with the org. Leyland was a TLR supporter, not a Hawk supporter and saw the writing on the wall. Of course he would have taken the Pitts job anyway I'm sure, but he wasn't happy about the direction the Sox were about to take with Hawk either.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Lip Man 1 said:

    One example I was told was that JR wasn't given all the needed information on the Guaranteed Rate stadium deal from a financial standpoint. Wintrust actually made a better offer. 

    Was told there are certain members of the front office that are angling for the presidency of the franchise.

    Also given specifics of issues with broadcasters being told certain things were agreed to in contracts then later those agreements were changed. Resulted in things like Ed Farmer getting into a screaming match with Sox front office people at the stadium. Got to the point where broadcasters were going to JR to explain what was happening and he said he doesn't want to hear/deal with this anymore. 

    I'm continuing to speak with people next week trying to sort out truth from fiction.

    I've heard the same thing about Wintrust.  Definite shenanigans in that process.

  8. 12 minutes ago, poppysox said:

    If JR has any sense, he will hire a proven manager and give him free reign to bring in coaches he knows and believes in.  If I was going to lose my job in a few years because I didn't win... I would want to give myself the best chance of success.  TL was so removed from the manager's job that he no longer had those connections.  In his first go round...Tony had Jim Leland, and Dave Duncan to help him get the job done.


    Careful, Leyland is still around and also felt slighted when he left the Sox the first time!

    • Haha 2
  9. 1 hour ago, poppysox said:

    What coaches did TL bring with him?  Duncan's kid is not a coach.

    Cairo and Katz were the only two that weren't carry overs.  Cairo was definitely TLR's doing, Katz probably not.  Reinsdorf's loyalty > LaRussa's influence.  That's my point, we need a manager that isn't beholden to or afraid of JR and will fire coaches into the sun if they are not performing.  Not sure if that exists, but Bochy could be our best chance.

  10. 4 hours ago, pcq said:

    Sometimes with certain street parking the local kids would offer to guard your car for a fee. Not recommended to decline the offer.

    I know someone who parked their car on the street not too far from the United Center and declined such an offer.  Turned out to be a mistake.

  11. 1 hour ago, Balta1701 said:

    I'm pretty sure we just had a manager who did exactly that and got pretty much everything he wanted. It did not go well. 

    By all accounts TLR didn't listen to coaches, data analysts, etc.  So they could have surrounded him with chimps and circus clowns and gotten the same result.

    From what I've heard about Bochy that is not the case with him, and he is more likely to surround himself with trusted people who provide him useful information that he would actually use in a game situation.  I do not trust Hahn and Williams to do the same it they hire the coaching staff, or most likely retain the current staff, cuz loyalty.

  12. 14 hours ago, poppysox said:

    One of the pluses of hiring a Bochy type is they have the connections to attract top coaches and the reputation to demand the right to hire most of his coaches.  I like Jirschele a lot, but he wouldn't have the pull to demand much of anything.  Bochy as manager with Jirschele as bench coach would make a lot of sense.

    That's exactly why I want Bochy as opposed to a first time manager.  I want a manager who will tell Hahn Williams and JR to f off unless he gets most of what he wants or needs, as opposed to someone who is just happy to be here.

    • TLR 1
  13. I would consider Robin Ventura to be on the same level of the Sox pyramid of greatness as Jose, he would be on this list as well if he wasn't playing with Frank (39.1 fWAR with 90's Sox).  Lots of players on that list not deserving of number retirement, only on the list as they played during periods of Sox mediocrity of which there have been many decades.

    Surprised Konerko was that low, in retrospect his number retirement was probably more emotional than stat based. But he did win a World Series and was a leader of that team, so lots of non-fWAR bonus points on that.

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  14. I love Jose, but I don't think 9 seasons with his numbers qualifies for the ultimate White Sox honor. Take a look at Baseball Reference for the list of comparable players both based on his career and his age and there is not one that any team would consider retiring a number for.

    Much like Baines was at the time, the uniform number retirement would be more based on emotion than achievement.

    Again, Jose is awesome and I appreciate his career here. 

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  15. Is it just the media's opinion that the Sox won't consider anyone from their minor league system, or has Hahn directly or indirectly stated this?  Anyone know why Jirschele isn't mentioned by anyone. I haven't followed him, so I don't know how he is doing, but he's been there for awhile and I recall his name being mentioned prior to LaRussa popping up. Also I'm sure he is not a candidate, but worth noting that Jim Leyland's son Patrick has been with the team as a low level manager and bench coach for a couple of years now.

  16. 7 hours ago, greg775 said:

    I always laugh when Sox fans clamor to get rid of a proven White Sox veteran and beloved player, the team's player of the year. Cause for Jose to leave the Sox that means some other team and all its analysts that sign him for good money think he still has another good year or two or three left in him. Some team is gonna sign him for significant cash, why not the Sox? Again his reward for being our best player is "thanx, see ya buddy; we'll bring u back when the statue is constructed and ready to put up."

    When did modern baseball sabes people decide 35 is ancient? Used to be they'd go to 39 minimum if they were "name" stars. There have been some exceptions. There just seems something wrong in wanting Sox best player this season to take a hike. It's weird, frankly.

    In this particular case the roster construction has more to do with it than Jose's age. Somebody out of Vaughn, Eloy, Sheets, and Abreu needs to go before we can get legitimate corner outfielders, and Abreu happens to be the oldest and most expensive.  If it weren't for that I think most fans would be OK with Abreu growing old with us.

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