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Posts posted by DoUEvenShift

  1. Interesting read to put it lightly. 

    The biggest factor that put me solidly in the defend Kopech opting out camp was actually the financial aspect. I believe someone here had said it here months ago. With him going through a divorce Vanessa may attempt to collect alimony. I'm not saying she is, this is obviously speculation, but lets see what happens *if* she were to do this.

    1. With her being a a famous actress/"wealthy" you can assume she is going to have a pretty damn good divorce attorney.

    2. Right now Michael is still a prospect. I know he played in 4 games in 2018 but you can't really base the amount of money he is going to make over a career on that.

    3. Had Michael played and performed well this year any decent lawyer would have definitely used that to try and increase the $$$ Vanessa will be getting.


    I think there are a lot of other valid reasons for him opting out but him not playing could have *saved* him millions of dollars throughout his lifetime. I'm not an expert and if anyone is familiar with divorce on professional athletes I'd love to hear what you think. 



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  2. Great link. Nick breathes nothing but baseball. Love it.


    " It would start the night before, with Madrigal laying out his uniform and massaging his glove with oil."

    I have a very similar routine but something else I oil up.



    • Haha 2
  3. 3 minutes ago, chitownsportsfan said:

    Seeing Eloy that fired up with the "lets go" isn't something I expected from him.  Love it.  Nice to see from a guy I sometimes feel plays a bit too loose. 

    I've never seen him like that before and it gave me shivers when I watched the replay. Reminded me of the "Let me see your war face" Full Metal Jacket scene

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