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Posts posted by HighHeat45

  1. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ May 22, 2005 -> 10:28 PM)
      It also goes a long way to explaining why Obi Wan stops fighting and takes on a meditative posture right before vader strikes him down in Hope, as he probably had to get in the right mindset to direct his will/spirit to whatever existence it had to take on to be able to speak to Luke later.


    And i only remember this cus i watched Phantom Menace yesterday but when Qui Gon is fighting Maul the red sheld thing comes up and Qui Gon kneels down and meditates for a few minutes while maul walks back and forth, then the thing opens and he starts fighting but dies. So that would go with the mindset thing.

  2. QUOTE(danman31 @ May 22, 2005 -> 10:23 PM)
    I got that too. That's why I watched A New Hope the day after, lol.


    I hope they make an episode 3.5 :P



    I dont know if anyone else understood this part besides me but at the end where Yoda tells Obi wan that Qui Gon has made contact from the dead and he will teach him how, that is how he talks to Luke in 4,5 and 6. I was the only one out of my group that understood that.



    And the best yoda line was somethin like


    Not if anything to say about it, i have

  4. Not about episode 3 but i was watchin Return of the Jedi on DVD that i got for christmas and never got around to watchin. But at the end party scene they have Anikian from episode 3 ghost standing where the guy who was in the darth vader suit was standing. And i went back to the video and fast forwarded and realized they re did the entire party scene with different music and a different order of showing things.

  5. From NintendoNow


    We have designed Revolution to be capable to download 20 years of Nintendo content.  You will be able to purchase games created for NES, SNES, N64 and GameCube for Revolution.


    You gotta pay for em, i hope its not a hefty price...

  6. Damn, i had a thing for a free cheesburger from that choose your destiny game at BK and wendys is next door. I could have gotton the free cheesburger then gone to wendys and gotton a free frosty and paid nothin for lunch :bang

  7. QUOTE(JimH @ May 12, 2005 -> 09:53 PM)
    No, what he said was to Hawk.  It was at the end of the broadcast and DJ told Hawk how glad he was that Hawk was back, and Ventura said "no one is more happy than me that you're back".

    That changes everything :chair


  8. 2. Hank Greenberg doesn't get pitched to.


    In 1938, there was widespread anti-Semitism in this country, in part because of people's concerns that the United States would soon have to enter the growing war in Europe. The Detroit Tigers' Hank Greenberg was on his way to breaking Babe Ruth's single-season home run record, but pitchers stopped pitching to him.


    Greenberg faced many of the same kind of venom-filled letters from strangers that Hank Aaron received in the days leading to his breaking of Ruth's career home run record in 1974. Greenberg hit his 58th home run with five games left in the 1938 season.


    Was there a conspiracy by anti-Semitic pitchers not giving him any good pitches to hit? Greenberg never claimed any collusion in the years that followed any. He said he simply "ran out of gas," and finished with 58.


    Now, i dont know the whole story because I just heard of this now, but isnt it possible they didnt pitch to him so he didnt hit a home run and get an easy run, Not just because he was Jewish?

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