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Posts posted by HighHeat45

  1. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ May 2, 2005 -> 10:05 PM)
    Ok, I understand that.  But say I buy one of the iPod's shown here.  Other than how much music I can hold on it (which, fwiw, 1000 is plenty for me.  I doubt I'll even use 500), is there any reason that I shouldn't buy it?


    Thats exactly the way i felt when i got my mini and i have just about 200 songs and am perfectly happy.


    Edit: here are the exact thing from settings, i have less songs than i thought.


    Songs 148

    Capacity 3.7 (originally 4, you lose when you format at the begining)

    Available 3.1


    I dont put every song i ever hear on my pod, just songs i like and will listen to.

  2. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ May 2, 2005 -> 10:00 PM)
    Wait, I'm confused.  Is there a disk within the iPod that you save the songs on?


    Or, do you get 1,000 songs -- period?



    Everything is in Itunes, you get a library you can delete songs, add songs, create playlists, organize by group, album, genre etc. Its really simple.

  3. The reason i didnt go with the bigger one is that 1000 songs is alot (for me at least), i only have like 200 on my mini right now and there are a bunch that i could get rid of because i never listen to. If i ever get to 1000 im sure i would have a ton that i wouldnt care deleting.

  4. My friend has somethin in his car that plays over the speakers. I dont remember what it is but i dont think its the itrip and i think he told me it was only 15 bucks. Ill have to ask him.

  5. Ive got an Ipod mini that holds 1000 and I love it. Its $200 now and i got it for $250 so thats what I would get. Also the Ipod has the 1 year warrenty, which BTW i have a story about.


    On friday night my ipod turned off and the wouldnt come back on, I knew the battery was ok because it was plugged into the wall when i was usin it so it wouldnt have gone off. So i try the reset option press all sorts of buttons...nothin. So I went to the site and took advantage of the warrenty and they sent me a box that i would send it back in and it came this morning so i figured id send it out after school, but i go to my room grab the ipod and realize that it is on and its working fine. I tried like 5 times saturday and sunday to get this to work and nothin...but its fine now. I still have till may 13 to send it back so im gunna keep the box incase somethin happens again but its weird.

  6. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ May 1, 2005 -> 08:57 PM)
    I Don't think I've ever laughed so hard after that opening sequence.



    That was aweome, listin all the shows that failed since family guy went off the air :lolhitting

  7. QUOTE(Palehosefan @ May 1, 2005 -> 08:49 PM)
    I do laugh at the past shots, when God has his secretary calling him Mr. Patterson etc. Today's episode was just over the line with me.


    The last episode before it was canceled was that one Jewish one that was alot harsher on jews than this one was on christians.

  8. QUOTE(Rex Hudler @ Apr 30, 2005 -> 11:13 AM)
    I've noticed the same.  Iguchi has been unhappy for three years and has been the everyday 2B the whole time.  I also hate when they tell me AAA players are unhappy about their playing time after their season is already over.  Of course they are aren't getting much PT, their season is freaking done!


    Also if they go on the DL even for 15 days they wont be happy again till the next season.

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