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Posts posted by HighHeat45

  1. from whitesox.com


    Guillen didn't witness the finish, as he was too busy "throwing stuff all over the place" back in the clubhouse. A small crack on a wall in the manager's office, with an empty laundry basket laying off to the side, backed up Guillen's description.




  2. With all these new posters coming in they are all asking for sigs the day they come and then dissappearing forver you probably have to establish yourself for someone to work on a sig for you. I used to make some sigs then the person would say thanks for the sig, put it up and never post again. I know one in particular I still have saved from someone im gunna use to replace my current one after the Bulls are done.


    Im not saying your gunna be someone who never comes back after taking the sig but it happens and then the person who made it thinks they wasted their time.

  3. QUOTE(whitesoxin' @ Apr 23, 2005 -> 11:53 PM)
    Haha I tried using the Royals earlier tonight and lost 1-0. Their offense is awful and Sweeney got thrown out at home on what would have been my only run. The Red Sox had one hit off Greinke and it was a solo home run..


    Edit: If you see this, I'm not gonna be on again tonight because I have work early tomorrow. I should be on later tomorrow night around 9. Lemme know if your planning on playing any of those times, I should be on just about every night after 9.


    I just lost my first game 1-0 in 9 innings. I streatched Greink too long. He had a no hitter against the angels till the 7th.


    Ill just look for you on AIM tomarrow night then. I got your name from your profile.

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