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Posts posted by greasywheels121

  1. At work, a customer wrote a letter on my behalf and sent it to corporate and the CEO, complimenting the way I did things. Got an email from the VP last week and a handwritten note from the CEO today, with the letter attached. Kind of nice, especially since I usually only catch wind of things locally, when customers throw us under the bus for their idiocy.

  2. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 22, 2009 -> 12:16 AM)
    After the site gets upgraded and onto the new forum software, we have two big upgrades. One the brand new FutureSox layout (its stunning) and two, a secret surprise which will roll-out afterwards and remind some people of the good "ole" days.


    No one other than Mario and I know of what the 2nd surprise is, just an FYI, but it'll go one step farther in making our network the ultimate place for a White Sox fan.


    Bring back the podcasts. :headbang

  3. QUOTE (Rex Hudler @ Jun 14, 2009 -> 11:22 AM)
    This isn't new. Minor League teams have been doing this for at least 5-6 years, maybe longer. Apparently, peanut allergy is very sensitive and yes it would keep someone from being able to go to a ballpark. Simply the shells on the ground could trigger a reaction. I'm sure someone knows more about this affliction than I do, but I know it is bad enough that the stadium has to be pressure washed before the event.


    Yeah, when I worked for the Wizards (now the TinCaps) a couple of summers ago, they hosted a few peanut-free games. Those games actually showed a small spike in attendance too.

  4. QUOTE (qwerty @ Jun 10, 2009 -> 04:58 PM)
    I brought this up several days ago in the chat...


    I am the last person to bring up the 2005 world series, this is actually only the second time since they won that i can recall mentioning it. The sox winning the world series forever made me a better sports fan and made me appreciate entertainment as a whole better. Prior to the sox being victorious in the 2005 world series i lived and died with every pitch, shot, pass. I was one of those people that you did not want to be around after a loss, which carried over until the next day. Being a chicago sports fan i was more miserable than i felt joy, which just made no sense. The reason we all want to be entertained, by any form of entertainment, is because for a little bit we want to forget reality and feel good, not the polar opposite.


    Basically, baseball is just a game (hard to believe at times, i know) but we have a greater game to worry about, and that would be the game of life. The majority of individuals care far more about anyone in the entertainment business than any of those specific individuals care about their entire fan base. Think about that for a moment.


    I agree with your sentiment on this one. I think the 2005 WS forever changed the way I view the Sox and sports, for the better.

  5. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jun 3, 2009 -> 07:14 PM)
    So I had a near death experience today. And by that I mean that I was probably a few feet away from dying. Driving back to Chicago from Carbondale and my car just out of no where(might have caught the trucks back draft or something) gets loose and I had absolutely no control of it. It swerves left and then swerves right under a semi truck. So ya, we ended up under the semi, literally just a few feet away from getting ran over by the wheels.


    Now that you're alive; we need to catch a Sox game in the near future.

  6. QUOTE (danman31 @ Jun 3, 2009 -> 02:15 PM)
    I'm gonna defend Fallon. I think he's done pretty well so far.


    Seconded. I've actually a recorded a few shows a week to catch during downtime on the weekends.

  7. QUOTE (Brian @ May 31, 2009 -> 01:26 PM)
    1. Cut a hole in the box....



    QUOTE (MHizzle85 @ May 31, 2009 -> 01:29 PM)
    2. Put your junk in that box.



    QUOTE (Buehrle>Wood @ May 31, 2009 -> 01:41 PM)
    3. Make her open the box.



  8. QUOTE (witesoxfan @ May 27, 2009 -> 01:17 PM)
    Happy birthday Frank Thomas. 41.


    Jeff Bagwell gets no birthday wishes from me.


    I don't know if it's sad or awesome that when I ripped the page off my calendar this morning and saw it was May 27th, Frank Thomas' birthday was the first thing that popped in mind.


    Happy birthday, Hurt.

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