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Posts posted by Chisoxfn

  1. As far as another pitcher that I would like it would be Andy Pettite and a Yankee top prospect or something like that and then go out and sign a pitcher like Maddux.


    Of course I don't really like Pettite, but its a possibility.

  2. We have a strong minor league system. Still, I do feel that we aren't the only team to undergo pitching injuries. It happens to everyteam. If you look at the Cubs, they have lost Ben Christensen, Scott Schiasson, Steve Smyth, and a couple others due to injury the past two seasons down in the minors.

  3. How about Lee, Foulke, and Johnson or Paul to Baltimore for Sidney Ponson. That gives us one good pitcher thats young and is a real workhorse as well as frees up salary so we can still sign another pitcher.

  4. Good to hear Frank is happy with staying and expects to play with the Sox. I'm glad the fans gave him a good ovation and I wish he was able to do more in that at bat. I know one thing and thats that I am going to miss Thomas if he isn't around next year wearing a Sox uni.


    Think if Thomas finds his old form and he comes close to 2000 and then look at Maggs current numbers and if he pulls them too, then we would have two potent potent mvp threats.

  5. Thanks for the article LDF.


    The guy I want to see up here next year is Joe Valentine. That guy is filthy and can be a great attidition to our bullpen.


    I also hope that Malone can get things figured out cause he has amazing stuff, especially for a lefty.


    I don't think we'll see him next year, but I'd like to see him figure things out in AA, then get some action in AAA.


    Olivo, he's also going to be up for us next year. The way I see it, 2 of the Barons will be playing a lot for us next year.

  6. I don't think they do it, but as I say this i also think things could change and they will pull it.


    If the question is keeping Frank and his salary or dumping him and picking up a starting pitcher, then to me they have to invoke it.

  7. The game will be on WGN at 1:05 central time against the Boston Red Sox. Its the rubber game of the series.


    Josh Hancock will go up against Danny Wright.


    Hancock has pitched 2 major league innings and this will be his first major league start.


    If anyone can update this for the start of the game I'd appreciate it, cause I'll be in class.



  8. Thats fine. As long as we only quote the article and not use the article in its full form.


    I called up a friend of the family whose a copyright attorney and he told me that we shouldn't post a full article, but just a quote or a link.


    This way we don't get in trouble with the law cause I'd hate to see MLB come after us.

  9. He's been out most of the season with an injury, but he's gonna be 100% for next year and is a damn good pitcher and a great leader.


    I'd imagine he'd have a cheaper price tag then Maddux or Clemens so I'd think that the Sox may end up consider someone like him.


    Personally I'd take him cause he's a lot better then what we got on the most part.

  10. Has he finally realized that Matt Ginter blows?


    I have to say, I'm real glad I haven't seen Ginter pitch in a while or at least it seems like he hasn't been in there during the past week at least.


    He now joins Jim Parque on the "not gonna be used" portion of the bench.

  11. I can live with that if the top of the line pitcher is really a top of the line pitcher.


    I like Rauch a ton and really think he's ready, but we all know injuries will happen and at some point Rauch will be up and once he comes up, then I want him up for good.


    Still, I say let Rauch, Ritchie and Biddle fight for the final slot, if Rauch loses, then he goes to AAA, if he wins then the other two go to the pen.

  12. Originally posted by The Critic

    Look at it this way - after he retires, every time someone closes in on his record, he'll be mentioned on SportsCenter!


    So WHY NOT get the record? Not intentionally, of course, but he got almost 190 K's without trying, so what's a few more?


    Nobody's going to be mentioning Royce Clayton on SportsCenter unless he break some laws!


    He has been making a lot of contact since he got close to the record. Maybe at the start of next season, he should tell himself that he already has 180 K's - that way, he'll concentrate on making contact!


    Yep think of it this way, would you rather be Royce or Jose.


    Well, I'd have to say Royce cause he's getting Millions for not doing a damn thing, but a couple years from now, when the game is all set and done, I wouldn't mind joking around saying I set the strikeout record.

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