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Posts posted by kapkomet

  1. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 16, 2012 -> 05:14 PM)
    Well I for one do, so I hope you're just referring to Balta because I'd die for my friends that are illegals and my friends that are gays, just like the rest of my friends.



    You would have to understand my larger point that all these people are being used for political pawns. And it's sick.

  2. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 16, 2012 -> 01:06 PM)
    The problem is that the legal way to do it has become so unnecessarily convoluted that it prevents most people from legal immigration.


    You see people forget that back in the late 19th and early 20th century, all you had to do was get off a boat, and you were allowed to legally immigrate here. You didnt have to get on a waiting list, hope your number was pulled etc.


    Im not the child of an immigrant, I am 3rd generation. But if it wasnt for the American immigration policies of those eras, its likely that I would not exist, as a good part of my family would have been killed in World War II. People forget that during the 1930s the US created laws that were anti-capitalism and isolationism/protectonism ruled the day.


    If the law itself is unjust, then those who break the law are not criminals. If it is against the law for a black man to drink water from a white water fountain, we do not consider the man who breaks that law a criminal or deserving of punishment, we consider that individual a freedom fighter.


    Just like immigrants today, who fight for the freedom to immigrate to the best country in the world. We do not have the right to deny other people the ability to come to the US for a better life. Every human deserves the chance to live in the US if they want to.


    And to answer the question, yes we accept everyone who wants to come here who is not a criminal or does not have a disease.


    It is just as simple as that, the only reason most of us are here, is because those who came before, were generous enough to give our families a chance. Its just hypocrisy.



    QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 16, 2012 -> 01:50 PM)


    Again, there's a legal way to do it.


    I know people who are illegal, and despite whatever I think of them personally, they shouldn't be here.


    19th century is different. We didn't have this entitlement society that we do now... and a lot of it is because people like you make choices to grow our government to take care of "us". Not that it matters - and they still had a process to follow, but nevermind that fact.


    And you purposely put the senate vote down - I had forgotten but guess what, they had the 60 votes. But they wussed out and didn't pass the law. IT IS NOT LAW... oh wait, King Obama gets to write laws now too, and that's okay to you. UNJUST LAWS ARE LAW. Change it if you don't like it. Oh wait, it wasn't the political expedient thing to do at the time... so they got used as a political toy.


    Then again, ILLEGAL hispanics just became gays. Political toys. Glad to know you all never care about the people you jump so much to help as nothing more then political pawns.

  3. So the solution is just accept everyone/everything that wants to come here?


    There is a legal way to do it.


    The DEMOCRATIC led House of Representatives voted down your precious bill, Balta. Your own "party" wussied out. Why? Because they knew King Obama would wave his magic EO wand and make it "law" anyway.


  4. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 16, 2012 -> 05:57 AM)
    All I can say about this is my friend who came over when she 6 months old has more right to stay here than most legal residents.



    CONGRESS shall pass the laws, not the president. He had this in his back pocket for 2 years and they all knew he would EO this. That's why the Democrats in Congress all grew massive hoo hoos on the vote and looked the other way.

  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 07:29 PM)
    You really think that the People who are fired up by hating Latinos aren't already fired up to vote against the Kenyan socialist Muslim? And now the Latino community has a reason to be back interested despite the deportations.


    And on the other hand, now Mitt Romey has to choose between alienating his base or undermining the Republicans with the Latino vote again. And look, a completely useless statement in reply already today.



    QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 07:33 PM)
    An open question to you. If a 4 year old is brought to this country by their parents, doesn't speak the language in the country of their birth, grows up here, maybe doesn't even know that they're illegal, has no connection to any other country other than this one, and doesn't want to be deported, does that make them assholes and crooks?



    QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 07:34 PM)
    terrible precedent set. the president just declares amnesty bypassing the rest of the countries elected officials. so what can't the president dictate?



    You would go this way Balta. Why didn't his majority Congress pass this bill - oh wait, they didn't have the balls to knowing that he would coronate himself king and go over top by issuing executive orders. If Congress passes this it's one thing, but now... this asshole issues his own law? And you all say Bush was over the top? Get f***ing real.


    Where does this dickhead stop? Oh, no where. That's right, we have to set up for "racist elections" in case he loses.



  6. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Jun 15, 2012 -> 04:48 PM)
    Remember when marriage was defined as only allowing people of the same race to marry?


    Remember when marriage was defined as something that was forever and divorces would result in excommunication?


    Its sad that people think the past is a good rationale for why we do something today.




  7. QUOTE (Elgin Slim @ Jun 14, 2012 -> 06:09 PM)
    I have an engineering degree-and even I am questioning whether or not college was worth it. Due to some personal issues, I was unable to work or get an internship during the time in which I was enrolled. I have student loans to pay and no job. The great majority of the jobs that I find while job searching I don't qualify for because they ask for at least 5 years experience. I have found, while job searching, an average of one entry level engineering job in my field per month. I have applied to them and did not get any response. When I follow up, they tell me either they have already hired someone or they don't need any fresh grads anymore. I don't want to go to grad school because I don't want to go anymore in debt than I already am, but I feel that the economy is so bad that I'll be unemployed for over a year, and will not remember half of the stuff I learned in college. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't feel that I have borrowed too much for the degree that I have, but at the same time the degree is only a piece of paper if I have no job. I am starting to think that even though I have the brainpower to be an engineer, that I wasted the the time that I was in school. It seems that in this economy, a degree is just a piece of paper, and the only thing that matters is the fact that you are willing and able to work for virtually nothing(compared to the market for your profession) and that you have a ton of experience in your field. It also seems that there are not enough jobs to go around for those who are graduating college these days It seems everyone has a college degree now, and it doesn't matter what it is in, all that matters to employers is that you have some sort of work experience in the field that you are applying to. My response to that is "How am I supposed to get experience if no one will give me a chance when I don't have any?" Am I completely off base here?


    Or, look for temp work. You are in basically the same boat that I was. I didn't get that silver spoon like most got (an internship) because I got advised wrong and didn't start my major classes soon enough. Consequently, everyone else had a leg up on me and got all the spots while I was continually one semester behind. I picked up what I needed while they interned.


    So, I basically had no experience and I took some temp jobs just to get in. When you do that, always ask what you can do to help and since you're a temp, either you want to become permanent or if that's totally not an option ask if you can build up some project work to a) put in your resume and b.) get some references.

  8. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 14, 2012 -> 11:44 AM)
    You can also come out to the West coast. Boeing, Northrop, and a lot of DOD work.



    Yea, they do have a lot on one area too. I always forget about that. St. Louis has a lot of that too.


    There's honestly nothing in Wichita besides that, though.

  9. QUOTE (mr_genius @ Jun 13, 2012 -> 07:55 PM)
    the private sector is doing fine. stop yer whining.

    That's right, I forgot until Mr. Whatever the hell told me.

  10. QUOTE (Quinarvy @ Jun 13, 2012 -> 03:06 PM)
    Yes and yes.


    Though apparently the medication I started on can cause seizures when started and with increased dosages, which is when I had my 2nd, 3rd, and 4th seizures. Also causes weight change (lost 15 pounds doing nothing), drowsiness, dizziness, lack of focus, and severe depression. And since all the neurology places I've seen are so readily available and want to help figure out the cause I'm honestly beginning to think it was the medication that triggered all the seizures aside from the first one, because there was nothing similar about any of them (no trigger that I can discern). So now I'm on a new one that instead of it's main possible side effect being depression, it's a rash that could become fatal (though hasn't happened yet) and headaches. But I have to ween off the old one, which will take 2 months, so joy.


    The epilepsy/seizures has really f***ed my life up the past few months.


    Interesting you bring that up because we have a family friend who suffered with this for years, and it was medication she took for the same thing, yet, it caused her to have a lot of side issues.


    And after years of battling it, they figured out the episodes was from the medication from the original issue. I'm glad you're on the path of figuring that out now and not having to deal with it so long.

  11. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Jun 13, 2012 -> 07:28 AM)
    Next week.


    Aerospace connectors - military and commercial air


    Auditing a distributor in Ft Worth and a commercial air distributor in Wichita



    I thought so. That would be the only reason in the world to go to both Fort Worth and Wichita is that you're in aerospace. Big places in North America for aerospace is Fort Worth, Queretaro, Mexico, Wichita, and Montreal. Yea, there's other places too, but these are big in those industries.


    I'm in that industry as well. We should chat. :lol:

  12. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 12, 2012 -> 10:13 PM)
    Any employer that holds it against you for listening, after what just happened 4 years ago, is naive or brutal.


    Yes, sir. I would have to agree with that. You can always learn something about where you are in the marketplace, even if it is not with the intent to move anywhere.

  13. QUOTE (iamshack @ Jun 12, 2012 -> 10:09 PM)
    Honestly, in this day and age, even if I was your boss, I'd think less of you if you didn't at least hear them out.


    There is something to be said there. I mean, you don't even have to be seen as taking it, but you can say that it was an "interesting coversation"... helps me see what I'm doing here is .... yackity, schmakity...

  14. Marty - I never got back to jump back into the party on the attendance thing and KW's role...


    So, I said a GM should have part of the brunt of putting asses in the seats. I mean yea, there's the marketing side, but isn't a GENERAL MANAGER responsible for the product that is the Chicago White Sox?


    Who does Boyer report to?


    I'm not trying to be a smart ass here, I'm genuinely curious about how this works, and more then that, how should it work?


    So carry on... :)


  15. I find it interesting that you have people from the parent trying to pick off people from the sub, or is this an external recruiter trying to make a quick buck? (i.e. does the recruiter even realize the parent/sub relationship? - you'd think so but then again I've seen some real dumbasses in my time in the recruiting world).


    I would think it wouldn't hurt to at least understand what the position is and about before you say anything to where you are now, but just because you talk to someone doesn't mean you are interested.


    You can always tell your internal folks about it later and say you were trying to learn more about what was happening in your own neck of the woods for exactly what you just stated - you've been bitten too many times to at least not listen to the marketplace and what's happening in it.




  16. QUOTE (Chisoxfn @ Jun 12, 2012 -> 08:58 PM)
    Well, SFAS 157 was a more advanced version of 107 (I believe that is what it replaced at least). Irregardless, it came out about 7 years after SOXso they really weren't related. Unless we are going to say every new guidance that has came out since SOX was because of SOX.



    I probably have my stuff mixed up but there was a SFAS that came out around 2002/2003 about FMV that effected all the financial institutions that changed 107 and then was modified into SFAS 157 in late 2006/2007 IIRC which is IMO what led to a lot of the liquidity issues that started the ball rolling on the house of cards that was the asset base at the time.

  17. I think you have to at least listen... but I can see a problem with the ownership group of a subsidiary company giving you a bit of pause, because word does travel.


  18. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Jun 11, 2012 -> 11:00 AM)
    It was just a reply to a post that decided to ridicule veganism for no real reason. More power to anyone who wants to eat whatever, but I think male vegans still have penises.



    Yea, they're just shriveled up more. No meat.

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