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Posts posted by kapkomet

  1. Really? *YAWN* Why the nice, pretty almost daily body counts then? It's okay, selective amnesia for your royal highness is obvously your mode.


    Here, let me link up some bulls***. Oh, that helps me support my bias. Here's some more. Yea, that's the ticket. Uh huh, Iraq, Bush sucks, economy, Bush's fault, some more smoke up some more ass, more bias, more bulls***, yea, more $$$$, yea, uh huh. Bush sucks, sucks, more links, suck, suck, more links on how Bush sucks... more "logic", more "fact", Bush sucks...



  2. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 19, 2012 -> 03:33 PM)
    Thats the point, ask a random question, some will know, some wont. Its not a media conspiracy, its just a random fact.


    The only reason I used that one is because I was talking about it in that Brokaw thread.



    This is why you're a sheep, sheep. Or more like an ostrich.


    Damn near every day the main stream dorkasses told us how many died because BUSH was our commander in chief. BO has "that same blood" (sic) on his hands, yet we never hear about it now... gee, I wonder why?


    Whatever. You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. Of course it's "a random fact" to you in your world.

  3. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 15, 2012 -> 02:51 PM)
    I just read USA Today at lunch. It said that the selection of Ryan drew the biggest yawns of any Veep selection since Quayle. It said nobody cares and it will be a landslide election for Obama cause he's the consummate politician.


    Who the f*** cares what USA today says?

  4. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 13, 2012 -> 01:55 PM)
    How come the Veep candidate is exciting Republicans more than the presidential candidate. Why didn't Ryan try to get the nomination if he's so great? Romney is too unlikeable (way too rich, comes across as snob) to have a chance at the White House.



    Let me pick some boogers out of Barackus the Great's nose while he reads his teleprompters.

  5. QUOTE (farmteam @ Aug 13, 2012 -> 12:02 AM)
    Wait, George W. Bush was Osama bin Laden? Holy s***.


    It's like that episode of Family Guy where they find out Michael Moore, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are all the same person.





    You got it. :)

  6. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 11, 2012 -> 09:13 PM)
    Anyway, you're 1/2 right. The very rich are getting richer and snubbing their noses more than ever at the middle class and the poor. And frankly, we're not likely to take significant steps to stop it no matter who is elected. We're told that anything you say is a problem is "wealth redistribution!", unfair, "hand me downs from the word that it should be beneath a regular person to use".


    What is to be done? Well, the best answer I can give is that we can keep trying to bandage it for n ow. Make sure people get health care (check), stop cutting government jobs (which we've cut nearly a million in the past couple years). GET OFF OIL.


    Basically, unless Europe falls apart, whoever the next president is will likely see 4 years of pretty strong economic growth just because we're climbing out of the very deep hole left by the bursting of the housing bubble. But we have a choice...does all that growth go to the "Very rich getting very richer" or does it get spread around evenly?





    In case you hadn't noticed, it's happening under your precccccccccious leader's watch.

  7. QUOTE (greg775 @ Aug 11, 2012 -> 06:27 PM)
    Balta, you didn't respond to my generalities.


    That is ... my assertion that Obama is a horrible President/leader and my assertion that four more years of Obama will likely mean a Depression as well as social revolution. Society is becoming angrier by the day; very mean. It is getting rough out there, folks. Companies that are not cutting jobs are cutting pay, instituting furloughs making it damn clear you as the worker are just lucky to be employed and that is that. The very rich are getting very richer and snubbing their noses more than ever at the middle class and poor.


    I do appreciate your in depth commentary though. I learned a lot in reading your post. As I said I am not an expert, but I do know trouble when I see it and four more years of Obama ... wow.


    No, see you don't get it. The government spending is the only thing that can keep our country from exploding in the abyss of the cocksucking corporations and rich people. Romneyhood is the slogan of the century, and poor people must get the hand-me-downs from the cocksuckers. It's fact, and all talking points lead to socialism - that is the only way that works in today's world because the cocksucking rich just don't pay enough. Just stop trying to be a "middle of the road" guy and conform to the fact that government teats are the only way out. Socialism - forward - © Karl Marx.


    Is that enough talking points in one post?

  8. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 11, 2012 -> 03:50 PM)
    His column is bullsh*t.


    Why was there no big rebuild from the stimulus? Because 2/3 of it was tax cuts, in order to get the republicans on board. That made the stimulus less effective...and yet we still went from losing 800k jobs a month to adding 150k jobs a month. It should ahve been bigger and less loaded with tax cuts to be more effective, but we had to get it through the senate. The policies that he spent a decade advocating led to that collapse. We cut taxes like he wanted, we gutted regulation like he wanted, wall street went crazy, and they nearly destroyed the world.


    The Senate didn't take up a cap and trade bill, correct. Of course, with the 60 vote requirement, it wasn't "Rejected" by the senate. That is a lie.


    The pipeline was rejected not because of any evaluation of the pipeline. It was rejected because the Republicans passed a law that would make approving it "illegal". He also fails to tell you that the pipeline is set up mainly for exports...so in the midwest, you'll actually pay higher gas prices, because that pipeline will allow refined product from the midwest to be exported through New Orleans.


    And of course...he then continues to pretend that climate change isn't an actual problem....so we're going to spend $20 billion in drought relief just this year. That money is free right?


    Meanwhile, by the assessment of anyone in that industry, the stimulus literally saved wind and solar pwoer in this country and built a battery industry that never existed beforehand...we're generating several times as much power from those sources as we were in 2008, we are employing hundreds of thousands of people in those industries, and that's our only real chance to deal with climate change.


    The Affordable Care act will cost money yes. But we're spending that money anyway. He's scaring you by quoting large numbers. $1.68 trillion, sounds horrible, right? You know how much the government would be spending on healht care if nothing was changed? $7-$8 trillion or so.


    The coal plant regulation? If you think that's a bad idea, my lungs want to fight you. Sick to near death of having 40 year old coal plants down the county dumping crap into my air. Cough. That was regulation that we were supposed to have finished 20 years ago,

    but the government has dragged its feet, and that has probably sickened thousands of people.


    It's all slogans. Posting an op-ed piece that is nothing but filled with slogans and challening someone to take it on is shooting fish in a barrel. If you want to take on people who can support themselves on these issues, don't rely on the weakest columnists out there.



    Speaking of slogans and talking points.

  9. QUOTE (Y2HH @ Aug 10, 2012 -> 05:08 PM)
    I'm sorry, when you post...I see your avatar and then I don't hear a word you say.



    No s***. But the thing is, the more people who pay attention to it, the more he's going to leave it because he likes the attention.

  10. QUOTE (lostfan @ Aug 7, 2012 -> 07:18 PM)
    I know. Let me rephrase: Romney is not even attempting to talk about policy, any further than "Obama sucks and f***ed us all" which is completely meaningless considering that was automatically going to be said by whoever the nominee was. Can't even be bothered to give specific reasons why and (I know this is going to sound like I'm speaking some forgotten, ancient tongue) what he's actually going to do different (tax cuts don't count. you're a Republican, no s***.) Yawn...


    Meanwhile the media does what the media does, reporting a 3-point swing in a single poll as if it actually means anything at all whatsoever while the rest of the national polls hold steady with Obama's built-in electoral lead in a race that hasn't really budged in months, and won't. Someone wake me up in November.

    I absolutely cannot disagree with this. Rmoney hasn't said s*** on what would make him a better president. Now granted, a pile of dogs*** on the street might be better, but you hit on the biggest issue I have with this guy. He doesn't know what the f*** he's doing. Barry on the other hand, knows exactly what he's going to do, and we're well on our way.

  11. QUOTE (Reddy @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 08:50 PM)
    if you're in the public eye like he is, you have to be ready for the consequences of the things you say. not that ridiculous.


    And who did it hurt? And what, exactly, was the consequence? Please. Go ahead, knock your socks off talking about an OPINION. I think it backfired just a bit from what everyone on the "I support gays" intended.


    It's shameful as hell that people can't state that gay marriage is biblically immoral, or on the other side that gay marriage should be legal. The CFA debacle is stupid, not the issue. (sans Obama, who is just a money whore and doesn't know what he really believes unless a poll or money donors tell him what to believe, but that's another story).

  12. QUOTE (Soxbadger @ Aug 6, 2012 -> 01:04 PM)
    If standing up for minority rights is stupid, I dont want to be smart.


    The best irony though is that in 1996 the American Family Association started a boycott of Disney for giving benefits to same-sex employees.


    I guess CFA isnt a fan of their own medicine.


    The reactions is what is stupid, not the issue of minority rights. This guy said no more then what gets said every day in different contexts all over the place ON BOTH SIDES OF THE ISSUE... yet... it's a hill to die on and everyone "supporting" their supposed beliefs make a huge issue out of someone's OPINION.

  13. Romney was/is the easiest for the messiah to beat because health care (regardless of one Justice Roberts) is off the table with him and everyone knows it. That's 40% of the election issues that Romney cannot debate. Now Obama gets 50% of the remaining 60% of the welfare state handout recipients and he wins "in a landslide".

  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 5, 2012 -> 02:27 PM)
    The media is not liberal and they do not have an agenda to get Obama elected, and the fact that you just simply buy that because people repeat it is absolutely laughable. This will not be a landslide election.


    For one example, Pew keeps track of what they consider positive and negative stories about each candidate. Romney's coverage has, for the last year, been much more positive and much less negative than Obama's.



    Over the past year, of course. The media had a vested interest to get the weakest candidate they could to run against the messiah.


    Now, they will turn on him like a pack of rabid dogs.

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