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Posts posted by Y2HH

  1. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jan 29, 2017 -> 09:42 PM)
    For the people that said there were a lot of surprising things...what were you surprised about? I'm not asking that to be an asshole, I'm actually interested.


    Some of the eliminations. Goldberg doing in Lesnar again. Undertaker eliminating Goldberg. I guess I should have expected Cena winning but I thought they'd keep the title on AJ.


    I don't know, the results weren't as I'd like them to be, but it kept me entertained the entire time.

  2. QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Jan 29, 2017 -> 07:40 AM)
    My gf and I are betting against each other. Winner gets a back massage. You can join in, if you want, but don't expect a back massage. :)


    1. 1 POINT: Nia Jax vs. Sasha Banks. (Nia Jax is that crazy fatass lady)

    My Pick: Nia Jax

    Commentary: In all likelihood, Jax *should* get the win. She's the dominating force that is being pushed. Problem is, WWE is bat s*** crazy with booking. Tough one to call due to that, could easily see sasha banks getting the win with the way WWE works.


    2. 1 POINT: Tag Team Match: Cesaro/Sheamus vs. Luke Gallows/Karl Anderson

    My pick: Cesaro/Sheamus

    Commentary: If Gallows/Anderson lose, then WTF WWE? Seriously, these guys are the best legit team on Raw, just let them do their thing and kill people to set up some sort of Enzo/cass vs. Anderson/Gallows at mania. The tag teams are there for the division to work, the booking is not. The reason why this is tough to pick is because it is on the pre-show. Due to that, I pick Cesaro/Sheamus and the continual terrible booking of Anderson/Gallows.


    3. 1 POINT: 3 vs. 3 : Nikki Bella, Naomi, Becky Lynch vs. Alexa Bliss, Mickie James, Natalya.

    My pick: Alexa Bliss, Mickie, Natalya


    BONUS: Extra 1 point if you guess which girl gets the pin for the victory.

    My pick: Mickie


    4. 1 POINT, Cruiserweight Championship: Rich Swann vs. Neville

    My pick: Neville

    Commentary: Just give the title to Neville and let him demolish people up to Mania.


    5. 1 POINT, Woman's Champ: Charlotte vs. Bayley

    My pick: Charlotte

    Commentary: Likely easiest pick on the card. If Bayley wins, I riot! Booking has to be right, Bayley's title should start at 'Mania after getting made a fool of for a little while and picking up crowd momentum. If they give it to her here that would be utterly stupid and make the women's title feel meaningless (hot potato !)


    6. 2 POINT, WWE TITLE: Kevin Owens vs. Roman Reigns

    My pick: Roman Reigns

    Commentary: Oh God, what a tough one to pick. So much is riding on this match. Will Vince want Reigns to go to WM being the man? Will it be Reigns vs. Taker? Or will Vince give the fans an Owens vs. Jericho for the title? Or what's the plan here? Odds for this match keep going back and forth. Tough one to call


    7. 2 POINT, WWE TITLE: AJ Styles vs. John Cena

    My pick: AJ Styles

    Commentary: Another tough one to call. After last week, I have to go with Styles. They still have Elimination Chamber to screw him out of the belt if they want. Cena hasn't been on TV too long, basically made Styles look like a fool last SD. A styles win here is big for him.



    3 POINTS IF YOU GET IT RIGHT: You can pick 1 name, and 4 numbers. Numbers have to be between 1 and 30.

    Some of the best names: Undertaker, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Braun Strowman, Chris Jericho, Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt, Finn Balor, Sami Zyan, Samoa Joe


    My pick: Randy Orton

    #'s: 11, 16, 27, 28

    Commentary: I was thinking between Orton vs. Wyatt vs. Taker, didn't know which one to pick. I think 'Taker shouldn't win the Rumble, that might be what they are leading at as his likely matches are either vs Cena/Reigns or an outside chance of Styles/Balor, which 3/4 of those guys are involved in the title right now, but I think they'll likely pass on 'Taker winning the Rumble. That left the only logical choice being the feud of Orton vs. Wyatt. I think Orton > Wyatt in terms of chances to win the Rumble.

    Honestly, I hope it's Jericho or a young up and comer.


    Also, EXTRA 1 POINT if you guess the name of the person who stays in the rumble for the longest period of time.

    My pick :Sami Zyan


    I think I agree with most of this, even the Rumble at this point, only the Demon King remains my dark horse.


    Only thing is I think Bayley will win, possibly with an unexpected assist, because RAW booking.

  3. QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Jan 28, 2017 -> 10:57 AM)







    2 one on ones on Raw in December, and few other tag bouts.


    Not to rain on this parade, (okay fine, my goal is totally to rain on this parade), but I'd much prefer a Smackdown star win the RR. It's a superior show to RAW in practically every way and the WWE should capitalize on that and bring more attention to the brand.

  4. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jan 26, 2017 -> 03:15 PM)
    Ha, ya you made that clear before. I'm a big fan though so that's all that matters. ;)


    Uh, no.


    Since being drafted into this thread, all that matters is what I say matters. And you know who doesn't matter? Samoa "Minor League for Life" Joe, and uh, who else doesn't matter? YOU. This isn't SLAM, Pale Hose Talk or some other feeder league jabronie infested organization like that Filibuster. This is World Soxtalk Championship Wrestling Federation of Entertainment, damnit!


    And I've arrived.




    (Ok, I promise I won't cut promos in the middle of a discussion anymore.) ;)



  5. QUOTE (iWin4Ron @ Jan 26, 2017 -> 02:52 PM)
    I will gladly take it if I am wrong, but... I think this has absolutely no chance of coming true. Cass is cool, good, and could be in line for a push sometime in the next 2 years, but hes with Enzo now, if they want to push a big man.. why not Braun Strowman? I'm not buying cass.


    I think it could be Zayn or Miz. They've been amazing for the product.

    I'd really prefer to keep Miz at IC level as he has made that an amazing title.


    Rumor has it that orton is winning the rumble... and wyatt winning elimination chamber setting up their match. Meh. That's OKish I guess. I'd be somewhat cool with Orton winning the rumble.

    Rumor has it that Cena vs. Samoa Joe at WM 33 could take place. Not sure how I feel about that either, I guess that'd be pretty cool. Hopefully it won't be over the title? Hm.


    My wants to win the Rumble, in order: Nakumara, Chris Jericho, Sami Zyan, Orton, Samoa Joe, The Miz, ....., Death

    My guess on who wins: Orton, Undertaker, Rollins (somehow?? and then getting screwed out of it by HHH setting up mania)


    I really have no idea who will win the rumble = that's a good thing. The bad thing is, I don't really want anyone to win it other than Nakumara/Zyan for personal reasons or Jericho for legit storyline reasons (and personal). Naku and Zyan being extreme underdogs.


    I also saw a report earlier stating that Styles/Owens will likely lose their titles for Mania. That'd be seriously unfortunate.


    My wants to win the Rumble, in order: Alexa Bliss, Alexa Bliss, Alexa Bliss

    My guess on who actually wins: Balor, Miz, Orton, Corbin

  6. QUOTE (Brian @ Jan 26, 2017 -> 09:25 AM)
    1. Alexa is an American treasure.

    2. I hate that Brock is being lumped in with Taker and Goldberg, 2 old guys who can barely move and seem uncoordinated.

    3. All this is a red herring for someone like Zayn or Miz to win the Rumble. It can't be a PTer. Would be a waste.


    1) I always knew you were smart.


    1a) Honestly though, the WWE knows and understands Alexa's shortcomings in the ring, that's why they have her perform only against certain others that can help carry her. Her timing isn't the best, but shes absolute aces on the mic and has the facial expressions to match, and frankly, that means a LOT in wrestling. You can see they're protecting Alexa by not even having her put her title on the line at the RR, as it's clear they want her to keep it for a while.


    2) Brock is frankly becoming one of the older guys now, he's clearly not in the same shape he once was and he's a part timer anyway, so he may as well be lumped in with the other part timers so they can dedicate more attention to the people who deserve it.


    3) Miz would be a GREAT choice, he's CLEARLY ready to be elevated to main event status.

  7. QUOTE (Rowand44 @ Jan 24, 2017 -> 09:06 AM)
    I missed most of raw last night cause I had a basketball game but I caught that main event angle...and I hated it. Thing is, I get that most people are loving this so I understand why they're doing it but it's not for me. 3 guys who are pretty awful performers at this point in a stare down because of nostalgia just isn't for me.


    I actually liked it for the nostalgia factor...it was a good staredown, and the fans were into it...so, I have no problems with it. Using older performers properly, in programs with each other doesn't hurt the new guys coming up whatsoever, and can be used to attract an audience that otherwise wouldn't give these new guys the time of day. It can open their eyes to amazing performers like AJ Styles, etc.

  8. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 20, 2017 -> 01:21 PM)
    It's really bad, and their clearance rate is 30 points below national average. They aren't solving crimes and aren't preventing them.


    The worst part about Rahm is it does not even appear he is trying. Would you say crime has even been a focus of his policy? I wouldn't.


    I don't really care that he's a democrat, local politics are different. The taxing of every transaction IS terrible. People like seeing public services and works like the el go up, but taxes as health policy is really offputting to me. I think it can work on bigger items, but when you are talking about daily transactions it's just builds a bad relationship between tax payer and gov't.


    Agree with the tax part.

  9. QUOTE (bmags @ Jan 20, 2017 -> 02:27 PM)
    I don't like subsidies like the one they cut. As policy, don't agree with the mortgage interest tax deduction, but obviously benefit hugely from it. If it was eliminated I would expect a reason for it. Just weird this was a day one activity.


    I agree with it, it's incentive to own something versus renting it. Owning property is a mass undertaking...and its helpful to communities and the stability of neighborhoods...I absolutely think it should be incentivized over renting.

  10. QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Jan 20, 2017 -> 02:00 PM)
    I did say the exact same thing except I never thought Hillary was a strong candidate. Nice try though trollboy.


    I never said YOU specifically said she was strong.


    I said a lot of people -- professionals -- were saying it. As noted, the election was considered a joke until the actual results started pouring in...that's when the laughter stopped.

  11. QUOTE (GoSox05 @ Jan 20, 2017 -> 01:51 PM)
    Strong candidate could very well win. We are talking about the Democrats though. They will probably run Clinton again or some one even worse.


    I like how people are suddenly pretending Hillary was a weak candidate now with their 20/20 hindsight.


    I recall this was a slam dunk blowout landslide for Hillary as little as hours before the results came in...

  12. QUOTE (KagakuOtoko @ Jan 20, 2017 -> 01:47 PM)
    Any strong candidate will wipe the floor with a Trump.




    You likely said this EXACT same thing this time, too.


    And Hillary was a strong candidate...until she wasn't.


    For all you know in four years, Trump will have done some crazy s*** that somehow -- against all odds -- worked and his approval rating skyrockets...likely? Don't know. Possible? I do know. And yes, it's possible.

  13. QUOTE (MexSoxFan#1 @ Jan 20, 2017 -> 01:25 PM)
    In a sane world, he'd have virtually no shot at a second term judging by how he's conducted himself so far and his nominees, but then again it's 'Murrica we're talking about.


    You likely said this about his first term.


    Just keep that in mind.

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