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Posts posted by POPPY_HIDALGO

  1. I think the very best pitcher you could see us sign is Odalis Perez, and I would guess they'd sign someone like Radke or Ortiz.

    I wouldn't be surprised to be a Perez come over at all and I hope you mean Perez, OR Radke, OR Ortiz. No way the Sox sign 2/3 of those guys.



    They aren't going to bring in a never has been, never will be type(like Loaiza), because those guys will only turn to gold once in a blue moon.


    But with pitching coach Don Cooper the Sox believe they can take dirt and turn it into gold. So, I wouldn't be surprised if they brought in some guy with good "stuff" and hoped Coop could work a miracle with him.

  2. The guy is a CY Young canidate this year. Why would he come here? The Sox won't outbid anyone and I can't imagine anyone getting weak in the knees to play at prestigious US Cellular Field. My guess is the Sox pick up another never was like they did with Loaiza two years ago and hope for the best.

  3. Mota ain't coming, Pavano ain't coming, Lowe ain't coming.


    I expect the signing of a never was pitcher with "Great Stuff" like they did with Loaiza and a reliever who was good and isn't anymore like they did with Jackson.

    I wouldn't expect this organization to put up any big bucks to sign anyone.

  4. We're done if we don't win this one? :lol:


    This thing has been done for a loooooooooooong time now.


    I have absolutely no faith in Stewart. I feel that since the season is over anyway that Diaz should be taking all the starts at 5th starter and that we shouldn't be playing people who won't be here next year anymore, i.e. Jose Valentine.


    Also if Burke is going to be terrified to stand behind the plate don't waste our time with him anymore, the people wanna see Big Bn behind the plate. Davis and Rowand are the only two who seem to care right now. :huh:




  5. I have a feeling this month will be better for every Sox fan. This team will have a lot better month than last.

    It can't be any worse than last month. Well, it could be, but they'd have to try really hard and I don't think this team has any try left in them.

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