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Posts posted by POPPY_HIDALGO

  1. Right now I think they need a big crowd cheering them on. The crowd was rockin yesterday when they came back to tie it up at 4 and after Everetts HR the floors must have been shaking. They need a big attendance style hug to get them back on track.


    Oh and we should all go to see the offense snap out of its funk to put up an 8 spot and to see MB's CG SO.

  2. I can't say I blame you. I completely understand where you're coming from. I also just see everything ending fine and dandy is all. We saw how good this team can play. They will snap out of it and win this division and go to the playoffs. Do I think their going to win the World Series............


    Thats another story.

  3. Sox- 8

    Indians- 0


    Book it!










    End of story.




    MB finally snaps out of it (He can't be as bad as he has been playing lately especially since we all know he's better than that.) And the offense is due for a huge game. They'll be ready to go with MB bringing his A game. They will score early and often and silence all these nay sayers. They'll finally be able to just take a deep breath and remember how good they really are.


    The Twins aren't the team they've been in years past and after winning two out of three from the Indians the Sox will go in there ready to handle their buisness. The series in Cleveland will look alot like that series against Cleveland after the break.


    Win or Die Trying.


    And I said the choke stuff was all for show. Just jumping on the woe is me bandwagon. I thought that was the newest trend around here?

  4. I predict a MB CG SO. And I'm not kidding. MB comes in shuts them out today and they go on to win 2 out of 3 in this series and then sweep the Twins.


    Its obvious. They're just playing with our emotions right now. They have the playoffs locked up.







    All the choke talk is just for show.

  5. QUOTE(Whitesoxfan56 @ Sep 20, 2005 -> 04:19 AM)
    well i was at the game, and the place was going nuts the entire game...garcia needs to shut his f***en mouth before we deport his ass...he doesnt care about the fans well freddy you showed why you are an ace tonight, o s*** i mean ass...f*** you freddy, i am sick of this team i am not going to another game this year i think 31 is enough for me....im so f***en pissed right now at this team so i am going to stop typing before i say something that gets me suspended, and if i did already i am sorry but dont take it agenst me i am just so pissed off at this f***en team.............


    You speak nothing but the truth.


    Every post should be in purple in honor of the choke job.

  6. QUOTE(Big Hurt Way Back @ Jun 26, 2005 -> 03:57 PM)
    I think today is whwn we found out how much of a stud Garland is.  This is probably the biggest game he's pitched for us to date.  We need to see how he handles the pressure and shut down this pesky team.  Cuck the Fubs!!!!


    Hopefully he won;t fall flat on his face like every other time we thought he had taken the next step into being a true stud.


    And I don't think Prior coming off the DL will be any advantage for us. Everyone got a good look at him the last time he pitched. Hopefully, the offense can score enough runs to keep this thing from being a complete laugher.



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