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Posts posted by RockRaines

  1. 5 minutes ago, BigHurt3515 said:

    Obama didn't do anything either when mass shootings happened. Its not just a President thing or Democrat or Republican thing. All I hear is something needs to change, laws need to be stricter but no specific proposals. If you start banning guns then you have half of America pissed off, then another mass killing happens and you have half the country saying if people had their guns then this could have been stopped. It isn't just a black & white situation. 

    Im with you.  Its all of the politicians.  they are so fucking afraid of the 2A people its shocking.  The amendment is there to make sure only the right people have guns, there are ways to do that.


    Fucking restrict ammunition at least.  Do SOMETHING

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  2. 4 minutes ago, LittleHurt05 said:

    Here we go again:

    Republican politicians offer thoughts and prayers, while Democrat politicians trot out victims to make you cry.  Then at night they go all home and sleep next to piles of money while the citizens bury the dead.


    Exactly.  All politicians in Washington make me sick

  3. Just now, southsider2k5 said:

    I am honestly surprised this has not happened more often in recent times with the tones that politics and its discussions have moved to.

    People literally spend all day on twitter and other social media fighting it out with other people.  They created numerous accounts to troll and comment on political posts.  Its fucking sickening the people that have been elevated into pseudo-celebrity status because of their radical views one way or the other.  Its downright evil.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Kyyle23 said:

    Should be interesting to see if Giuliani's "Yea he did it.  He did all of it.  And he is president, so too fucking bad, he can do it if he wants to" strategy pays off.

    I'm just hoping we call this "Watergate but with Russia".  Its catchy

  5. 1 minute ago, G&T said:

    The New York Bar Association is just a club, essentially. Licensure is handled by the court system. He is licensed.

    The collection of videos of this guy are sick.  Big Milo follower, clearly identifies with the alt-right xenophobic collection of voters.

  6. 2 minutes ago, StrangeSox said:

    yeah it's a little surprising seeing that direct of a "no, this is Trump's usual bullshit, don't fall for it" statement coming from her, normally she'd be rushing to lightly defend their garbage excuses

    Shes priming the pump for blaming the media.  its the appetizer before the SHS main course.  

  7. Just now, raBBit said:

    In reference to my example of a cryotherapy... I know the gang here likes to apply a comment about one specific thing and apply it to a whole general group but that's not accurate. 

    Thats not how it was worded. So its not exactly my fault, or an example of anyone else's thoughts, that you didnt express yourself clearly.

  8. 1 minute ago, raBBit said:

    No it's not - you're misrepresenting my argument. People will go to Europe to get a procedure if the FDA doesn't allow it here. I don't know why that's hard to understand.

    Because you wrote a sentence that said "people dont get to Europe anymore."

  9. Just now, raBBit said:

    Regulation. FDA doesn't allow certain procedures. They didn't allow cryotherapy for years so people went to Europe. Now they allow it. People don't get to Europe anymore. 

    Oh really?   So your position here is that Americans do not go to Europe for healthcare anymore?

  10. 1 minute ago, StrangeSox said:

    He defended Charlottesville as a free speech rally so who knows how high his bar is

    My horribly racist Grandmother would have been happy to know that as long as you dont protest, you cant be considered racist.

  11. Just now, raBBit said:

    Don't you just hate when you're running late to work and a big crowd of white supremacists stop you from getting there on time?

    It was just the other day I went to the coffee shop and there was a Nazi protest going on right outside. Happens too often.

    To be considered racist you have to be showing it in public, got it.

  12. I dont know if it counts as a movie, but the 80's documentary on netflix is pretty great.  Definitely shows a bit more into the Reagan administration than I've really seen in these types.

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