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About whitesoxfan101

  • Birthday 02/12/1986

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    The entire 2005 postseason and aftermath
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  1. QUOTE (IlliniKrush @ Dec 3, 2012 -> 12:36 AM) Because they shouldn't be there...NIU in, as Herbstreit called it, is a joke. Also, BCS bowls don't mean anything? Pretty sure there's a lot of people that normally watch those games. No, the draw is watching a good football game. Otherwise just match up every bowl game with mid-majors against BCS teams, and you can try for an upset every game. The fact that you think it's a joke actually reassures me that it's not. Although, as an Illinois fan, you would recognize joke football, so maybe I should take that back. I miss when I had more time to post here & be entertained by how convincingly you presented your consistently wrong opinions.
  2. http://www.awfulannouncing.com/2012-articl...-bcs-berth.html This article sums up my thoughts on the asinine things said Sunday night.
  3. QUOTE (fathom @ Nov 3, 2012 -> 11:56 PM) Just saw on twitter where Brad Edwards is saying it will be Alabama/K St/Oregon/ND when the BCS standings come out tomorrow, but that if all 4 go undefeated, it could be Alabama vs ND in the title game. How does this make sense given Oregon's tough schedule the rest of the way while ND's SOS will suffer due to BC and WF? I'm on his Twitter page right now. All he said is Kansas State's best chance to stay ahead of Oregon is if Notre Dame wins out too. He is on record as saying Notre Dame basically has no chance at finishing ahead of an undefeated Alabama, Oregon, or Kansas State. And as it should be, those three teams are all clearly better than Notre Dame.
  4. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Oct 27, 2012 -> 11:16 PM) f*** you Pedo State. And Beckman has turned around a program before mostly with a dominating offense. Right now he has zero offensive difference makers, and no, Sheelhouse or whatever isn't one of those. Give him some time. He can recruit offense. What you see right now is what you're going to get with that defense, but he'll get some offensive skill in there. Hell, Toledo not only has more offensive talent than Illinois right now, they have WAY more offensive talent. This despite the fact that you could argue they only have the 4th best offense in the MAC.
  5. The Sox went 2-10 in their last 12 September games, turning a 3 game lead into a 3 game deficit. You can spin it however you want to, but that's an epic collapse. We'd have entered tonight up a game on Detroit just by going 6-6 during that stretch! And those 12 days/games are going to be about 95% of the memories I take from this season. Did this team exceed expectations? Yes. Did they overachieve when you take everything into account? Yes. But with the position this team was in a couple of weeks ago, they should have won this division, and there is no excuse for how hard they choked when it mattered most.
  6. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Sep 27, 2012 -> 10:11 PM) Disagree. I think he's done a tremendous job getting this far with a bullpen of rookies. Sure he made his mistakes, but to compete for the division until the last week of the season? I don't know how you can be hard on the guy. It's not like he was handed the keys to the Yankees. He's on par with Ozzie managing the game from an offensive perspective, which I didn't think was possible.
  7. If you had told me this team would end up in the mid 80s in wins this season & I would consider it a season of missed opportunities & overall failure, I would've laughed at you. Well, here we are.
  8. I knew it would be down this year due to season ticket numbers, but I'm shocked/bewildered at HOW low it is. If payroll drops again next year, we have no right to complain.
  9. QUOTE (Cerbaho-WG @ Sep 24, 2012 -> 08:31 PM) You're blind. Full stop. I have a decent sized HDTV with pause capabilities and 20/20 vision. Still not sure what you're looking at. I DO know that Rios was out though so I hope everybody stops b****ing already.
  10. QUOTE (Cerbaho-WG @ Sep 24, 2012 -> 08:27 PM) Do I have a super secret broadcast or something? The replay stopped showing De Aza's toe on the plate while the catcher was tagging air. They keep showing it like it's conclusive, but you can't tell if he's tagging him or not when the foot hits the plate from that angle. So you might!
  11. QUOTE (CaliSoxFanViaSWside @ Sep 24, 2012 -> 08:23 PM) Yes slowed it way down . Foot was up but he bent it to touch the back of the plate befpre the tag. Maybe the Cleveland broadcast had conclusive evidence, but the Sox one didn't. Even on the last replay they showed, Stone said it "looks like he touched the plate before the tag." Which it does. But that wasn't indisputable at all.
  12. QUOTE (Baron @ Sep 24, 2012 -> 08:23 PM) Is anyone going to lose sleep if we dont make the playoffs? I wont. Nope. If we don't make it, we've earned it. Nobody is going to win this division, somebody is just going to lose it.
  13. I wonder if anybody has ever told Hawk that it still counts as a hit no matter how softly it was hit.
  14. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 24, 2012 -> 08:19 PM) If he would have pulled an AJ and not slide, he would have been safe Yep, no slide or head first and this isn't a problem, haha.
  15. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 24, 2012 -> 08:17 PM) Was there conclusive evidence he was safe? That wouldn't get overturned based on anything I've seen, including the angle we just saw. If you made me guess, I'd say he was safe, but there's no conclusive evidence of it.
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