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Middle Buffalo

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Posts posted by Middle Buffalo

  1. QUOTE(qwerty @ Sep 7, 2005 -> 05:44 PM)
    1994 david cone won the cy young for the royals... the same year bob hamelin won the rookie of the year.

    That's true for the AL, in the NL Fernando won both in '81.

  2. QUOTE(kevin57 @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 09:33 AM)
    The fact is we have A LOT of "head cases" on this pitching squad.  Garcia, Garland, and Contreras to name a few more.    This is not to criticize the squad.  Their brilliant stats are indisputable, but MANY times their heads are in the nether regions. :banghead

    You might add MB (certified conspiricy theorist - ugh) to the headcase list.


    Man, were they gushing about BMac on the broadcast yesterday. My head actually outgrew my Sox hat. Good thing I have an extra large Notre Dame hat for such occasions.

  3. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 10:48 AM)
    kind of explains why they bother putting a date on the bottle.    :P

    I use condoms that are expired all the time. Kind of explains the three kids. :o

  4. I still can't figure out how I can be Irish and have some genetic inability to deal with a little ragweed. The whole damn country is green, but my eyes itch for a month and a half because some neighbor is cutting his grass.

  5. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 6, 2005 -> 08:32 AM)
    I also believe, we should realize that the poor are probably less educate and probably, as a group, with less mental resources and skills in reasoning, problem solving, etc.

    I would tend to disagree with the notion that the poor have a lower ability to reason and problem solve.


    The biggest problem and failure in this case was that the government (local and national) did not have an adequate evacuation plan and alert system in place. Think of the logistics. How would people move from inner city of New Orleans to a safer place? Was there transportation ordered by the governing bodies? Are these people expected to walk miles and miles to safety? How far? Where do they stay? How do they get back to their homes when the storm passes (assuming it passes without major damage)? If were told to leave your home, and you didn't have transportation, some members of your family were sickly or very young and unable to walk for miles at a time, and had no idea where you were supposed to go, what would you do? Probably stay put and hope like heck the threat passed without harm.

  6. QUOTE(SnB @ Sep 4, 2005 -> 10:59 AM)
    There's this new show on VH1 that is just an absolute complete ripoff of the jack black movie "school of rock", they just made it a reality show.  The show might be watchable if they actually were honest with themselves and used Jack black and just called it the school of rock.

    I cannot get into that "Hogan Knows Best" show. There is absolutely nothing real about that show.

  7. I read an article in SI about George W. Bush. He went mountain biking with a group of reporters (GW is a workout nut), and it said GW's resting heart rate is 47 beats per minute ("Lance Armstrong territory"). Mine is 60 (at 6'2/205lbsand I'm seriously out of cardio shape). What kind of shape are you in?

  8. QUOTE(Texsox @ Sep 3, 2005 -> 07:46 PM)
    How many of those born in America would risk their life for the American dream?

    ...being separated from friends and family, language barriers, and having to look over your shoulder 24/7 for the rest of your life. Not to mention, the work illegals do in this country is not exactly the most desirable work to have. It's a tough life.

  9. Wong,

    What about all that extra stuff they try to sell? Undercoat rustproofing, window etching, etc. Should you just say no to all of that stuff and get it on your own? That's what I did. I didn't want to finance all of that over the life of my loan.

  10. I haven't bought a new car for 5 years, but I know that there's plenty of info on the internet.


    When I did it, I called all the dealers in my area and asked what it would cost for the car I was interested in. As I called each subsequent dealer, I told them what each place told me was their bottom price. It saved a ton of time to do this by phone first. Then I went to the dealer with the best price and haggled some more.


    They absolute key is being prepared to get up and walk out if you are not comfortable. Remember, they want to make the deal TODAY, so they don't want to let you walk. If you stand up and say "Is that the best you can do? Well, I'll have to think about it." Chances are, they'll try to do better.

  11. QUOTE(Steff @ Sep 2, 2005 -> 09:32 AM)
    Apparently they knew anything stronger than a 3 would do serious damage.


    I'm sorry.. I don't have any more answers than anyone else, just tossing stuff out there. I can't imagine they sat around and said "hey.. we know they aint gonna hold, but oh well..." The bottom line is that NO and the levies were not a priority for the boys in Washington. It's useless to point fingers at this point.. but if they need to be pointed, they should be pointed in the right direction.

    There was a special on ABC (i think - Elizabeth Vargas?) and they had a soldier from the Army who helped design the levees. He said that when they built the levees to withstand a level 3 hurricane, they did cost analysis and figured that that would be enough. A levee system able to withstand level 5 hurricanes was possible, but not deemed to be cost efficient. I'm pretty sure the analysis was wrong.

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