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Posts posted by Balta1701

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 04:46 PM)
    Here's a question I was thinking about today:  How many times have one of the Sox outfielders thrown someone out at home this year?  There's nothing that really comes to mind.  Help?

    I can immediately think of one at Oakland earlier this year where we actually had a guy out at home but the ump called him safe.

  2. I can imagine you feel roughly about the same way I did right after I passed my oral qualifying exams here. (I cleaned up my office for want of anything better to do)


    Congrats! Go have a beer. It helps.

  3. QUOTE(SleepyWhiteSox @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 12:13 PM)
    I saw that but didn't bother to read where the person was from.


    It all makes sense now.  I'm less annoyed that it's most likely a twinkie fan since they really have no business liking their rival's guys anyways.


    Thanx for catching that.

    I'm sure he's busy trying to get Bert to circle him.

  4. QUOTE(Al Lopez's Ghost @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 10:57 AM)
    Couple of things. One, beating their ass four straight out of the allstar break looks pretty big right now. Two, and this is amazing to me, the Indians are 15-3 against the National League this year. In other words, they owe their contender status to the other league.

    They went on a 9 game winning streak through San Francisco, Arizona, and Colorado, in June - one of those months where no team in that division had a good record. Although we didn't look too good against Arizona, both teams also took 2/3 from San Diego, and both of us swept Colorado. We didn't play San Fran - we drew the Dodgers instead.


    The Sox were 9-3 against the NL West, the Indians were 11-1. Both of those are very good...we just had 2 embarassing games against Arizona and a blown save in San Diego.


    But here's the real kicker...in the "Rivalry" series, the Cubs and Sox split 6 games evenly.


    Cleveland got to play the Reds. They went 4-2. You pick who had the harder matchup there.


    I'd much rather play the Reds than

  5. QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 10:58 AM)
    the problem with shingo this year wasn't JUST that they figured him out.


    He couldn't get his breaking ball over the plate.

    Yes, but about 2 months into the season he started getting his whole package over the plate again, but people were still hitting him. That's what sealed his fate.

  6. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 10:34 AM)
    Remember when Cleveland had that great run about a month ago where they won like 10 straight and gained about 2 games?  They looked good then, too.  But, they suddenly went into the crapper and fell far out again.  I suspect they'll do the same here.

    Cleveland is just like we were last year, just like the Cubs and Yankees are this year.


    When their offense starts to click, they catch fire and look unbeatable. But then a couple bats quiet down, the rest of the team starts pushing to make up for them, and then they discover that they don't have the pitching to hang with people.


    It's a recipe for the wild card maybe if you're really good at it, but it's not going to win them 100 games. You just can't keep bats hot for that long.

  7. QUOTE(Greg Hibbard @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 10:31 AM)
    Wow, I had no idea that Tampa was 15-11 since the All Star Break. Hopefully they can play like that vs. the Tribe....but they've also lost four straight...

    K.C. is also bad, but they're not "13 game losing streak" bad. They can still win games every now and again.


    The Indians have a shot at the wild card, but right now they're 11 games over .500. We're 35 games over .500. If we play .500 ball the rest of the season, they need to go 35-12 to tie us.

  8. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 10:26 AM)
    And he probably won't change his roster, but it is good planning to give yourself options.  Plus the Sox have a history that saids they are not afraid to change their roster for the post season.


    Personally I could see guys like Baj, Burke, Anderson, Borchard, Munoz, and/or McCarthy getting an early call as insurance policies.

    I think we'll see almost all of them playing big roles in September just to get people rest since we have that luxury and since we don't want people to be hurt worse.


    And on Marte...his problem remains throwing strikes to left handers, in my opinion. Every pitch he throws is either too far outside or too far inside. He still has the pitches and the velocity, but his control has gone to sh*t.

  9. Since you haven't yet figured this out from my previous sarcasm-laced rants about how clearly your arguments prove that all athiests and evolution believers should be skinned, I'm going to simplify down my point about which logical fallacy you're making.




    I don't know how I can get it across better than that.

  10. If the Eagles hold out long enough, some team would decide mid-year that they could use a new wideout when they start off on a hot streak. Look what happened with Keenan McCardell and the Bucs/Chargers last year.


    Brees came out of no where and became a good QB, and suddenly the chargers were a great team without great weapons at wideout. They grabbed McCardell from Tampa because of it.


    Someone will be a surprise team this year, and 1/3 of the way through the season they'll decide they could use another weapon. And then TO will hold out from their training camp next year.


    Is there any chance that someone like Atlanta or Seattle or Denver could grab him? Each of them have had some wierd wideout issues over the last few years.

  11. QUOTE(SnB @ Aug 7, 2005 -> 07:17 PM)
    the big 10 needs to add another team so we can have a title game, it sucks we miss out on an exciting game like that.

    Yeah, because all we need is another reason to laugh when they call it the Big 10.


    How would they fit a #12 into their logo? #11 has worked out all right, but i mean, yeesh that's a crooked number.

  12. Ah, the joy of being an Indiana graduate...


    You sit around the whole college football season saving money because you have no reason to purchase that package from DirecTV, getting more sleep on Saturday, and b****ing about Mike Davis.


    Thanks to Joe Tiller, IU now has by far the longest streak in the big ten of years since a Rose Bowl appearance. It's like 30 years now.

  13. QUOTE(knightni @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 01:10 AM)
    Cleveland's pretty much played Kansas City.


    I highly doubt that it is the thread's fault that KC loses.

    This is why people have been saying Cleveland has a wild card shot...so many games left against KC and Tampa.

  14. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 10:08 AM)
    Don't get me wrong, I'm thrilled with winning 2 out of 3 against the Yankees (especially considering every game could have easily, easily been won by either team in this series).  A prolonged slump is basically the only way we won't make the playoffs.  Sure, it would be nice if the Indians lost against this season!  However, we need to start getting better offensive production, no doubt about it.

    Look, the fact is this team is not a .223 hitting team. It is a .260 hitting team. We're not going to light up too many teams, but we're better than we have been in August.


    When you hit .223 for a week and a half, you're due for a recovery. You know as well as I do that baseball works like that...your offense departs for 2 weeks at random when everyone's pressing, then suddenly you have 1 big game and you swing back the other way.


    We're not a great hitting team, but we're not as bad as we have been either.

  15. QUOTE(Al Lopez's Ghost @ Aug 12, 2005 -> 08:35 AM)
    With Wells pitching tonight, who thinks Everett starts in left field?

    According to the Trib, Pods's shoulder is hurting him some after being plunked by Embree, so I wouldn't be surprised if he sat today. Probably was part of those 3 k's on Wednesday.

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