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Posts posted by Balta1701

  1. Something tells me we actually won't even win 100...simply because I think we're really going to coast and rest a few people up for the last couple weeks of the season.


    Right now, there's no other team in the AL on pace to win more than 95. If we get past 97, we should have home field throughout, barring the A's continuing on a 45-15 pace or whatever they've been on lately.

  2. After Aaron's display in the Yankees series, I thought this might be a cute poll to try. I first started watching the Sox with Lance "1 dog" Johnson out in Center Field turning practically every fly ball hit out there into a "Can o'Corn".


    Now we've got another center fielder who does the same thing.


    So here's the question: 2 outs, top of the ninth inning...game 7, world series, bases loaded, we're up by 1 run at home...fly ball hit somewhere near Center Field...maybe close to the wall, maybe into the gaps...you get the idea.


    Who do you want out there to catch it?

  3. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 09:02 AM)
    Heres an interesting topic for discussion...

    Do you think he will ever start again?

    Personally I think he will stay in the bullpen for the rest of his career.... But I was wondering what opinion you guys had on it?

    I think he'd be foolish to try to start again unless some team forced him to.


    Lefty starters are nice to have, yes, but think about what you see in almost every game. How many teams are there out there with 2 out of 3 hitters who bat lefty somewhere in their lineup?


    Every single team out there needs at least 1 quality left handed reliever...probably 2 if they genuinely want to compete. And especially after watching the Yankees and Red Sox this year...the price for quality relief pitching is about to go way up.

  4. 3 guys who should not in any way, shape, or form be involved in the final series of the year, NO MATTER WHAT:


    Dustin Hermanson

    Orlando Hernandez

    Joe Crede


    All 3 of those guys will need rest pre-playoffs.


    Honestly, I couldn't blame this team if they laid off the accelerator for a couple of the final weeks...especially with Hermanson and El Duque, just so that they're as healthy as humanly possible going into October. If that helps Cleveland get into the playoffs, so be it.

  5. QUOTE(Chisoxrd5 @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 08:10 AM)
    Heres your update:


    Actually it wasn't Harold Reynolds...


    It was a soundbyte from KFNS St. Louis where Bob Feller railed on Carribean players...saying that they don't know the rules of the game. the radio host of KFNS in St. Louis (Mike Clairborn)..tried to ask Feller what particular rule they don't understand and Feller said that he wasn't going to argue with the host and would end the interview...Clairborn told him to go ahead and hang up...."You racist"


    Thanks, I do what I can  :D

    Are you sure about that? Because I can cite a different "anti-caribbean ballplayer" story


    A guy on the radio in Frisco named Larry Krueger...on the station that carries the Giants, went on a rant during the postgame show. He complained about too many "brain-dead Caribbean hitters hacking at slop nightly" and said Alou's "mind has turned to Cream of Wheat."


    Felipe Alou got pissed and made it an issue (rightly so). Krueger was suspended last week, and fired yesterday.

  6. QUOTE(WilliamTell @ Aug 11, 2005 -> 09:24 AM)
    I always said I'd want T.O. on my team, but he's almost too much trouble. I know he's a great receiver, but his off the field drama is just getting pathetic.

    The thing that keeps getting to me is this;


    Does T.O. ever sit around and just think..."Hey, you know what...maybe by doing this, I'm reducing my value in the eyes of my team and my teammates, and maybe I'm making it less likely that someone will give me the contract I want?"

  7. QUOTE(SoxFan562004 @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 10:47 PM)
    A-Row is a public figure in this regard.  The person would have to make the statement in a reckless manner knowing it was false.  It's extremely hard for a public figure to win tort cases over situations like this.

    Anyone else remember when Rafael Palmeiro was threatening Canseco with a Libel suit? Wonder why that never went anywhere.

  8. QUOTE(fathom @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 06:57 PM)
    I know.  I'm just saying it would be nice if they lost a game or two this month.  I'm getting a little annoyed with them coming back down 5 every game.

    Out of the wild card contenders they have by far the easiest schedule. They're not going to have a tough ride on the way out.

  9. Please for God's sake tell me you didn't get an interest only mortgage or something insane like that.


    Fixed rate right now. It's the only sane thing to do with a real estate market the way it is and rates rising for a full year.

  10. If they had anything left in their farm system I'd actually want...


    He's probably tied up beyond 07 too...that's just his first contract, JR/KW will work something for a few years beyond that to avoid the arbitration, they usually do for a guy we want to keep.

  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 08:19 PM)
    Unless we can convince Frank to turn down the offer of arbitration, then we can still negotiate with him.  With Frank and JRs relationship, this might be a possiblity.

    A remote possibility...if the Arbitration deadline comes and Frank doesn't have a new contract a few days beforehand, I'm just going to expect he won't be back, and then I'll cry.

  12. QUOTE(Buehrle>Wood @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 05:59 PM)
    Unfortunatly, he's out for the season and 1 report even stated he's done with is career(Although I doubt this). It seems likely now that we will buy him out for 3.5 million next year(Or else we would have to pay him 10 million). If and when we do buy him out though, he still will be able to sign another contract with us, which I believe will be the case.

    Problem is...we have until about Dec. 19th to offer him arbitration. If we don't do that (and I believe we won't) then if he's not signed before then, we won't be able to sign him for several months.

  13. QUOTE(DePloderer @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 05:56 PM)
    As I say, I've been away and notice Franks back on the DL, what happened? Will he be back? Is this the end? Will I have to change my sig? Did I miss anything else?

    He had another fractured bone in that ankle that was surgically repaired last year, he's probably out for the remainder of this season.

  14. QUOTE(Steff @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 04:58 PM)
    Actually I just think it would be cool to have 50K fans in one place screaming for the Sox. I am in awe when we go to Bears games.  Hell.. I just about peed my pants when we went to the NASCAR race in Joliet..  :lol:  Holy crap there were a lot of people there. 

    Having been at 1 or 2 games that were sold out...let me tell ya, you put 38,000 Sox fans in the Cell for a game against the Cubs or a playoff game...and that is just as awe-inspiring as anything.

  15. QUOTE(Frankensteiner @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 05:26 PM)
    Is Torii dq'd for the injury? Outside of Hunter, the only other OFer that I see contending would be Vernon Wells.

    Well, if I were voting I'd have trouble voting for a guy who was injured for 1/3 of the season, but that's just me.

  16. QUOTE(VAfan @ Aug 10, 2005 -> 04:34 PM)
    Right now, I would pitch Buehrle #1, Garcia #2, and Garland #3 and not worry about matchups. That could change, but my thinking is to go to our strengths. I'd have to see how August/Sept. shapes up to choose between Contreras and El Duque, but I'm inclined to start Contreras in game 4 unless Buehrle is on 4 days rest, with El Duque available out of the bullpen in any game.


    I just think if you start moving guys out of the rotation they've been in all year that it suggests some lack of confidence in them. 


    I can see the logic of matchups, but right now I'm not convinced.

    If we have homefield advantage...Garcia should pitch 3rd, and Buehrle should be 1st or 2nd. Buehrle has been at his best at home, Garcia's been at his best on the road. Play to that.

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