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Everything posted by Tadahito15

  1. Sweeney to lead off the next inning for KC...
  2. Phew. Good job Freddy. Lets hope the BP can shut it down now for the last 9 outs. A little insurance would be good too. Sweeney up 4th now for KC
  3. Well, I dont even know what to say. It was nice having the lead I guess
  4. This should be Freddy's last inning if he even gets to complete it...we MUST hold them. This is a big game, especially if we can gain on the Tribe/Twins before the break.
  5. Royals get out of the jam! EDIT: Both BPs have to be gassed after last night. And Mike Sweeney is due up 7th...
  6. God Bless Carl Everett!!!! Thank you for the lead hot carl
  7. To the top of the tenth as Nathan strikes out the last 2 batters.
  8. YYYESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!! Sweeney goes yard after a 10 pitch AB to tie it up!!!!!!!!!
  9. Well, big missed opportunity there. Seems like I have been saying that a lot as of late. Please dont give the run back Freddy.
  10. We have to get these men in. No excuses here. BTW, i loooove our top 3 in the lineup. Its beautiful: Pods, Gooch, Thomas
  11. Lead off man aboard...lets do something now
  12. 74 pitches for Freddy!!! The BP will make its pay today.
  13. Garcia sucks today. We are gonna need to put up a lot of runs. Bottom of the ninth in KC, royals down 1.
  14. Wow. Good job getting out of yet another dangerous inning allowing just a run. I dont know how much longer he can keep it up though...
  15. Ugh...I hate the A's so much. We are gonna get swept
  16. Anyone know how many pitches the Twins have thrown in just the 6th inning? EDIT: 40 and counting
  17. The Twins' pen is IMPLODING! GO ROYALS GO!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Jul 9, 2005 -> 07:32 PM) In other news, I've changed my sig to reflect my feelings on PK. Add me.
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