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the People's Champ

He'll Grab Some Bench
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Posts posted by the People's Champ

  1. I mean, you COULD probably compare them to the extent where BA has the same average and a higher slugging percentage than Nick, along with being a superior fielder.

    Get back to me if and when Anderson ever hits 35 HRs or drives in 95 runs in a season.....hell get back to me when he drives in 40

  2. What if that shot he hit off the wall vs. the Cubs would have been a homer or if he'd stretched it to a triple and scored?

    He'd have been one of our few bright spots in the Cub flameout.

    To those who hate Anderson I say ... do you also hate Swisher? Swisher has sucked.

    Oh wait, Swisher draws walks, I forgot.

    Swisher never gets a key hit, but some love him and hate BA who appears to be eons better than a year ago.



    What if that? What if this?


    It didn't happen.


    And you can't compare him to Swisher, because Swisher has done something in this league

  3. But other teams don't have anything invested in him and you are suggesting that they will give up something of value for him. So you must know more than the other teams.

    Hey, we got some suckers to take Freddy Garcia off our hands, now didn't we?


    And the word value was never used. I just said something. A bag of balls, a rosin bag, whatever.

  4. I already stated it in another thread, but I think there is something to be said about the difference in distance. The White Sox hitters pounded theirs out and didn't need aid. The Cubs, not so much. If you tell me that it is just pure luck that the Cubs hitters caught all those jet-streams, I won't believe you. They know something their opponents don't. But don't mistake this for an excuse. The Sox deserved to get beat up and down.

    Yeah, everytime the Cubs come up to bat. All their fans behind them blow real hard and push the ball over the fences.


    It's unfair I know, but what can we do about it?

  5. So it is so obvious that Anderson sucks that random message board posters can see it, but not the MLB GMs who will be lining up to give us something for him? OK.

    The difference is, I have nothing invested in him. I'm not hanging on to the tiny shread of hope that this kid may, MAY, just one day get it. I have the easy job. I can just wash my hands of him because I have nothing to lose.


    That's the difference, smart guy! ;)

  6. This is a great thread. I hate the fans more than the team. Lee, Ramirez, etc. are all great players. It's the fans that get on my nerves. Just today, I've been receiving emails, text from my Cub fan friends gloating about the sweep. It's rather annoying and kinda immature. Just a question for everyone, though. If the tables were turned would you/we do the same? If we sweep them next weekend, I'll be glad we swept them to a) hopefully keep our hold on first place B) shut Cub fans up.

    I won't be sending silly messages to people.


    I never gloated to my Cub friends about 2005. I just kept all the enjoyment to myself, and killed them with kindness. You could tell they were jealous anyway.


  7. I don't really hate the Cubs.


    I am a White Sox fan.


    All I needed was to get our ring first. We did, great. They can get theirs now, unless its our turn again.


    Cubs fans, however, are not fun. The "shrine" is also not fun.


    It's funny, they're going to tear the old Yankee Stadium down this year. Nobody in NYC is mad. Sure there's history there, but the place is a dump. I feel the same way about Wrigley Field.


    History is great and all, but the truth is that if it's not a comfortable place to watch a game, I don't want to have to spend ridiculous amounts of money to watch it.

    That's the whole thing. I don't think anyone here hate the "Cubs". It's the fans that is fueling the hatred. And them getting a ring would only make them more arrogant and cocky, and make us hate them even more.

  8. I completely agree. In fact, I'm happy that BA is in the lineup right now.

    He's never going to amount to anything, they should cut ties now while they could still get something for him.


    Sure he's great in the field, I'll give him that, but I would almost rather let them DH for him and give our pitchers a chance to hit.

  9. I'd love to see us set the rotation like this:








    This way, Javy can get a break. He looked really fatigued yesterday for whatever reason- Danks can pitch against the Cubs again and hopefully pitch similarly to what he did Friday, Floyd can pitch the 2nd game- I put him here because I would really like to see him throw against the Cubs and watch them attempt to hit that nasty breaking ball he's got, and then Buehrle can face the Cubs, which is what he's scheduled to do on Sunday anyways.


    Yeah, that'll happen. Switch the WHOLE rotation just to beat the Cubs.

  10. But then the Sox could get hot at the right time just like they did back in 2005.


    So we'll just have to wait and see.

    I like that thought! Now all we need is the law of averages to catch up with the Flubs, so I start to hear that wonderful chant again....



  11. It's always good to lose three games to the team beneath you in the standings in three games, right?


    Just as it is to lose three games to the best team in the national league, one in front of a national audience, all the while your VAUNTED pitching staff wets itself in two straight games.


    Really an embarrassing weekend to be a White Sox fan.

    kobe-thinking.jpgThey wet the bed, and I mean a big one. One you just cant throw a towel over either.

  12. I'm pretty sure Owens is injured right now, he hasn't started in the last couple of games for the Knights.

    Well I'm pretty sure he wasn't when Alexei couldn't leave the country, and they still elected to bring up Wise instead.

  13. Jerry Owens might not be a bad idea.


    By the way, anyone know the status on him? Is he still hurt? I'm actually confused why they brought in Dewayne Wise when Konerko went to the DL if they could have brought up Owens.


    Could the Sox live with him as the every day CF in the 9 spot? Maybe move Swisher over to 1B and platoon Konerko and Thome at DH (damn, that's an expensive platoon... and at DH, haha) and guarantee that Thome isn't back next year?


    I'm just trying to think outside the box here.

    I'd say the fact that they brought up Wise instead of Owens is pretty much an indictment on what they think of him. I hope KW has something up his sleeve cause the future isn't looking very bright right now.

  14. Well I agree with all this. We lost because of ourselves. Rough way to lose a game when it has nothing to do with what the other team did, but instead entirely because of your own lack of execution.

    Don't get me wrong, I too was upset with the call by the ump at 3B, I didn't feel AJ went around. But then I went back and looked at the pitch again and thought to myself, "why the hell is he even taking that pitch with 2 strikes?" He has to offer at it. I remember back in pee-wee league coaches saying a swinging strike out is far better than leaving the bat on your shoulder.

  15. This is incredibly wrong logic. The 3rd base umpires job there is to say whether or not A.J. swung, not whether the pitch was a strike. I almost think he called strike because he thought the home plate umpire missed the pitch, in which case he was completely wrong. The only job the 3rd base umpire has there is to say whether or not A.J. swung, and he clearly didn't, so that's a badly missed call.

    None of this matters!! All everyone is doing is making nitpicky excuses as to why the Sox lost this game. None of these plays caused them to lose the game. Their complete lack of fundamentals caused them to lose the game.


    Inability to advance runners

    BA not stretching the 2B into a 3B when he should have

    Thome failing to drive in an important run

    Crede GIDP with the leadoff man on

    multiple runners left on base


    these are LEGITIMATE reasons for losing the game, not a missed call down the line, or a phantom strike out.

    You want to talk about logic where's the logic in not owning up to the fact that the Sox plain threw up all over themselves in this game, like we've seen them do in plenty games this year.

  16. yes its in the same video as the link above just go to the ninth inning and they (WGN )showed the replay. The cub announcers just said you be the judge. He clearly clealy did not go. I was sitting in the third row of the CBOE seats to the left of the cub dugout. People could see the swing from there and the UMP was directly in front of us. He heard it from the sox fans pretty damn good and the cub fans couldn't beleive the crap call either. On a separate note, Cox was great with teh fans down there. Excellent interaction with people.

    Doesn't matter if he went or not the home plate ump blew the initial call. That was a good strike and AJ should have been rung up to begin with.

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