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Posts posted by IggyD

  1. Bush III? Or has the dynasty run its course?


    Will there be a third President Bush? Not next term, Jeb Bush says.


    Those are the questions some Republicans are asking themselves as political talk bubbles up yet again about President Bush's brother Gov. Jeb Bush of Florida and his interest in the White House. The chief driver of the mini-buzz is the current occupant of the White House, who has said twice this month that his younger brother would make "a great president."




    Full story here

  2. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ May 29, 2006 -> 01:42 PM)
    You wanna know why its a personal attack? You claim to be a Democrat - but you obviously aren't paying attention. Because you're turning the "we can do better" attitude that everyone should have and turning it into the "why bother" attitude that too many people have.


    I have my reasons to be pissed when self-proclaimed democrats cop that attitude - especially when they don't know who's running in their district. And especially when they whine about whats going on in the world and how it was someone from a different party's fault and start showing conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory around. I hear them all the time about the 2004 election and whether or not it was stolen in Ohio. I think it was stolen when all the self-professed Democrats didn't vote for change in 2004. Apathy is one of the things that bothers me most. There are lots of good people running for office this year and if you can't see that, then you aren't looking.


    So, what are you trying to say...sounds like you agree with my last post...

  3. QUOTE(Rex Kickass @ May 29, 2006 -> 10:18 AM)
    Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi asked for this investigation to start, and asked for him to resign his position on his committee.


    I'd say there's a big difference between the two parties and people like you who don't see it are a big reason we have a s***ty government today.


    Why the personal attack? You are saying it is all my fault?


    Rex, Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely....


    It is the people that support any 1 party reguardless of where that party takes them that help these parties become corrupt. I do not need to tell you why the Republican Party is corrupt after being taken over by PNAC with essentially every form of the Executive Branch now being Militarized through a peaceful coup d'état.


    As for the Democrats, if they truely were for the people they would have passed reforms that have been needed for decades in campagine reform and other measures to stop the stealing of our tax dollars for all their pork and this administration would not be in power now.


    Yes, there are varying degrees along that corruption gage. However, corrupt is corrupt. I do see good people on both sides that are fighting for us the people, but not enough good people to do the will of we the People!


    At this time in our history they ALL do the will of the corporate.....


    The vast majority of people in this country do not vote because they believe that their vote means nothing and nothing ever changes. When you have more people that watch "American Idol" than vote for any one person in the presidental elections, that tells you something is very wrong with our current system and it is up to us to shake up the system while we still can. Bottom line, the 2 system party does not work. We need another to shake and bake this current system back into "We The People".

  4. QUOTE(samclemens @ May 27, 2006 -> 04:44 PM)
    iggy, are you just trying to spark controversy here? you are honestly going to say that the president ordered the 9/11 attacks? dude how can you be serious? if you are in the military like you implied, i severely condone the admission standards of our military.


    No Sam, I am not saying that. What I am saying is there are too many un-answered questions that Should be answered, reguardless of where they lead. The families of the victims deserve this and are still fighting for this some 5 years later. This is a travesty for these poor families. They were the driving force to get the commission in the first place. They are more informed thay any of us. Check their site "9/11 Family Steering Committee".

  5. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 27, 2006 -> 03:46 PM)
    I think it's really funny that tin-foil hat wearers like yourself are sooooooooo convinced you're right when the overwhelming weight of evidence is against you. You simply want to believe our government is evil so you will take what happened and twist it around 50 different ways until it tells the story you want it to. Then you call it "doing your homework". LOL! You make me laugh. It is YOU that is the "rockhead" and it is YOU that has a "closed mind". Life after the service must be really boring for you because you watch entirely too much X-Files for your own good.


    As for your bit about the Army..........Im currently serving in the Army and have been for almost 8 years now ( including a tour in Iraq ). What you say about the military is totally bogus and makes me wonder if you even served. Soldiers at all levels are taught to think and add their input to make the organization run better. To hear you say that you can't stray from a rule or procedure or there are consequenses is totally ludicrous. Fact of the matter is that nobody, I mean NOBODY fights according to doctrine. Written procedures serve as a guideline and small unit leaders like myself modify it as we see fit to accomplish our given mission. When not in a combat zone there are, of course, rules that need to be followed but they are in place for our own safety, not because "they own us". If you consider showing up on time, looking presentable, and doing the tasks you're assigned as being "owned" then you have some serious self-esteem issues and I wonder how it's possible for you to hold a job.


    I dont know when, or even if, you ever served in the U.S Army but the Army you are describing sounds a lot like the Soviet Army to me. It is there that soldiers are mindless automotons who blindly shut their faces and follow orders regardless of how silly they might be.


    Well, you have not set forth any evidence, I never said what was correct and what was not. I only put forth actual video from the news and un-answered questions that any true thinking American has a right and duty to ask. This is supposed to be a government of, by and for the people and our first document of law, (The Constitution) is the rulebook. How can we dare call ourselves the “Land of the Free and the home of the Brave?” when we are not free enough to ask questions for fear of reprisal? Or brave enough to face the truth when it surfaces? I say “My Country, Love it and Fix it!” That’s what we as Patriots are supposed to do!


    Now you are moving an occurance from here in the States "NORAD" "FAA" and all the Airbases that MUST follow procedure when an event like this happens, to the field of operation where a soldier must do as you describe. My MOS was B16 " Hercules Missile crewman" not a grunt like you. We had to follow PROCEDURE to the letter!!...again you present your argument in an un-intelligent manner and do not address the issues raised you rely on vulgarity to make your feeble and meaningless points only publicly demonstrate ignorance.


    BTW..here are some of our brothers that feel the same as I. Veterans for 911 Truth


    Do you want to have a disscussion on the issues or not. Makes no difference to me.....

  6. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ May 27, 2006 -> 02:42 AM)
    Iggy. Let me give you a piece of advice. Either check the whacko conspiracy theories at the door or go crawl back under whatever rock you crawled out from under. You're not going to sway anyone to your point of view ( or more realistically the point of view of those whackjob conspiracy nut websites of yours ) and you're only going to make a laughingstock of yourself.


    No need for you to give me any advice...if you are trying to spike me into confrontation...lol..let me tell ya something..it is rock heads like you that live under those rocks without any idea what is really happening around you in this world. You close your brain to what your eyes see. You loose your common since and believe what you are told like a good little bushy. The entrie world knows except rock heads like you. I am not putting out theroies, I am simply stating facts and showing actual footage from that day and surrounding events. If you cannot deal with reality you can keep watching FOX for your dose of lies. I did not attack you with name calling and threats. Yet, in your ultimate wisdom that is what you bring to a disscussion...Nothing. I had not seen any of this stuff until April 13th, I had followed the official story too until then. I did my homework and I see unanswered questions. I am not saying who did what, I am saying, something does not look, sound or seem correct about the official Theory and we need to look at it closer.


    We now know that Pearl Harbor was known by our Government weeks in advance and that killed thousands of our own men...Do you think that Bush our CIA, our FBI, our DIA did not know about this? There is tesimony from many in that field that say they were stopped by supervisors from investigating some of these men. If you believe everything you are told by your Government and the News...you are gullible...


    I do not know your age or background. Let me tell you a little about me. I was in the Army. When you are there you have no rights. You are owned. You follow orders, you follow procedure which are defined for everything a person does. You do not ever stray from those procedures or there is consiquences. In this instance..none were followed for almost 2 hours and not one person was held accountable...hmmm...Why?


    Anyway, Happy Memorial Day to you if you are a vet...I am, so I am getting stinking drunk with a few ex-army buds.....c ya


    QUOTE(minors @ May 27, 2006 -> 02:26 AM)
    You really think an American President would kill 3,000 of its own citizens. I don't care what party you are from NO president would do that.


    Pearl Harbor baby..it happened..our Government knew weeks in advance..how many died there????

  7. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 26, 2006 -> 04:37 PM)
    The sad thing is that there's actually some substance to the DSM (who knows how much until more documents are released, which may happen soon), but then you get people like these who get their hands on them and say "See, Bush caused 9/11 to invade Iraq!" and suddenly any story that could be told from those British memos becomes just a conspiracy theory. They're taking everyone who even remotely agrees with them down with them.


    Where in this area do you see me make that referance to 9-11? However..this member " Michael Meacher" of british parliment does see parallels.


    Remember Bush's and the 911 Commission excuse of why 911 happened..they said..."WE DID NOT CONNECT THE DOTS" if they don't we should.....

  8. QUOTE(kapkomet @ May 26, 2006 -> 01:12 PM)
    Now I'll get accused of "name calling"... but who f'in cares?


    What kind of crackpipe smokejob doobies are you smoking? These "conspiracy theories" have all been dismissed so many times, it's unreal. So, the stories just keep getting better and better.


    Yea. Our government ORDERED this s***. Pass me the pipe, that way I can fly. :rolly


    Who said that..you did not hear that from me...What I said was...there are questions from the families of the victims and others that were not addressed. This is suppose to be a discussion...not a name calling swearing contest....

  9. QUOTE(Soxy @ May 26, 2006 -> 11:22 AM)
    I'm as liberal as the next, but enough. If you're going to make these kind of claims you really need to factually back them up and make a more cogent argument, otherwise you really aren't helping or adding anything constructive to the dialogue.


    Here ya go...how he and Tony pre-planned this WAR. I think it is your responsiblity to research these things as an American. However, too many rely on the MSM...which all they pump out of that tube is entertainment and not many facts. I am so sick of that Duke thing...give me substance.


    Downing Street Documents

  10. A few questions to ponder....


    Zogby poll:


    In the question, "Some people believe that the US government and its 9/11 Commission concealed or refused to investigate critical evidence that contradicts their official explanation of the September 11th attacks, saying there has been a cover-up. Others say that the 9/11 Commission was a bi-partisan group of honest and well-respected people and that there is no reason they would want to cover-up anything. Who are you more likely to agree with?"


    * US government and 9/11 Commission are NOT covering up (48%)

    * US government and 9/11 Commission are covering up (42%)

    * Not sure (10%)

    * 45% feel the attacks should be reinvestigated.


    All these numbers so high and that is without any intence media coverage as the 911 Commission has had. Imagine if it actually got coverage!



    The buildings came down at free-fall speed.

    It takes 2500 degrees to melt steel and jet fuel

    which is mostly kerosene burns at a maximum of 1300 degrees. Most of the jet

    fuel was consumed in the huge fireball on impact. There are pictures of human

    beings standing in the huge holes. Why are they not being consumed by a fire

    that is alleged to have brought down the towers?


    No steel structure has EVER collapsed due to fire and there are numerous

    examples of high rises that burned for over 24 hours at higher temps. The core

    of the Twin Towers was 47 massive steel columns. Why are they not still

    sticking out of the ground? Why were they all cut into convenient 30 foot

    segments in the fall? And why were they all removed from the crime scene and

    shipped to China to be melted down? This is destruction of evidence.


    Why did everything including office equiptment disintegrate into fine

    powder? And how in the midst of all that devastation are we to believe that they

    actually found the passport of one of the hijackers in the 1st day of digging?

    How is it only 45% don't believe these lies???


    Why did the fire commission call the investigation "a half-baked farce?"


    Why did it take over 400 days to assemble a commission when Pearl Harbor,

    JFK, etc all were assembled within 7 days? Why does everyone on the commission

    except Max Cleland (who was shut out and resigned) have GROSS CONFLICTS OF

    INTEREST? Read David Allen Griffen's book 9-11 Commission: Errors and



    Why does the 9-11 Commission not even address the collapse of Bldg. 7 which

    was never hit by anything and had only two small fires. Larry Silverstein,

    the leaseholder who collected $7Billion in insurance is on TV saying "I made the

    decision to just 'pull it'" That is an industry term for controlled



    All of this evidence is out there and very nicely compiled in numerous

    publications and productions.


    BTW you want a conspiracy theory??? Try this: 19 Arabs w/carpet knives

    overtook a military that taxpayers spend over $1Trillion a year on. Where was

    NORAD? How can they fly into Pentagon Airspace OVER AN HOUR AFTER WE KNEW WE

    WERE "UNDER ATTACK" and not have any pictures that show a plane when I can't

    run a traffic light without getting a ticket in the mail?


    This is only the tip of the iceberg people. And none of this could occur

    without a complicit corporate press. If they were really the 4th Estate and

    not a bunch of bought and paid for corporate lapdogs this debate would be on

    every station (half the people after all, already know) instead of the

    nauseating exhaustive coverage of Laci Peterson or the latest piece of gossip.


    There is no religion higher than Truth and there comes a time when silence

    is betrayal to quote Ghandi and King in the same breath. To quote Hearst

    which perhaps these traitors in the media can relate to "News is something that

    someone wants covered up. Everything else is advertizing."

  11. Shouldn't he regret sending our men to war to die and kill based on his administrations lies that were planned in advance?


    If that is his form of Christianity....I want nothing to do with it!!!

  12. QUOTE(Soxfest @ May 26, 2006 -> 12:59 AM)
    Sen. Arlen Specter put a last minute amendment in immigration bill minutes before the final vote that says the United States MUST consult the Mexican government before we put any fences, barriers up at border. This is the most insulting thing I have ever seen, to protect U.S. border we need Mexico's blessing to protect ourselves, Senate is lost! :finger


    I am glad to hear that...it is called diplomacy...something the Bush Administration knows nothing about....

  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ May 26, 2006 -> 12:46 AM)
    Oh, so this is the same guy who detected some excess neutron emissions and declared that he had achieved cold fusion.


    Just having read through his page, there's some obvious errors. Like saying that there was some sort of a problem with the fact that the needle of Tower 1 came down first, when that's actually key to understanding how the things were built and what actually caused their collapse.


    (The towers were supported by their exterior structure, and the floors themselves kept th e outer structure from collapsing inwards. But if the inner floors give way, then the support for the exteroir of the structure is removed, and it would collapse...thus, the first thing to fall would actually be the inside. Interestingly enough, the weakest point in the towers would have been the connection between the inner floors and the outer walls, which was only a single connection at each side, and which just happens to be the exact point that the collapse began.)


    Geez...why didn't you do the 911 Commission studies...you better watch the Building the WTC video...The center core was the Structural support for this building.



  14. You did not really look then...


    So, just for s***s and giggles, I decided to play around with one of those claims...the molten steel part. First of all, there was no molten steel in the WTC., it only got hot enough for the steel to become ductile, but not melt, but that's beside the point.


    The molten steel...see video here taken 6 weeks later


    As for the other comments..try refuting this Physics Professor Steven E. Jones I think he knows a little more than you or I. His paper was reviewed by his peers..which means other Physics professors and was accepted for publication. BTW..this is heavy reading...if you want more...check this Site too or this one by Scholars


    Outside all the WTC stuff, all the other things are too coincidental. Watch this video by Michael Meacher - Member of the British Parliment.


    Or this MIT Engineer Jeff King He gives a good explanation of the pyroclastic flow.

  15. QUOTE(EvilMonkey @ May 25, 2006 -> 11:10 PM)
    There is not enough tin foil in America to make the hat you are wearing.

    Name calling...lol. That is your only responce? How about some facts.....I have done my homework..answers like that show how Brainwashed this country is from the media.


    The people driving this are 911 Victim Families,Cops, Politicians, Authors, Engineers, Scientists, of every race, in every State of this Republic and on every continent. All we seek is a REAL commission. One that will answer the tough questions! What is wrong with asking Questions...or are you of the mentality that BUSH and his administration do not lie......We should not Question? ...You can give your rights away...as for me... I will fight for mine.

  16. I am moving to Libertarian...Back to Constitional Rule...WE THE PEOPLE...no more free money to any country...lower taxes...all our Military returns home to protect this great Country and they can spend all Holidays with their families...No Income tax on laborers..only on Big Corporate ....that is how it was until 1913... See The Lawsuit To Restore Constitutional Order they had hearing today which is currently under appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals in DC and have gotten decisions against the IRS in our favor already...I am still waiting to hear what happened today.


    Here is a quick little video of the IRS not being able to answer.."Is there a law that requires you to pay Income Tax" and they could not do it!!!

  17. It is all about the un-answered questions boys...you really think we cannot launch fighter craft in 1 hr and 28 minutes. You believe that molten Steel more than 6 weeks later is what? Pancake effect...lol...I got a bridge to sell too. Everyone just keep watching American Idol and everthing is gonna be fine. We have been fed lies since before 9-11 and are still being fed them. Someday everyone will wake...hope it is not too late though...with our 1st and 4th amendment rights in the crapper. Spying on Americans..on and on.


    I wonder why, if this is such a load..why are they going to play this film in Englands parlament on June 14th and discuss the Downing Street Memos? Any of you ever heard of that? You have been lied to...time to wakeup.


    Why do Two prominent European politicians, Michael Meacher and Andreas von Bülow, express their serious doubts about the official version of the 9/11 story.” Video This is everywhere, Canada, All of Europe, Japan..etc. At least they still have a media that does investigative journalism and reports, unlike here in America that reports only the Consevative side.


    Why did the Administration fight the victims families for more than 1 year to have the commission, when Bush promissed a few days after and then assembled a commission of administration insiders. ! commissiner quit calling it a farce and a whitewash job. Ellen Marinai Lost her husband on flight 175 see Video


    All I can say is do your homework and learn.


    As for me, I think all politicians are corrupt. This country needs to get back to Constitutional Rule...you know WE THE PEOPLE and not WE THE CORPORATIONS

  18. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ May 23, 2006 -> 02:29 PM)
    COURT RULING, Chicago Illinois, May 8, 2006 Chicago, Illinois (AP) – A

    seven year old boy was at the center of a Chicago courtroom drama

    yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody

    of him.


    The boy has a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge

    initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with the child

    custody law and regulations requiring that family unity be maintained to

    the degree possible.


    The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him

    more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When

    the judge suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried

    out that they also beat him.


    After considering the remainder of the immediate family and learning

    that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among them, the

    Judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who

    should have custody of him.


    After two recesses to check legal references and confer with child

    welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the Chicago

    Cubs, who the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.


    Ohhhhhhhhhhh Smack

  19. This one is the newest featured at Tribeca Festival after Flight 93 played. "Everybodys Gotta Learn Sometime" I personally think this one connects all the dots.



    If you have seen the movie "Loose Change" and want to meet the makers "Korey Rowe and Dylan Avery" you can meet and speak to them June 2-4 in Chicago.


    "Chicago Conference"


    If you have not seen the film Loose Change, it is a controversial film that relates to 9-11-01 and the many still un-answered questions some 5 years later. See the film here for free----> "Loose Change Link"




    It will blow you away........

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