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Posts posted by Lillian

  1. 2 minutes ago, DirtySox said:


    That is Mark Feinsand talking, not Sox management. One would have to believe that this is just some inconsequential person's speculation and completely unfounded. The Sox are anything but a "perfect landing spot". 

  2. Pujols is not worth worrying about, as it is very improbable that the Sox would try to acquire him. La Russa is not that mentally challenged. Not knowing a new rule is one thing, trying to fix a hole in CF with a player who can only DH, is yet another. If he were to push for such a move, I would quickly join the chorus of those who want him replaced.

  3. 16 minutes ago, Flash said:

    A viable option might be Gavin Sheets. He's been playing RF for Charlotte where he is hitting 500 and slugging. Would love to see how his game translates to MLB. Would sure give him a chance.

    I remember reading this article and thinking that Sheets may become a "viable option" for RF, at some time in the future. Looks like that future could be now:



    • Like 1
  4. 57 minutes ago, joesaiditstrue said:

    you'd think Hahn would have at least talked to TX about Gallo, wish somebody would leak those talks/asking price.  I'm guessing TX is asking for the moon even though Gallo hasn't performed well so far

    what's the most you guys would give up for Gallo? His deal ends his year, it's almost too good to be true as you're able to do Eloy/Robert/Vaughn in 2022 without having to bench or trade guys. Eaton also gone after this year. 

    Gallo will still be under control next year, which will be his last year of arbitration.

  5. 1 hour ago, Wisebri224 said:

    Just the messenger.  Anyone see the NBCSN article on trading for Bryant and the price would be Cespedes?  Thoughts?  I know currently looking at the prospects of not knowing what Jimenez or Robert will be like when they return later this year or next, the idea of trading a OF prospect is scary, but that would be a really nice bat in the lineup for the rest of this year.  I still think I would rather have Gallo who can play center, but it may not be the worst option.

    It's hard to believe that the Cubs would accept nothing more than Cespedes, for Bryant. 

    • Haha 1
  6. If they acquire Gallo, he is your right fielder for the rest of this year and next. Goodwin holds down CF, until Engel is ready. Vaughn stays in left. Next year, when Eloy and Robert come back, you don't pick up Eaton's option and you figure out what to do with the combination of Mercedes, Vaughn, Abreu and Eloy. Four first basemen/DH guys, all right handed. If Vaughn lives up to expectations, Abreu continues to age well, Mercedes is anything close to legitimate and Eloy is who we know he is, you figure it out when the time comes.

  7. Eaton batting behind Abreu. I hope that Jose can restrain himself and take some of the pitches, he's liable to see out of the zone. He's been cold, but if you were the opposing pitcher, wouldn't you still go around him, to get to Eaton? Perhaps they can't afford the luxury of leaving T. A. in the leadoff spot. Until they add some thunder, he probably needs to hit in the middle of the order. With this roster, why not have Madrigal lead off, Moncada 2ND, Abreu, then Anderson?

  8. 1 hour ago, South Side Hit Men said:

    If they sign a free agent or assume a contract, I’m fine with it.

    If they trade key prospects and/or give away significant international bonus signing money slots, I’m not fine with it. 

    If they are still within playoff striking distance in July, stay the course. If not, I’m fine selling pieces like Lynn Rodon or other short term pieces, as they will likely have limited ability to load up if they are good the next few years.

    What kind of return do you think Lynn and Rodon would net, if they were to move them now? Maybe it's time to think about punting, to shore up the few holes, on next year's team. Could we get back some really promising young arms and maybe a LH power bat for right field? I just don't think that the Sox have the pieces to trade for 2 outfielders, who could replace both Eloy and Robert, and with Engel's return in doubt, it's at least worth considering trying to keep the core and capitalize on the two starting pitchers, who will be free agents at the end of the season. Oh, and you could add Grandal to the list.  Eaton could be another name to move, if you get back a good young outfielder who is ready to get a little Major League experience. I'm not advocating it, but it would be interesting to consider. The farm is pretty thin at this point. and this front office doesn't seem particularly adept at signing free agents, especially on a tight budget.

    • Like 1
  9. Let's assume that Robert is going to be out for a month, or 2. Engel is the obvious replacement, which doesn't negatively impact the defense. The issue is how to replace Robert's bat. With two of our best RH hitters missing, it appears that Vaughn will now remain in left field and Mercedes will continue to be the DH. If Hahn is going to acquire another outfielder, it probably means that he would replace Eaton in RF. Eaton started the season on a tear, but has recently looked like he is hurt and has become a strike out machine, at the plate. 

    My hope is that the Sox can acquire a left handed hitting right fielder, who will soon become a free agent. A rental, such as Conforto would be the kind of player, whom Hahn could target. The problem is that the Mets are not in a sell mode. With their pitching, they consider themselves a viable post season candidate. If the Sox don't bring in someone from another organization, I'd still like to see if they could try to get by with Lamb at 3RD and see if Moncada could play RF, just until Robert returns. Lamb is only 30, and now seems to be completely healthy. He was a solid LH hitter, before he tore his rotator cuff, which has been surgically repaired. If they aren't going to use him, when they have to turn to their bench, why did they acquire him? Frankly, what would worry me the most is Yoan pulling a hamstring, while chasing down a fly ball. 

    • Haha 1
  10. I don't agree with the opening game lineup choices. However, in trying to understand La Russa's rationale, LH hitters have averaged .313 with a .405 OBP and a  .656 SLG %, against MIze. That is probably why he has Lamb, Garcia and Hamilton in the line up. Robert would likely not be up to both games, given his recent flu like symptoms. Again, I don't agree, but I'm trying to understand his thought process.

    • Haha 1
  11. Adding names like Bryant do not solve the biggest offensive deficiency of this team. They still need more balance in the lineup. If Moncada and Grandal are the only two middle of the order LH bats, they are going to be seriously challenged by good RH pitching. Gallo is an interesting name. He could take Eloy's spot this year and replace Eaton next year. Beyond 2023, I hope that the Sox will have solved that lack of LH hitting. I have no idea what it would take to acquire him, but the Rangers are not going to contend, anytime during Gallo's remaining 2 years. 

    Regarding the potential of acquiring another starter: If the Sox manage Kopech's usage, so that he will be available to start in the playoffs, there might be 5 viable candidates for the 3 playoff rotation spots. Giolito, Keuchel, Lynn, Rodon and Kopech all have the ability to be effective in the Post Season. Cease may even get there, if he can harness his command. Next year is another question, with both Lynn and Rodon becoming free agents. However, if Crochet ultimately becomes a starter, they may be able to go with a rotation of Giolito, Kopech, Cease, Keuchel and Crochet, next year. The bullpen may become the greater need, at that point, having lost both Crochet and Kopech to the starting rotation. 

    Therefore, adding a top of the rotation arm, such as Scherzer, would appear to be less important than adding some middle of the rotation depth, to cover injuries. The Sox staff has plenty of dominant arms, but not much behind them.

  12. One often overlooked issue with Moncada is that he represents the only viable option to fulfil that perennially elusive need for a middle of the order LH bat. If he doesn't hit well enough to bat somewhere in the middle of the RH heavy lineup, then who will? Eaton doesn't provide the power and Grandal just isn't a good enough hitter. Many of you think that I place too much emphasis on that issue, but the Sox success versus LH pitching and mediocrity vs RH pitching supports my argument. If he at least lives up to his contract, plays solid defense and steals more bases, the Sox can hope to find a power bat to fill the void, sometime in the near future. Perhaps they will sign one to replace Eaton in RF, next year.

    However, in the meantime, the lack of balance in the lineup really makes Moncada's success, or failure, a bigger issue than whether he lives up to his contract and expectations. If he were simply another RH hitter, it wouldn't be that critical. However, given that he is probably the only guy on this roster who could provide a middle of the order,  LH bat, this team needs him to be a better hitter. La Russa tried batting him cleanup, but so far, that experiment has been a complete failure.

    • Like 3
  13. 29 minutes ago, Squirmin' for Yermin said:

    Sooooo we should just sign Encarncion if we are allowed to use 2016 and 2017 numbers.

    No, we shouldn't "just sign Encarnacion". Encarnacion is 38, right handed, can't play a position and isn't excused from being bad because of an injury. Comparing apples and oranges, is not a valid argument. 

    Asking Vaughn to learn a new position, in his rookie season, is not the best option. If Collins is in the lineup, he shouldn't hit in Eloy's spot, as he is yet unproven. He would have to bat further down in the order.

    If La Russa doesn't intend to play Lamb, why did they release Lucroy to make room for Lamb? Moreover, why would Lamb sign to sit on the bench? 


  14. This team shouldn't worry about facing left handers, against which their heavily weighted RH hitting line up didn't lose a single game last season. RH pitching is an entirely different matter. With that in mind, perhaps Lamb, if healthy, should be in the lineup, on days when the Sox are facing a RH starter:

    VERSUS RH PITCHING          AB    2B   3B  HR  RBI  AVG  OBP  SLG  

    J. LAMB 2016 & 2017            413  27    7    25   75   .271  .346  .552

                                                     404  26    4    25   86   .282  .386  .552

    ELOY CAREER STATS:            501  26    2    34   91   .279  .321  .543

    Projected lineup vs. RHP:










    • Haha 2
  15. 1 hour ago, ChiSox59 said:

    Who is Beckman?  

    Tim Beckham?  Maybe.  My guess is he's no longer with the org in a few weeks.  Regardless, Tim Beckham playing extended innings at 3B this season would be disaster.  

    Sorry, typo. Of course I meant Tim Beckham.

  16. 17 minutes ago, ChiSox59 said:

    Lamb can still play 3rd.

    They aren't moving Moncada to LF to make room for Jake Lamb.  

    Lamb is an insurance to Moncada injury (becuase honestly, it was Mendick otherwise, and literally no one else).  My guess is Lamb will be picking up an OF glove and may see some reps in LF if he makes the roster.  

    I thought Beckman was regarded as the first backup third baseman.

  17. He was a very good hitter against RHP, in 2016 & 2017, before his rotator cuff injury. He had it surgically repaired and If he is finally healthy, his LH bat could be useful. What about the possibility of putting Moncada in LF, just for this year, versus RHP, and letting Lamb play 3RD? Lamb is a solid defensive third baseman. Was his shoulder injury to his throwing arm, and if so, does he still have the arm to play 3RD?

    If that could work, it might be preferable to putting Vaughn in LF. Moncada would likely be an above average left fielder, given his speed and athleticism.

  18. The concept of starting the year with Kopech and Crochet, as a tandem, in the #5 slot of the starting rotation, is very intriguing. They could go 3 innings each, with a conservative pitch count, to get to the 7TH inning, when they would turn it over to the pen. As they both gain strength and stamina, their load could be expanded to 4 innings each. They could even get to the point of being able to go as far as 5 or 6 innings, late in the season. If one of them emerged as a very strong and effective starter, he could be used in the Post Season rotation, while the other went to bolster the pen, or they could simply continue to function as a tandem team. That kind of decision would also depend upon how the other starters were doing, in terms of both health and effectiveness.
    For those concerned about service time, why not begin this regimen at Charlotte, and continue it when they're brought to Chicago? In any case, those two fireballers could end up being the most effective part of the starting rotation, and out of the #5 slot. Wouldn't this approach be more effective as a method of achieving the ultimate goal of making starters out of both Crochet and Kopech, than throwing short relief stints? Moreover, the pen is already a team strength and doesn't need either of those arms, as much as the rotation does. It's certainly a very intriguing idea. What team would want to face a righty, lefty tandem, both throwing triple digits?
  19. Confirmation bias is always a potential obstacle to discovering the truth. If anyone really wants to discern the truth, they might be better served looking at both sides of this issue. Many doctors have reported very positive results. It is easy to find attempts to reject and dispute their findings. After all, it should be obvious that there is a concerted effort to cover up this information. Again, one should be asking why. This should not be the kind of subject, about which one side of the controversy should be censored. If one does the research, and considers both sides of the argument, they will likely discover that there is something very nefarious transpiring here.

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