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Posts posted by Lillian

  1. 1 minute ago, southsider2k5 said:

    It's not suspicious, nor unprecedented.  It is at best unproven, and at worst, totally false.  They are trying to make sure more people don't kill themselves following the advice of this President who doesn't care about them.

    Leaving politics out of the discussion, are you suggesting that the many doctors who are trying to inform the public about their positive results with the HCQ protocol, are doing so with some malevolent motive? What exactly would that motive be? I don't understand the logic.

  2. Has anyone here investigated the very odd and suspicious controversy over hydroxychloroquine plus zinc, as a treatment for Covid-19?  Many doctors have asserted that it is a very effective treatment. The curious thing is that Youtube and Twitter have consistently censored and removed such material. Social media companies have waged a campaign to block any positive information about the HCQ (hydroxychloroquine) regimen, as an effective treatment. This is unprecedented and very suspicious.  One has to ask themselves; why would these social media companies be blocking and censoring information being presented by doctors, about a disease, and its treatment? What is their motive and who benefits from the censorship of such information?

  3. In the interest of gaining a better understanding about the pandemic, particularly as it relates to professional sports, I'd like to pose the question; How serious is Covid-19. in respect to professional athletes?  The data regarding the number of cases and the number of deaths has been critically questioned.  Many experts have asserted that it is not a life threatening disease, for younger people, especially if they are in good health. That controversy aside, as baseball fans, we are paying particular attention to its impact on Major League players and teams. Of all of the players, who have tested positive, so far, has any player even gotten very ill, much less been in critical condition?  We do know that none of the players have died. If this trend continues, could professional sports simply begin to treat this the same way that they do the flu?  

  4. It could be advantageous for Michael, as it would provide him with an opportunity to establish himself, in order to virtually eliminate the possibility of management keeping him in the Minors, at the beginning of next season, which would cost him another year of service time. After just seeing that news regarding his failed marriage, perhaps being around his teammates might be good for his psyche. Who knows? 

  5. McCann's success last year may not have been the aberration, that some assert. He did make significant changes to his approach at the plate, and they seemed to have paid huge dividends. He probably isn't as good as his first half of last season suggests, but he's still pretty decent. Watching him hit, on a daily basis, demonstrates to me that he has a very sound approach. I like the fact that he chokes up on the bat, with 2 strikes and that he is willing to hit the ball to right field, which is a very desirable practice. It has certainly turned around Anderson's career. 

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  6. As previously stated, because catching is a position which uniquely requires shared playing time, adequate depth really includes a third option. If Grandal were to get injured, who would be Collin's tandem partner? Mercedes can certainly hit, but can he catch well enough to be a viable option? I don't consider Zavala a good enough offensive, or defensive catcher, to be a possibility. If Mercedes could catch well enough, the Sox could get by without McCann, in the event that Grandal were to lose significant playing time. Catching is such a critical defensive position, that the return for McCann would have to be someone with some real potential. Otherwise, I'd prefer the extra insurance that the current depth provides. It is likely that James will elect to sign elsewhere, next year, but by then the Sox may know more about their catching depth.

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  7. 24 minutes ago, Y2Jimmy0 said:

    Is this a serious post? 

    Yes, I was being serious. Although, I qualified my comments by admitting that limited Spring Training stats are not very meaningful, Moncada's completely underwhelming performance may not help his negotiating position. His offense has been completely absent, in his first 18 at bats. He isn't even making hard contact. He's healthy, been in camp the whole time, and even showed up early. I hope that he gets going soon.  

    I know that I shouldn't over react, but he does look pretty lost, at the plate. There will be many times, during the season, when even great hitters will go through such slumps, but I'd like to think that it would at least be against really good pitching, not a bunch of Minor League arms. If he had a longer track record, I'd be much less concerned, but he looks more like the 2018 version, than the 2019 version, especially his reversion back to taking close pitches, with 2 strikes. Again, I don't get overly optimistic about a guy having a great Spring, considering the circumstances, but I'd like to see the best players giving a better account of themselves, than what Yoan has been doing.

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  8. Moncada's underwhelming Spring continues. He is not helping himself. It may turn out to be a blessing, in disguise for the front office, even if no one takes Spring Training performance very seriously. Poor performance is probably more meaningful than outstanding performance. Facing a lot of Minor League arms, can inflate a hitter's Spring stats, but not being able to excel against mediocre pitching is not a good sign, especially in that dry Arizona air, in which it's hard to get pitches to break.

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  9. After having watched all of his posted videos, I'm sorry to have to say that they really are awful. Tim seems to be constantly "playing to the camera". Most of his continuous hand symbols and mutterings, are either inaudible, or unintelligible, and often cringe worthy. The intriguing idea of having good quality video, revealing an inside look into the personality of this appealing group of Sox players seemed promising. Unfortunately, this effort falls far short of its potential. Eloy has the personality to do something like this, but I'm afraid that Tim just isn't cut out for it. Perhaps the best thing Tim could do is simply pretend that no one is capturing any of his antics on video. Just be himself and stop playing to the camera. Oh, and better quality video, and better editing would also help. Nevertheless, I like Tim, love the way he plays, and appreciate the good things he does. Hey Tim, just "don't give up your day job".

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  10. 52 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    I really don’t think the Sox plan on using Leury as the primary reserve IF.  I’m almost certain that role will go to Mendick.  Once Madrigal is up, Leury’s role should be platoon RF and versatile utility guy.  Engel will likely be the final bench piece as Robert’s main backup and late inning defensive replacement for Eloy and/or Mazara.  I would honestly be shocked at this point if those guys and McCann weren’t our bench come May.

    That wouldn't be my choice, but you may be right. It will be interesting to see how well some of these guys perform, this Spring, and what they ultimately decide to do with the roster. I personally don't think that there is enough difference in the offense, between Leury and Engel, versus LHP, to give the platoon role to Leury. I prefer Engels defense.

  11. 22 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    Mendick is our primary reserve IF and I really don’t see that changing.  If anyone were to get bumped for Delmonico it would likely be Engel and that seems incredibly unlikely.  And the only chance for Mercedes to make the team is with a five man bench IMO.

    Again, once Madrigal is added, I would expect Leury to be the primary reserve infielder. He should be ahead of Mendick, especially considering that Leury has a $3,5 Million contract. I think Mendick returns to Charlotte, once Madrigal is given second base. Engel is a better choice for the 4TH outfielder, to provide late inning defense, as well as a possible platoon partner for Mazara. I don't see the Sox carrying a 5TH Bench player. I think there will be 13 pitchers and 13 position players.

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  12. I have a feeling that Delmonico will soon be added to this discussion. The history Stone shared yesterday, about Nickey's painful injury and how he is now feeling 100%, coupled with his positive mechanical changes, working with Menechino, were all a revelation to me. At this early point in the season, I'd favor either Mercedes or Delmonico. Once Madrigal is added to the 26 man roster, I'd like to see the 4 bench players consist of Engel, Leury, McCann and one of those two.

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  13. However this deal is being structured, I do hope that it will keep him under Sox control, through this window of contention, but not so long that he lacks sufficient incentive to play for another contract. Perhaps an opt out after 2027, or simply a deal which expires after that season. Having him through his age 31 season would be great. Conceptually, this strategy of paying for the prime years, while maintaining control, seems much more sensible than paying for declining years of production, and being saddled with an albatross contract for a player in his very late 30's. 

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  14. A core comprised of Anderson, Robert, Eloy, Moncada, Vaughn and Madrigal could solidify the offense, for a good long run. I'm hoping that Mazara realizes his potential and is added to that core, with an extension. I wonder how willing Mr. Reinsdorf will be to lock up some of the starters. It would be risky, but having Giolito, Cease and Kopech around for the same time frame, could be interesting. I'm skeptical of the chances and a good argument can be made for not committing to arms, given their fragility. 

  15. I love watching Tim play and I respect his philanthropic work in the community, however he does seem awfully full of himself. His Youtube channel is interesting, more for the behind the scenes peeks at the other players, than for his hardly audible ramblings. Oh, and I too worry about him trying to make a video and text, while driving. Perhaps he should hire a driver, so that he and his video assistant can concentrate on their "productions," while the driver concentrates on getting him to the field in one piece. In any case, he may be trying to juggle too many plates, while striving to accomplish his self proclaimed goals. I'd really prefer that he just focus on his game and let his video maker capture everything, more in the style of "Candid Camera". I do wonder if some of his teammates may not be comfortable with the loss of their privacy. 

  16. I just listened to the new Mazara interview, on the NBC podcast. What a terrific, likeable young man. He was more personable, intelligent and articulate than most of the American ball players, whom I've heard interviewed, especially considering that English is not his native language. I'll be rooting very hard for him and love his potential.

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