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henry wiggins

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Posts posted by henry wiggins

  1. QUOTE(LosMediasBlancas @ Jun 21, 2006 -> 08:45 AM)
    I've said it before, Ozzie is too easily baited and he's a minstrel show for the white media. It takes bigger balls to take the high road than it does to sling s***. Unfortunately, Ozzie was brought up to never turn the other cheek and that will never change.


    Maybe I'm over-thinking this, but I'm pretty sure Ozzie is capable of NOT saying something when he wants to. Reading the Playboy interview of him, I got the sense that he knows full well how certain of his speech patterns offend certain people, primarily the media. Last year he got into a s***storm for calling a friend of his a couple of similar names, so he isn't naive about how his remarks get taken.


    IMO this was Ozzie deliberately playing the media, getting the energy going, and IMO he is totally doing it for his ballclub. You think that one single person on the field or in the clubhouse in the Sox organization is annoyed with Ozzie for calling JM what he did? Not bloody likely!


    This is Ozzie mobilizing his team and banding them together against an opponent -- the news media. I say good for Ozzie. He knows the psychology of athletes. This is gonna work. :cheers


    (That same blowhard columnist said last week that Ozzie's players lost respect for him when they saw him rip Tracey in the dugout. Gee, they have a funny way of showing it -- winning every game since then?!?! ROTFLMAFAO!)

  2. WTF? I missed this, and in this morning's Southtown, Phil Arvia is all over Ozzie -- from what I can gather, for Ozzie's political incorrectness in his tirade at the gasbag Jay:





    Once again, the person doing the beaning -- in this case, Moronotti of Ozzie, repeatedly -- gets a pass, and the Soz when they retaliate get whacked -- in this case, by the news media. What a crock. Go, Ozzie! :cheers :gosox2:


    ETA-- and no, that doesn't mean that I or anyone else thinks that Ozzie meant to offend a particular group with his epithet. Arvia and the rest need to get over the PC crap and realize that these are jocks, baseball players, who live in a world that is 90% testosterone and adrenaline and 0% political correctness. And if Ozzie says stuff that comes across as ignornant or uninformed, DON'T QUOTE IT! Even on an internet board, people are capable of using the IGNORE feature!

  3. QUOTE(shawnhillegas @ Jun 20, 2006 -> 10:35 PM)
    well, sean tracey threw a shutout tonight, but riske learned what he needed to do a lot quicker.


    Interesting -- this from the Sox website:


    Guillen stressed again on Tuesday that his dugout tirade was not aimed directly at Tracey but more at the team in general to stand up for each other. Guillen added that Tracey was not the first pitcher this season who failed to execute certain orders.


    I wonder who else hasn't been doing as he's told to? My guess is Vasquez.

  4. QUOTE(JimH @ Jun 20, 2006 -> 10:06 PM)
    LaRussa knew what he was doing, actually I had no problem with Anderson getting drilled. It may seem petty to some but that's how old school managers did it, they sent a message to the opposition when getting an ass kicking in game one of a series ... kind of like "hey you are kicking our ass but we're not gonna roll over and we are here to play hard". Plust they pick a rookie so as not to risk hurting a big gun. Again may sound hypocritical to some here but LaRussa is very old school and he's long done it that way.


    I have been watching baseball for too many years to think it's petty. I think it's an important psychological part of the game, which is why I'm so glad to see Riske getting the job done. Yeah, winning 20-2 is nice, but it doesn't answer this.


    I'm thinking that Ozzie learned from LaRussa as much as he learned from anyone, and we don't have any misunderstandings between these two managers -- or any hard feelings, either.

  5. QUOTE(Leonard Zelig @ Jun 20, 2006 -> 09:58 PM)
    Does anybody think that maybe the pitching coach's son was not the best guy in the line up to retaliate against, or is this over?


    Actually I thought Riske picked his target well -- Duncan, like Anderson, is a rookie. And Riske got two outs in the inning before he did it -- and had first base open. Clearly, Riske knows the protocol in this situation. :D

  6. QUOTE(jphat007 @ Jun 20, 2006 -> 09:39 PM)
    Not risking suspensions. Getting suspensions. There will definitely be some games. But it shouldn't be surprised. Ozzie said he wasn't going to put up with it anymore, and I don't blame him. We get hit so much and he's tired of it.


    Yeah, and warnings are always issued BEFORE Sox pitchers hit anyone, so screw that -- good for you, Riske. Like your style!

  7. QUOTE(lukeman89 @ Jun 19, 2006 -> 08:21 PM)
    you people seriously need to lighten up

    its called a joke :rolly


    at least a few people on these boards have a sense of humor, but gosh darnit crack a smile every once in a while.


    I will when you post something funny. :lol:

  8. QUOTE(lukeman89 @ Jun 19, 2006 -> 06:36 PM)
    here is a small sample size of what i know about the opposite sex


    they have vaginas between their legs ('cept your mom)

    they suck at driving

    they know nothing about baseball

    they make less money than men

    they have too many pairs of shoes

    they are b****es

    they can sense when a man is being insecure, and they done find it attractive

    they know when a man is kissing up to them, and they dont find it attractive

    using "Hey i like that shirt, it hides your belly really well" as a pick-up line works like a charm.

    i can go on, but i figure if i leave you with a sample size larger than jon garland's pitching stats in the 9th inning of a start in 2006 you can get some sort of an idea of my knowledge of women


    And they can spot a loser even on an internet bulletin board -- at least, this girl can. You're kinda icky. But then, you've been told that before by girls, I'm sure. :lol:

  9. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jun 19, 2006 -> 11:51 AM)
    To be honest, I think the turning point for his season will be the 3 run homer he hit against Cleveland when the Sox were down 10-2 on Sunday nite baseball.


    I was at that game, and I told the friend I was with that BA was going to get two hits that night. My friend laughed his head off, even after Anderson singled in his first turn at bat --until the bottom of the 9th. I did the laughing then.


    That game was a turning point --it was a very different BA from previous weeks. And that was right after his amazing catch (on Friday night) and Ozzie's announcement that Anderson would not be going down to AAA but would be the regular center-fielder. HUGE shot of confidence for BA that weekend, and he's been better ever since.

  10. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Jun 19, 2006 -> 09:34 AM)
    I agree, but there was a play this weekend where Pods was calling it, he was under it and set, and Anderson cut in front of him. I understand it's the CF's ball, but he also has to understand that it's a lot easier for a corner OF to catch it if he's set then if he's running.


    Seems to me that this goes to the psychology of playing the position, and that's where BA has to grow into the job a little bit. The CF is the boss of the outfield, but this CF is also a pretty new rookie. Ozzie talks about the bullpen pitchers settling into their "roles" and probably the outfielders have some of that to do too.


    I saw the play where BA cut in front of Pods, and Pods would have caught the ball. But BA seemed like he was locked onto it and maybe, I dunno, he didn't even hear Pods yell "I got it" (which you could see on TV Pods did do). BA goes balls-out in CF. With maturity will come the ability to manage and orchestrate the outfield better.


    I've liked Anderson from day one, and I love the thought of him in center field for the next 10 years. He's got star potential.


  11. Does Garland actually pitch better in games where he's *not* given an early lead? It seems so to me, but I'm going by my memory here and stats might not back that up.


    Also, Thome appeared to have no problems playing first base, which is reassuring, since they will want him there for at least some of the interleague games.


    What a great series and what an outstanding road trip. :cheers

  12. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jun 18, 2006 -> 01:37 PM)
    I really like the trade.


    Not only does he have good stats, but Riske knows the AL Central hitters pretty well from being with the Indians. I think it solidifies the bullpen a bit but as we all know the only reason we got him was because we had to demote Tracey since he refused to hit Blalock


    No no, the common misconception is that Tracey was sent down because he didn't hit Blalock. The real reason he was banished is because Ozzie ruined him as a player when he reduced him to tears in the dugout.

    The very next night, poor traumatized Sean "allowed a two-run home run in relief to one-time White Sox Minor Leaguer Danny Sandoval during Triple-A Charlotte's 10-7 loss at Scranton Wilkes-Barre." (Sox website.)


    DCFS will be contacting Ozzie in the course of their investigation. Tracey has applied to buy a Dunkin Donuts franchise.

  13. I think it's nice to have an experienced big-league pitcher in the pen, along with the youngsters and rooks; and I think Riske had a good inning tonight to introduce himselt to the team. He could be a really big help for the Sox this year and I look forward to seeing that.

  14. QUOTE(shawnhillegas @ Jun 16, 2006 -> 10:11 PM)
    Jay Mariotti is the Ann Coulter of sports. I say loud, obnoxious things because I didnt get enough attention when I was a kid. I make terrible arguments, sensationalize everything, and view everything in such polarized terms that its impossible for me to recognize that there are usually two, coherent arguments to a position.


    Bingo. You got it.


    And as for the 'a baseball is a lethal weapon' spew -- well, then we fans should storm Cooperstown and remove every trace of Don Drysdale from the Hall of Fame. That guy was an acknowledged headhunter who made Ed Farmer look like a wimp. -- Oh wait, DD was also one of the greatest pitchers of all time. This does not compute! I must await further instructions from Unca Jay! :headshake

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