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henry wiggins

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Posts posted by henry wiggins

  1. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 04:08 PM)
    Anderson has easily saved more runs than Mack has batted in and has kept this team in a lot of ball games. I wish he would start hitting, but the only way he's going to do that is with more practice. He has a hole in his swing down and away and pitchers are exploiting it. He's also struggled with ihs approach, but both are fixable with time and a good work ethic and from everything I've heard Anderson has that (and he has the tools).


    Patience is all thats needed.


    I completely agreed with you until this past week, and what shook my belief was seeing how LOST BA now looks at the plate. I read that Ozzie is afraid of this prolonged slump doing some long-term damage to BA's confidence and thus his ability to come out of it, and I think that's a valid concern. How do you think that can be dealt with? Do you think that making BA the centerfielder and telling the critics to STFU will do it? Because I see BA getting boo'ed and it's getting to him, big time. That wasn't the case in April or May. :huh: And I think that has become as big a problem as Anderson's failure to get hits.

  2. QUOTE(Pauly8509CWS @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 12:40 PM)
    How do you figure? They're both detrimental to one's health in the long run, steroids provide the strength and recovery time to effectively produce better numbers, however amphetamines keep players in the lineup and cut down on the fatigue a player has throughout the year so that they can have good numbers. Both are also illegal.


    Some people feel that amphetamines, or greenies, differ from steroids/HGH in that greenies don't give you abilities beyond your normal limits-- they get the fog of a hangover off a player and return him to his normal abilities for a game, where steroids and HGH actually change the player's body and therefore his ability to perform, and they promote quick healing of injuries that the body could not achieve on its own.


    That's why steroids/HGH are referred to as performance enhancers and greenies are just drugs, like painkillers, etc.


    Not saying that one is bad and the other good, just trying to explain the distinction that some people make.


    Greenies, BTW, are mentioned in Jim Bouton's "Ball Four", which was written about the 1969 baseball season, and even in Mark Harris's novel "Bang the Drum Slowly" which was written about the 1956 baseball season. Greenies have been a forever fact of life in MLB since before most people on this board were even born. Again, that doesn't make them right, but they aren't the 'better living through chemistry' news that steroids/HGH are.

  3. I think my expectations are higher this year, which leads to my frustration being much higher after games like last night's.


    My problem is, when I think of "last year" I think about mostly the post-season. And let's face it, in the post-season 2005, the Sox were not only damn near perfect, they were miraculous. Now I want to see that level of play every day. I am slightly out of touch with reality, to say the least.


    But it's NOT too much to ask that the defense improve, is it????

  4. QUOTE(AbeFroman @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 11:13 AM)
    Here is a whole lot more fuel for the fire:


    SI article... written three weeks ago, but (I think) just coming out today) on the relationship between Pujols and Mihlfeld.


    Pujols calls Mihlfeld, "My best friend, almost my brother"






    The article is the cover story in the May 22 SI, which was on the stands a few weeks ago. I read the piece but didn't recall the trainer's name. Interesting. Thanks for the link.

  5. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jun 9, 2006 -> 09:31 AM)
    And it's going to stay that way until the union bites the bullet and allows true comprehensive testing.



    That, and there has to be a test developed that can detect HGH. Is it banned by the IOC, and if so, how do they test for it, I wonder.


    Edit: Googled a bit, found this: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5538709/

  6. QUOTE(SoxFan1 @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 03:47 PM)
    Glad I am en exception. I play baseball. :D


    I think Ozzie specifically said he wasn't talking about you. I'll have to re-read the interview. :rolly

  7. QUOTE(Balance @ Jun 8, 2006 -> 09:51 AM)
    Man, to hear some posters here talk, if a player makes an error during the season, he's crap. Only perfection will suffice.




    Yeah, what Balance said.



    "Believe me, the farther you sit from the plate, the smarter you get." -- Ozzie Guillen, in the Playboy interview, talking about the criticism of his team and game that he hears from people who don't play and have never played baseball.

  8. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jun 7, 2006 -> 09:42 PM)
    Jenks was awesome once again, Neal Cotts looked really good in his outing, Thome jacked one, it was a pretty good night at the cell all things considered.


    Don't forget JD's contribution. :cheers


    Going right now to vote for him for the All-Star team, 25 times.

  9. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Jun 7, 2006 -> 01:08 PM)
    For those who were screaming for his head two weeks into the season, I'd agree that was panic. But here in mid-June, saying he may need to be sent down soon if he can't stay above .150, is pretty reasonable if you ask me.

    I should have added the word "LATELY". Sorry. And its a few games, not one inning. But he was certainly looking quite good until late May or so (I missed the games the last week of May, though).


    I agree with you that the last couple of games he's been in, he's looked lost not only at the plate (ouch, THREE strikeouts last night?!) but in the field. I hope that his plate problems haven't carried over into the field; the only reason I think that might not be the case is that there has been a general air of suckiness in field play and defensive work lately for several players. It's like the team is in a fog of some kind. If that fog blows away and BA returns to being stellar in CF, then I would like to see him given more time to improve at the plate ... but I know it's unlikely that I'll get that wish.


    I just see so much *potential* in him! It's so frustrating! Boy, he must feel like that times about a million, huh?


    And the only reason I think it's "panic" is because there is no replacement who is likely to do an all-over better job right now. A trade could change that in a hurry, though...

  10. QUOTE(RibbieRubarb @ Jun 7, 2006 -> 01:02 PM)
    I want to make sure I understand the theories being posted in this thread.

    People want to replace a rookie CF, who is great defensively but is unproven against major-league hitting with another rookie, who is new to playing CF and is also unproven against major-league hitting.





    Panic: defined by the late sportswriter Leonard Koppett as "the abandonment of percentage moves in the face of disaster." :headshake

  11. QUOTE(HeGone33 @ Jun 7, 2006 -> 12:57 PM)
    Wait, let me get this straight, I don't have to watch Cliff pitch for 15 days? Damn this summer just keeps getting better and better every day!




    Second this. :lol:


    Too bad he can't become a major-league center-fielder in 15 days, that would solve two problems at once.

  12. Southtown writer Nathaniel Whalen wrote about BA in a blog entry the other day:



    If the Sox ditch BA, they confront the unpleasant question of his replacement, for which there is NO good answer at this time.


    If BA is in a funk mentally over this, which seems likely, going to AAA is not going to help him gain any conviction that he can hit major-league pitching. So that might not be the right move here either.


    I say leave the guy alone, let him play out the season, and if he ends with a batting average below .200, then there is serious question about his MLB abilities. But I'd rather see that addressed after the season, not now.


    I really hated to see him strike out 3 times last night, though, and he does look just LOST up there... :(


    Edited to add: hey, maybe they can teach him to bunt! I'm only sort of kidding.

  13. How much would A.J. love being told he's gonna catch Zambrano?


    I think all the reasons the other posters have stated are valid -- the Cubs and Sox generally don't trade with each other and certainly not on this scale; the Sox would have to give up Thome or Dye to the Cubs to get Zambrano, which would be sheer stupidity; and Zambrano probably belongs in the NL where he does bat in games.


    But just the mental picture of A.J. being told that Zambrano is now one of his pitchers is enough to make me crack up. Thanks for a good laugh!

  14. QUOTE(Hangar18 @ Jun 5, 2006 -> 10:22 AM)


    The theme in radio seems to be, Losing is a bigger story than Winning.


    Only when it's the north side team doing the losing. If the Sox were losing, you'd have a better chance to read about the Windy City Thunderbolts in the two major Chicago papers, or hear them discussed on sports radio. (BTW, they're losing too. But being a south side team, they're nonexistant to the "news" media anyhow.)


    Even if the Cubs repeat their dreadful month of May again and again this season, they will be the baseball topic in the mainstream media in this town. Even if the story is "Cubs players not all mouth-breathers, Murton and Walker advance to breathing through nose for 3-5 minutes at a time" it will be all about the Cubs.


    I've stopped listening to WSCR; there isn't one jock on there who isn't dead boring with this garbage.

  15. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Jun 5, 2006 -> 01:54 PM)
    Which is more of an indication of poor pitching especially out of the pen than it is a lack of "ozzie ball".


    Seems so to me as well. If the Sox get a lead -- and they still do that in a lot of games -- the starter can't hold it, in fact often goes out and gives it up in the very next inning; and if the Sox play catch-up and come from behind to lead late, the bullpen can't hold it.


    The very essence of Ozzie-ball, small ball, grinder ball, is pitching. Without pitching, it's what we've seen: sucky baseball.


    I don't get the "why aren't they playing the game they did last year" lament, though. This is a different year, a different team. Way better hitting, Series rings on most fingers, different chemistry (and I don't think that bringing Rowand back will return us to the 2005 Sox), and an attitude on the part of other clubs that the Sox are THE team to beat. The Sox can't use last year's recipe for this year's success. They flew under the radar so much last year, and a Series winner just doesn't have that option.


    They're in the process of formulating the recipe that will work-- they're too good not to. It will be an interesting summer.

  16. Not only are the Sox 12 games over .500 on June 4, but they have Kenny Williams *and* Ozzie Guillen both committed to winning again in '06. The season is one-third over. I will never sell KW and Ozzie short; I think Kenny will get the right bodies there and Ozzie will put the right spirit into those bodies.


    Grinder Rule #9: Be realistic. Expect miracles.


    (Well, you did say this is a *positive* thread. :cheers )

  17. QUOTE(My Dixie Normus @ Jun 4, 2006 -> 11:24 AM)
    I missed the game he pitched up here. How is this kids knuckler? In a relief situation, he could be very effective to a few hitters. Going from our starters to a guy who throws a good knuckle ball is very tough.


    Walk city. They couldn't hit him, but they didn't have to -- he put them on by missing the strike zone a LOT. http://tinyurl.com/hqyld


    I had high hopes, because I remember Wilbur Wood and how he used to not only tie the opposing batters in knots, but he was tireless; the knuckler takes so little out of a pitcher's arm.


    Haeger is very young. From what I understand, it takes a while to perfect the knuckler. Maybe he'll be back.

  18. I was at the game, lots of fun and also plenty of moments of dread -- when Politte came out everyone around me said 'oh NO!', which I joined -- Vasquez didn't have his best stuff, obviously, but did a nice job of pitching out of the jam he got himself into early on. He never is good past about the 5th or 6th, though, I notice; and he throws a LOT of pitches and goes behind on counts after being ahead. That could stand improvement. But I was also delighted to see the Sox get 8 runs with no long balls -- good aggressive baserunning and hits, hits, hits! Yes!


    Maybe Ozzie moved Mack to LF late to give Pods even just a little rest, since he's been playing regularly *and* he was at the park 2-3 hours early yesterday for the "fundamentals" drill, it says on the Sox site: http://tinyurl.com/h74hy

  19. QUOTE(mmmmmbeeer @ Jun 3, 2006 -> 09:38 AM)
    We'd be better off with 2 NL pitchers at the bottom of our lineup, atleast they know how to put down a bunt. I agree that the pen is the biggest problem but Anderson' bat is hurting the defense due to Ozzie's need to put Mack in the lineup late in games for offensive opportunities.


    I am coming to reluctantly agree about Anderson. I just like the kid so much, or what I have seen of him, and the potential for a success story is there ... but potential if it isn't realized is worthless, so maybe it is time to deal with the weakness in CF.


    Gotta be a tough call for Ozzie and KW both, though. Deal BA away and if he does have a great future, they'll look bad for giving up on him. They've got to balance this year and future years when making player assessments and trades.

  20. QUOTE(DonkeyKongerko @ May 31, 2006 -> 08:18 PM)
    I noticed if I watch a Sox game with national broadcasters or listen on the radio, I don't experience as many emotional extremes as when Hawk is broadcasting. He always gets me so pumped when the Sox take a lead and depressed when we suck like now. It's times like these that I don't like listening to Hawk because he makes every Sox loss hurt that much more.


    I hear you. Ed Farmer is starting to have the same effect on me. If the Sox aren't ahead, Ed goes into the doom and gloom bit with every opposing batter-- "a long one here would put the Sox behind by three" -- even if the batter hasn't hit a homerun since 2002. And when the Sox come up to bat -- "Sox have three hits tonight, last one in the third inning, we're now in the 7th."


    If Farmer doesn't get out of Eeyore mode, I'm going to start drinking heavily this season!

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