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Posts posted by shipps

  1. 2 minutes ago, Kpet1010 said:

    Totally saw this coming. 


    Check out @SchinstalksSox1’s Tweet:

    This guy broke it yesterday and has had legit insider info. He also broke then signing another outfielder after ervin Santana. He says the Sox are waiting until the final bid requests come in to make their move. Hence them being "out". Going to try to pull what the Padres did to them



    Looks to me that he is telling people the Sox are probably not going after Harper. Where do you see him saying that Sox are waiting to put in final bid? 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Peacock Wrestler said:

    I don't follow that logic.  In that case I'm the number one plan since there isn't any evidence and are completely silent on the idea (even though I would sign at league minimum).

    I don’t follow that logic either. It’s kind of amusing to me that some do but hey whatever floats their boat. 

  3. 30 minutes ago, WBWSF said:

    Am I missing something here? Is there any evidence whatsoever that the White Sox are even trying to sign Harper?

    Their silence and complete lack of any evidence that they are pursuing him in any way have prompted some to believe that he has been their number one plan from the beginning. 

  4. Since the pitching aspect of our rebuild has been taking a huge hit either via injury or lack of performance I am all for allocating our excess budget to pitching instead of FA position players at this point. F*** Harper, sign Keuchel or have a plan to trade or sign future TOR FA pitching. We have plenty of positional talent that we can roll the dice on to hopefully succeed. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, Kpet1010 said:

    @iamshack .... We are waiting...

    No disrespect to anyone but I don’t think there are many people waiting anymore for inside info. Right now most of us are just waiting for the report that Harper has signed somewhere so we can all get some closure and move on from this nightmare of an off season. 

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  6. 1 minute ago, BigHurt3515 said:

    Not saying I don't want him for 3 but if he were to opt out after 3 right when we are about to contend for a title I would be pretty pissed.

    Good chance he isn’t opting out if things have worked out and we are contending for a title. And even if he does you just go back to the drawing board for a contract with him or one of the other young outfielders will have proven themselves that we may be comfortable with letting him walk. 

  7. 8 minutes ago, Lillian said:

    If he won't commit to at least 4 years, I personally don't want him. Ideally, opt out after 5 years. I certainly wouldn't fault management, if they lose him to another team's bid, because we wouldn't offer that opt out, at 3 years.

    So you would rather not have him than have him on a three year contract? 

  8. 3 minutes ago, steveno89 said:

    If the plan going into this offseason was not "We NEED to be the highest bidder for either Machado or Harper and ink one" then what the hell was the plan? 

    Free agency is a simple concept, offer the largest pile of guaranteed money and you will sign the player. This is not the time for bargain bin shopping if you are serious about contention. 

    Bmags saidnit right off the bat when we lost Manny to the Pads, winning the negotiation is extremely important to Jerry. To Jerry, agreeing to a number that the player is demanding is not even in the equation. There has to be some sort of compromise from the player/agent end but in reality they just want their money as they asking for it. They will wait until someone gives it. Messing around with Jerry and his art of the deal nonsense will have you f***** most of the time. 

  9. 22 minutes ago, fathom said:

    Seeing all over twitter that Heyman said on the radio the 5 teams still under consideration......

    Phillies, Giants, Dodgers, Braves, Cubs

    Braves and Cubs considered longshots.

    The Cubs are absolutely and unequivocally out of it. Don’t know where you are getting this info. They are even more out of it than are dumbass FO. 

  10. 10 minutes ago, Lillian said:

    It's only a "1% chance," if the Sox don't want him. What do you suppose the chances of that are?


    Its a 0% chance if the Sox don't want him. They do though, just at the Jerry rate. So with that in mind giving the Jerry rate a 1% chance is probably overly optimistic. 

  11. I honestly feel like the Sox have about a 1% chance of landing Harper based on what’s happened up to this point and all the chatter that’s coming out. To believe in your heart if hearts that this is all working out in our favor to get him is really naive. But I don’t think it’s a bad thing to believe though. We all follow this stuff because it’s a nice distraction and sometimes believing in the extremely unlikely is a fun part of that distraction. 🍻 

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  12. 2 minutes ago, Balta1701 said:

    One other possibility is that the White Sox are actually out and Levine and Nightengale have repeatedly gone to ask them if they were going to change their minds, and they're just reporting that statement because the Sox are ok saying it.

    This is what’s happening as far as I am concerned. Why would I believe anything different after the dealings of this past week? 

  13. 3 minutes ago, TheTruth05 said:

    Here's the thing about them being quiet about their pursuits of Harper (which I'm sure there is some poking but nothing serious). We already know they botched Machado, so we know the money is there and the Sox dicked around for months only to lose out last minute to the fuckin Padres. So if they miss out on Harper to the Phillies for lets say 10/327. Then we already know either A. They colluded and didn't want to match that and the fanbase is angry or B. Are still cheap as shit and the fanbase is angrier. Just get it done, the Padres didn't work in stealth, just offered the most money. Redeem yourself JR, 83 years old and scared to spend, jesus...

    Yeah that’s the whole hilarious part of all of this. There isn’t some big secret to how you get a deal done with these guys. Offer them the most guaranteed money WITH incentives if you have to. When you structure deals with incentives only to make up for lack of guaranteed money, to me it’s just a con job. It could pay off for some but for most part the team will make out better in the end. You can possibly get away with conning a mid level star but it’s just not going to work with transcendent players like these two. 

  14. 14 minutes ago, KiwiSox said:


    Who is worth getting excited about? Moncada and Anderson arr hopeless, Giolito and Lopez are clearly not cut out for being major league starters, Kopech is hurt and Cease's injury red flags are terrifying.

    Robert, Adolfo, Madrigal, Burger, Dunning...they all went back this year. Madrigal maybe unfairly, he's the one we can still expect to be something, but the rest just blew. Personally I think Blake Rutherford has to potential to be a really special player but not many share my optimism regarding him.

    My bad. I didn’t know you had a bunch of shitty hot takes in the chamber. I’m just gonna go to bed because I’m old and don’t have the energy to reason with you. Have a nice night. 

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