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Posts posted by Disco72

  1. QUOTE (beck72 @ Sep 5, 2009 -> 09:39 AM)
    I didn't see any mention of this in any threads, but I thought I would put it here.


    Some good info and ideas there beck. FYI, it has been reported that the Sox have an option on Garcia for next year, so they won't have to sign him. Also, I'd rather see someone more established in RF, but I understand that you are trying to be realistic and stay within salary constraints given signing Figgins plus arbitration raises. Some might argue against Torres and Hudson in the bullpen, but I don't think it is such a bad idea considering the Sox need some cheap talent in the bullpen.

  2. I think the most important parts of that story are the following:


    But the authors said their observations are grounded in fact. They pointed to a Pew Study that lists Atlanta as one of the most segregated cities in the country, and noted that 60 percent of Atlanta’s young blacks grow up in poverty.


    Arguments can also be made that black mayors haven’t been able to make significant gains for the black community, and that race has moved from a primary to secondary qualification among the city’s voters.


    It's not a black or white issue, as Atlanta's politics have been dominated by black politicians for a significant period now. Its a socioeconomic issue. The status quo (black, white, or whatever) hasn't served the community in a way people want. It's too bad these two professors feel that race is a more important factor than actually fixing problems in the city.

  3. QUOTE (SouthsideDon48 @ Sep 1, 2009 -> 05:51 PM)
    I decided to look around the White Sox websites for various European languages, and I noticed they altered the pic for the Polish market. :unsure:




    This is getting ridiculous. :unsure:


    Nicely played! :lolhitting

  4. QUOTE (The Baconator @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 07:56 PM)
    Simply awesome.


    On the topic of getting rid of Javy and Swish, can someone remind me: did we have an opportunity to not bring Jose back this past off-season?


    No. Jose was under contract. He would have to have been traded or released.

  5. QUOTE (elrockinMT @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 07:12 PM)
    PK is not the problem with the team and I disagree with your feeling on the issue of Ramirez. Ozzie Guillen said many times that Getz-Ramirez and Beckham are the future infield of this team. I hope experience makes them better


    I agree on PK, especially since there are no viable in-house options to replace him. As much as I like Alexei, with his salary and production, he'd be an excellent trading chip to get a really, really high impact player. Considering that Getz and Nix have both shown they can play at the major league level, there are options in the middle infield for the Sox, but neither Getz nor Nix would have much value on the trade market (compared to their value to the Sox). It would have to be the right deal, but I think KW has to consider dealing Alexei in a blockbuster-type situation.

  6. QUOTE (T R U @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 07:42 PM)
    Yes, Ozzie needs to man up and tell Dye to stop hitting in the low .100s


    That should fix him right up.


    Maybe if he gives Linebrink a special massage he will start pitching better too.


    OR, do you think the problem is that these 40 man rosters over the past 5 years have had the same problems every season that weren't properly addressed?


    At least something involving Linebrink would have a happy ending...

  7. QUOTE (La Marr Hoyt HOF @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 06:22 PM)
    Disco72, first of all, you are taking this very personally for some reason. More importantly, people can post whatever they like. You keep Freddy going because he was pitching well. If you replace him, you let your relief pitcher warm-up sufficently... That's purely managerial, nothing to do with Williams.


    How else would you like me to 'back-up' my opinions on qualitative issues like managing? I'll give you a lay-up, how many managers in MLB have started more different line-ups than Ozzie over the past two years? He over-manages. We can get to some of the harder ones, like fundamentals, after you nail that one smart guy.


    Oh, and btw, Disco still sucks.


    I'm not taking it personally at all. You can post whatever opinion you'd like, but this is a discussion forum. If you say that it was a bad decision, I'm interested in why you think it was a bad decision. Otherwise, it's just a complaint forum! :D

  8. QUOTE (MattZakrowski @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 06:16 PM)
    Really don't like an of the 2 hitter options here, but...


    3B Beckham

    CF Rios

    RF Quentin

    DH Thome

    LF Bay/Holliday

    1B Konerko

    C Pierzynski

    SS Ramirez

    2B Nix


    With the commitments already made this season (via trade) for Peavy and Rios, I think we can forget about the Sox signing a very expensive FA player. I could see the Sox pursuing an older OFer that would be cheaper or a player (e.g., Figgins) that could effectively lead off for the Sox. However, I'm not sure what Figgins would cost compared to Bay or Holliday this offseason, but I'd bet on him being cheaper.

  9. QUOTE (La Marr Hoyt HOF @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 05:33 PM)
    ... and how did we feel today? Again, at the stadium, again, embarrased. Did PHT fans agree with the Williams call? Yeah, neither did I...

    Again, no one sitting on the rail. Packing for Florida...


    Ok, so who would you have pitched? Ozzie's been burning out the bullpen lately trying to win some games. You've been posting a lot lately without backing up your opinions with fact or at least what you would have done.

  10. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Aug 30, 2009 -> 01:21 AM)
    So? Why is this a problem? Kid needs to fail at somepoint, doesn't he?


    The issue is that he's not quite ready yet. If it takes him a lot of pitches to get through AAA lineups, do you really want him lasting 3-4 innings at Yankee Stadium in a "must win" game for the Sox?


    In his AAA starts:

    @ IND - 4 IP (84 pitches)

    vs NOR - 7 IP (96 pitches)

    @ DUR - 5 IP (91 pitches)

    @ GWN - 5 IP (105 pitches)


    I don't think one bad outing is going to ruin the guy, but I also don't think it gives him much of a chance at succeeding. I don't really see the point in throwing our best pitching prospect to the wolves when it's clear he's not quite ready.


    Furthermore, the Sox wanted yesterday's starter to give some innings. Clearly the Count failed miserably at this, but it is really hard to look at those AAA numbers and expect Hudson to help an already taxed bullpen.

  11. QUOTE (PeavyTime @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 08:38 PM)
    He can be my hitting coach any day. I remember back in his short "prime" he used to be the king of the base hit up the middle...especially in an 0-2 or 1-2 count. The thing that drives me nuts about the Sox is home run swings, but Crede knew how to cut down and protect. It'd be nice if he could teach that to our guys.


    But, if he does retire, it will be to spend time with his family. Come back to the south side in a few years when you really start missing the game, Joe!


    That's some selective memory there! Crede had some great moments with the Sox, but he wasn't a very good hitter for most of his career. Plus, he was the embodiment of the "lift and pull" that people claim the current team has too much of!


    Having said that, I love Joe Crede, and I'm very sad that injuries cut short a promising career for a player that I enjoyed watching play.

  12. QUOTE (La Marr Hoyt HOF @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 05:02 PM)
    we all love Ozzie and his past, but he's not a good manager... why is it unbearable to have a debate? Isn't that the point of 'PHT'?


    Sure, debate is fine, and yes, that's one great thing about a message board like PHT. However, this week, every new thread is "Player X sucks" or "Fire Person Y." Clearly the team is really struggling right now, and the overreaction is getting unbearable.

  13. QUOTE (Soxy @ Aug 29, 2009 -> 02:34 PM)
    College professor. :)


    It's my first semester and it still kind of surprising to say that!


    Hopefully a year from now, I'll be saying the same thing. Congrats on the job!

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