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Posts posted by lostfan

  1. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Apr 20, 2008 -> 10:45 PM)
    But here's the other part of it. Obama also went after the media for being so stupid and vacuous. So, instead of reforming, the Media members, the gang of 500 overlords who are all wise and all knowing representatives of the things that All Americans truly believe in, start trying to focus on the fact that Obama is complaining, "oh he's whining, such a girly man", to defend themselves against having to actually work, learn things, or any of the like.

    It gets ratings.

  2. It wasn't so much the "tough treatment" he was complaining about, more the fact that they just asked a bunch of stupid questions he was tired of having to answer that didn't have much to do with the real issues, if at all. If anything, he's dropping in the polls because he didn't handle the questions well in the debates at all and spent half of it looking pissed off, not because he was whining.


    Besides - Hillary has spent virtually the entire time since I've been paying attention to this process playing the victim and whining, it hasn't buried her yet. However I do find it amusing that she has the audacity to say "I got all those tough questions for months and I never complained" as if we are not capable of remembering anything that happened more than 2 weeks ago... she literally cried about it. Plus, in the debate the same night before, she complained again about having to answer the first question. lol.

  3. QUOTE (sox-r-us @ Apr 20, 2008 -> 12:37 PM)
    KW has won the trades he made with Philly and Texas, and it looks like he will at least be equal on the trade with the As (too early to figure out how Gio and DLF do but I love Swish at the top of the line up)


    For those always bi-tching about our farm system, maybe some of those morons realizehow filling up a major league roster with really young players like Swish, Danks, Floyd, Quentin is MUCH better since they actually help you win NOW and are part of the future relatively cheap. Nice job Kenny. :headbang

    These types of posts make me cringe

  4. I had to read this article a couple times to make sure I was reading this right. Does it jump out at anyone else? Curious.




    Thome hits historic home run


    ST. PETERSBURG -- After going 0-for-3 in Saturday's shutout loss, designated hitter Jim Thome didn't wait long to get the White Sox back on the board.


    Thome blasted a 2-2 pitch off Rays starter Edwin Jackson in the first inning on Sunday for his 512th career home run, tying him with Ernie Banks and Eddie Mathews for 19th on the all-time list.


    The two-out solo shot was Thome's fifth of the season, and it sailed over the right-center-field wall at Tropicana Field. The Rays' home ballpark long has been a sweet spot for Thome's bat, as he has reached base in 27 of 28 career games in St. Petersburg.


    The mark comes just two days removed from home run No. 511, a blast Chicago manager Ozzie Guillen said was the longest ball he had seen anyone hit.


    "If that ball didn't hit the catwalk, it would have hit the wall out there [behind the scoreboard]," Guillen said.


    Although Thome's home run on Sunday afternoon didn't equal the distance of Friday's rocket, it moved the slugger closer to former teammate Frank Thomas, who has 516 dingers.


    The homer caps off a whirlwind week for Thome, who served a one-game suspension on Tuesday for his actions in the game against the Tigers on April 11. Thome also drew a pair of walks on Thursday to move past Willie Mays into 18th place all-time with 1,456.


    Next in line for Thome, who now has 1,458 career walks, is Hall of Famer Eddie Collins (1,499).

  5. QUOTE (BearSox @ Apr 19, 2008 -> 07:19 PM)
    So, his associations with Ayars and Wright should be ignored? We know nothing about Obama really. And his associations with these people need to be addressed.


    Personal is as every bit as important as policy. I don't care what a president's policy is if they are some nutjob. It doesn't make a difference to me if I agree with their policy or not.


    I have absolutely no trust in Obama, not until he can answer these questions with a somewhat believable answer. His story about Wright has changed constantly.

    I'm not going to get into the Wright thing, you can think whatever you want to think, I'm not going to try to change your mind. And I'm not criticizing your own personal views on Obama either or telling you you're wrong (this is the GOP thread, after all). But see... the Ayers thing is a non-story. It really is, I knew about it months ago before I knew much of anything about Obama and I shrugged. There really isn't much of an association there to speak of, it's about as casual as you can get, especially for a politician. Yet people are parroting this as 100% accepted fact because they heard Sean Hannity talking about it as if he donated money to an Islamic charity that he was aware helped to fund Al-Qaida. A slight exaggeration, but not by much. For an analogy - I know a girl that did 6 months in prison for fraud (or something like that) a few years ago and I still hear from her about once every year. Is it a big deal? Does it affect my character? Absolutely not. And why should it?


    Do you hear me talking about McCain having inappropriate relationships with a lobbyist? No, you do not. Because he didn't do anything. That's the equivalent of what this Ayers thing is.


    And that's my problem. More standing up for the truth, less slanderous BS, and less condescension towards people who just don't buy it when it's put in front of them.

  6. QUOTE (BearSox @ Apr 19, 2008 -> 09:52 AM)
    Obama isn't above anything. He'll hang out with guys who obviously hate America and even led small attacks against it like Ayars, and he'll sit in a Church of an anti-American, and racist Pastor... all to try and advance his political career. I think that should show you how high his morals are.


    Side note: I actually now think Wright is just a world class bulls***er, and has become a race bater and such so he can just get attention and money from his church. I love that someone who talks about poverty so much, and how evil the rich white Americans are, that now he has a giant mansion in a rich white tinley park neighborhood on a golf course. Oh yeah, he also has a 10 million line of credit to go with the house. His words during mass were racist and anti-american, but I think he said all that crap just to get more money and attention.



    Ok, I just have to jump in here, I just couldn't let this post slide. If you don't like Obama and have reasons for it that actually matter, like you think he's too liberal or something (because he is, in fact, pretty liberal) that's fine. If you don't like one or more of his policies, because some of them aren't all that great or are just dead wrong, that's fine too. But this whole post is a microcosm of everything that's wrong with American politics. Seriously. Hyperbole, half-truths propagated and accepted as fact, fear-mongering, distractions, "you hate America" BS, all of it's there in one neat little package.

  7. I really don't like that polarizing rhetoric. In so many words, he just said "If our enemies like it, it can't possibly be good." And it implies that doing or saying anything other than something that would infuriate them whether it's the correct course of action or not, is just something a liberal pussy would do, and that there's only 2 ways of doing things (the "right" way, and the wrong way). I'm sure that's not what he really means, but in trying to drum up support for the war on terror that's what he said, and it's not really helpful.


    I wish people in this country would stop accusing other people of being terrorists and be more open-minded. Do they think the enemy doesn't notice us when we divide like that?

  8. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Apr 18, 2008 -> 03:58 PM)
    I am aware all of our friends and wonderful Sox fans around the country are going to vote Bears/Packers and that's fine. But anybody who has lived in/grew up in Chicago or the immediate suburbs such as myself knows the answer is Cubs/Sox and it's not even anywhere near resembling close. If you can grow up in Chicagoland and be able to root for both teams, you are as Virginia Tech basketball coach Seth Greenburg would put it, "certifiably insane".

    "Anybody?" Just because I/we have a different state doesn't mean we aren't from Chicago. I live and breathe Chicago, I'm a Southsider to the bone. Nothing personal or against you in particular (just happens to be your post I'm responding to), but I find it really annoying that people (mostly on the internet) assume that because I live in Maryland, I don't or couldn't possibly know anything about the Cubs/Sox rivalry, that I've never been to a Cubs/Sox game, etc.


    btw, if you live in Chicago and can root for both teams, you're probably what most people would call a casual baseball fan, and you just don't care.

  9. QUOTE (knightni @ Apr 18, 2008 -> 03:54 PM)
    He has a chance to replace Dave Roberts somewhere as a 4th OF/pinch runner if he can hit .260.

    Personally I think he can do that easily. I don't think he'll ever hit .300 in the majors but he can stay around .270 with a reasonable OBP. Which would give him some value, to someone.

  10. Trading Owens with this many OFs wouldn't be a bad idea really. It means you put a lot of confidence in Anderson, but at 27 years old (late start in baseball notwithstanding) Owens is going to want to find somewhere to play. And although there are quite a few posters on this site that think he is a permanent failure in MLB who will never amount to anything and will never be any better than what we saw, there are teams that will take that kind of hitter.

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