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Everything posted by Cubano

  1. The USA government labeled Cuba as a country sponsoring terrorism. Therefore, any Cuban trying to enter the USA is checked.
  2. Some of these guys are not "Bargain" Free Agents". Some of these guys will command decent money and they are going down with their careers. I thought the ChiSox are trying to get rid of old players.
  3. Green Sox and Cuba team member Yuniesky Maya hit Wasps RF Alexei "Tato" Bell in the face. He is out of the game. Once he was hit in the nouse. We need Bell for the WBC # 2. He broke the HR record in Cuba last season. He was in Beijing too. Maya was in the WBC # 1. He was the winning pitcher against Panama. Wasps starter veteran Norge Luis Vera pitched against the Orioles in Baltimore. He pitches like el Duque.
  4. I am watching it. Santiago de Cuba Wasps vs Pinar del Rio Green Sox. Contreras, Alexei, Danys Baez (Orioles), Alay Soler ex-Mets and playing in Puerto Rico Winter ball used to play for Pinar.
  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Nov 25, 2008 -> 12:33 PM) There's a reason though why Uribe swings at everything. It's because he can't see the ball on its way in because of the fundamental flaw in his swing. His head has, as far as I can tell, always moved like crazy as his body dives forwards during the swing. Nickname: Uribe bubblehead.
  6. Viciedo Press Conference http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kliPAlcR5Ys...feature=related Viciedo Intro: Music from Orishas, a Hip Hop Cuban trio. One lives in Spain, another in Italy and the other in France. They said bye bye to the Cuba Taliban long time ago. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RNbklDEJFlE HR Hit HR vs the Wasps
  7. He is just lowering the expectation for young Viciedo. You have a 19 year old who out of nowhere became a millionare in America. This is just after Viciedo left Alcatraz Cuba. The Sox should move him slowly. The Instructional Leagues are over by now. Right? I wish Viciedo play a few games in the Dominican Republic or Puerto Rico just to get some at bats. You tell him take it easy because we do not want an injury now.
  8. The word on the Cuban streets is that there recieved some phone calls from USA. They were caught 70 miles in their trip. The Cuban government eavesdrop on your phones. They can do whatever they want to do to you.
  9. Morlan moved with his parent to Spain. His parent then moved from Spain to the USA so Morlan could pursue a baseball career. He never played in the Cuban National Series because he was too young.
  10. MLB is building academies in Europe. There is money there if baseball can florish. Though football (soccer) is a big wall to overcome. The Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Spain, Rusia, Czech Republic, France, etc are making some strides lately specially the first two. I like to see the WBC teams to come with their own players. I do not want to see MLB x 6 where you have players playing for these teams that never have been in these countries. I like to see how their programs are imporving or not improving.
  11. When Livan left, the government banned his half brother El Duque. RHP Jose Ibar, who started against the Orioles in Havana, was caught leaving and banned from baseball as well. He used to play for the Havana Cowboys.
  12. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 22, 2008 -> 11:04 PM) Yep...about 10-12 years ago, the numbers of Hispanic players passed African American MLB players and now it's about 30% of major league players that are born in Spanish-speaking countries, maybe even 35%. I think 38%. The problem is cheap labor. MLB can establish more academies in the USA, but it is more expensive to develope a player. In Latin countries, there isn't much to do. Soon, we will see MLB pushing chinese player from big China. As soon as the first one can avoid striking out all the time, we will see one making his MLB debut.
  13. QUOTE (Jimmywins1 @ Nov 22, 2008 -> 09:36 PM) looks like there's a lot of muscle on him.. Cuban esteroids!!! Sugar Water and Guarapo I am just joking here guys. Here you go: Cuban Son: what it is called wrongly Salsa. This is a much better version of Guarapo, Pimienta y Sal: Guarapo, Pepper and Salt. I am not a free agent anymore. This time in blue: This time in green: I hope when Viciedo comes to hit in Chicago this is the song that introduce him. This is a Cuban classic.
  14. Does Viciedo look out of shape to you? hight 1.83 meters = 6 feet weight 82 kilos = 202 pounds Here is a recent picture: http://www.elnuevoherald.com/deportes/beis...ory/326594.html Alex Rodriguez weight 225. Mike Loweel weight 210. Evan Longoria weight 210.
  15. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 22, 2008 -> 09:16 PM) Just shows you how international the game has become over the last 10-15 years. I assumed you meant how international MLB has become not the game. Baseball has been played in many countries for many years.
  16. Looks like they were trying to leave from Júcaro, Ciego de Ávila. They were trying to reach the Caymand Islands. Then, go to Mexico to reach the USA or any other country. Spanish http://espndeportes.espn.go.com/news/story...&type=story Map of Cuba http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/country...lor/cucolor.htm
  17. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 22, 2008 -> 07:35 AM) from either the Astros, Yankees or Red Sox. Cubano, what's the word on this Perez kid? Where the heck did he come from...we heard about the pitcher and SS that were Torres clients. Is it possible the White Sox also end up with a new centerfielder? This kid has been entirely under the radar until one week ago. I was looking for his stats, but I can not find them now. I had them. I remember he played 2 o 3 season for la Isla de la Juventud. This is the same team that Livan Hernandez and veteran SS Juan Carlos Moreno played for. He defected with Moreno. Both went to Mexico first I believe. Then, they went to the D.R. I wrote about Moreno in here too. He was a back up in the WBC # 1. I wrote that if he has something in the gas, sign him for an utility role. He was in the camp for the Gigantes del Cibao but I guess he did not make the team. Many times these teams are controled by MLB or has many players already. Other times Cubans just play a game or two for the scouts. I have not heard about him lately. As for Perez, he needs to go to the minor for some incubation period. Ha, ha, ha.
  18. The Cubans leave looking for freedom and $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. The Cuban Revolution is a big lie. The whole world has lived a romantic affair with the Cuban Revolution.
  19. Yadel Marti Yasser Gomez is the batter http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvZFN8xyowg
  20. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 22, 2008 -> 02:41 AM) I guess I have an "adventuresome" spirit, lol. I've lived in the presence of drug lords, Mafia and soldados (soldiers) for one year in Colombia and was kidnapped and drugged. My wife is Russian, and I would never go anywhere in Russia or the Ukraine without her...10X more dangerous than Colombia, which has a somewhat undeserved reputation (although another female teacher in my school was robbed and has a knife wound on her cheek as a souvenir). Maybe this also comes from my seven months in China and frustration with repressive/autocratic governments!!! I am not traveling to Rusia, Colombia, Mexico and other countries. My wife and I always wanted to go to Mexico, but we are concerned about the bad news coming from this beautiful country. I like to remind you guys that the Dodgers were disciplined by the Baseball Commissioner for smuggling two Cuban players in the 90's. 1B Juan Diaz and outfielder Josue Perez. I believe there is a Gentlemen Agreement since the Orioles went to Cuba between MLB and Cuba about not to encourage defections. The Orioles publicly stated that they would not sign Cuban defectors. Rolando Viera sued MLB to become free agent in the USA. http://espn.go.com/gen/s/2001/0709/1224184.html
  21. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Nov 22, 2008 -> 12:45 AM) How heavily defended is the coast by Cuban patrol boats? Would they try to kill/shoot him if he was leaving on a boat, with orders from the Castro regime? Is he going to be under some type of "house arrest" or have to wear an ankle bracelet with GPS tracking? Nowadays, it is more difficult to be in the business of going to Cuba in speed boat and bring some people. Since Mr. Tricky Clinton began deporting Cubans and September 11th, many Cubans have gone to trial for human trafficking. Obviously, I do not see it that way. Cubans are controlled by the government by all means. You can not dissent against the government. You economic situation is miserable. You can not change the system because if you try, they expel you from your job, school, etc. Cubans began to bring people from México instead from the USA. Then, Cubans crossed the US border. This trip cost you easily $10,000. The problem with México now is that the Mexicans began to control this business. Cubans doing this in México had stopped this I believe. The Mexicans doing this can kill you in no time. Recently, México signed an immigration agreement with Cuba to deport all Cubans who arrive in México. I am sure that some Cubans still do this from the USA. I am sure baseball players are in high demand. These guys won’t play baseball anymore 99 % sure. They had to wait some time until the government forgets. Recall that when Livan Hernández defected, the Cuban government banned Orlando Hernández. El Duque had to work in a psychiatric hospital. They won’t be arrested. In the past, if you were caught leaving, you went to jail for 4 years. The Cuban prisons are full.
  22. RHP Yadel Martí and RF Yasser Gómez were banned for life and won't play baseball anymore. Marti was selected the best RHP during the WBC # 1. He was the starting pitcher against the Dominican Republic. They both played for the Industriales Lions also known as the Blues or Azules. Blue means azul. Spanish http://mlb.mlb.com/es/news/article.jsp?ymd...sp&c_id=mlb
  23. QUOTE (BearSox @ Nov 21, 2008 -> 10:32 PM) Cubano lives in America, if I'm not mistaken. Besides, from what I've heard, most Cubans hate Cuba (Cuba as in the government and such, not the land and citizens who live there). I am a proud Cuban. I always be a Cuban first. Castro does not deter the love of my country. I wish most of the Cuban citizens can have 1/3 of what I have. I wish they can have freedom. I will be always grateful for the USA and its generosity in accepting me here. My daughter was born here. She is an American. I emphasize to her she is an American first and she should be proud of her country. I cheer for the Cuban team. I will be picking on you during the WBC # 2. I will be fighting the Mexican-Americans in here as well. Cuba will play México in March. I cheer for the players. I am 100 % sure that if you ask them privately, they will tell you the following: I want to play in MLB. Cubans follow MLB through Miami stations, friends, etc. When Gerardo Machado and Fulgencio Batista ran the country as right wing dictators, Cubans rooted for their athletes too. Why should not root for them now? I hate the Nitwits in power. I love my country. Many Cubans can not stop talking or thinking about Cuba. I live one hour from Washington D.C.. I work in Maryland. I moved out of Maryland. Too much traffic and too many people.
  24. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Nov 21, 2008 -> 09:41 AM) Cubano, what can you tell us about these guys again? Both defected in Canada this year while with the cuban junior team. Both used to play for the Havana Cowboys. This team is from Havana not from Havana City (capital) where Industriales Lions and Metropolitan Warriors play. Arguelles is a 90 + MPH pitcher with slider and forkball or curve ball. I have to see my videos to see him again. He is tall and has long arms. Iglesias is a SS/2B with excellent hands and a contact hitter.
  25. QUOTE (greg775 @ Nov 20, 2008 -> 11:02 PM) Viciedo is 19? Is that the truthful age? If he's older already maybe he'll pull a Lexi and rule in spring training and make the team. Would be nice to start Fields and see if competition pushes him to hit from the start. If this Viciedo is as good as Lexi ... wow, the future on the left side of the infield appears bright. He is 19. Alexei is a better player and also a more complete player. Alexei has more velocity. Alexei is in his prime years (25-30). This kid has the youth and quick hands. I think he may impress in ST but you never know. There is only one month. I like him to get some AB in any winter league to get in game shape before going into ST. He can go back to the D.R. or even Puerto Rico. Though I prefer Puerto Rico just in case he can not enter the USA for any reason from the D.R. Cubans have to be very carefull with their immigration status.
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