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Posts posted by hawksox13

  1. I want Viciedo up just as much as everyone else. But because the Sox (for some unknown reason) didn't bring him up a month or so ago, it really does make the most sense at this point to hold off for five more days. At that point it won't cost the Sox one of his arbitration years. I'm not saying he shouldn't have been brought up sooner, just saying because they waited this long, might as well wait five more days and then pull the trigger.

  2. This was just one terrible baseball team beating a bad baseball team. Really nothing appealing about these teams or this series if you think about it. No more significant than the Royals playing the Pirates. Except if you watched those two teams at you'd see better young talent. Chicago baseball is so depressing. Screw Ozzie, screw Floyd, screw Dunn, and screw this boring, underachieving, sleepy, pile of garbage they call the Chicago White Sox. Have a nice night.

  3. QUOTE (The Ginger Kid @ Jun 2, 2011 -> 11:54 AM)
    I don't mind it after a sweep like that. These guys will be champing at the bit to get back in the park, warm weather (FINALLY) and home cooking. Good stuff. The worm has turned.


    I actually hate when there's a day off after a Sox loss. It's another entire day that I have to think back to that loss. After a three game sweep of the Red Sox everyone should be feeling good. Now, if I were a player or actually had some affect on the games being played, I'm sure I'd hate the off day that comes in the middle of a hot streak. As a fan, today's a feel good day.

  4. QUOTE (southsider2k5 @ Apr 21, 2011 -> 03:03 PM)
    Or maybe he learned something last year with Beckham?


    That may be giving Ozzie too much credit. He sure hasn't learned that bunting a man over to set up a man on second with one out situation NEVER works for the White Sox. Why when a team is struggling to hit the ball so badly you give away one of your three remaining outs while trailing is still beyond me.

  5. I actually think it's downright scary that Ozzie feels Morel needs three games off for a mental health break when they are only 18 games into the season. Doesn't lead me to believe he has a lot of mental toughness and may hold onto his mistakes too long, or carry his mistakes in the field up to the plate or the other way around.

  6. Just saw that 3B Brandon Wood from the Angels was cut loose. Perhaps the Sox can pick him up and hope he realizes some of that potential that everyone once thought he had. He has to either be traded for or clear waivers, but I'm sure he would cost next to nothing in a trade. With as thin as the Sox minor league system is, you can't really lose with that gamble.

  7. QUOTE (JohnCangelosi @ Apr 13, 2011 -> 03:30 PM)
    Looks like Sale, which is fine by me but we should have double barreled action going on just in case he's a bit worn from last night's 2 innings...


    And I hope this means that generally speaking Sale will close for now. I really like Matt Thornton in the 8th and I agree we need him back to his old self if we're going to do anything this year. Let's keep him where he's been great.


    This is where Sale needs to come in, put them away with an easy 1,2,3 inning and take control of the closer role.

  8. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ Feb 22, 2011 -> 02:11 PM)


    I have to agree with Kenny here. If you are given $30M to play with, you don't spend it all in one place, you spread it around to make your team better overall. Not to mention, there is no way Pujols is worth $30M per season, even this year or next, and you especially don't give a guy that kind of money when he'll be turning 32 when the contract starts. For $30M the White Sox have Konerko, Dunn, and Quentin under contract this year (actually combined those three only make $29.05M in 2011) and those three combined will likely hit 100 HR's and drive in 300 runs. For a team to use 25-30% of their entire payroll on one player is absolutey insane, and won't prove to be a winning formula.

  9. QUOTE (Realfan @ Feb 11, 2011 -> 11:15 AM)
    What locations were available? Was it consistent for all three games?



    The locations weren't great of course. All in the upper deck, within the last four sections on either side, 12th row or higher. I was just happy that I'll be in the stadium for each game. I work about ten minutes from the stadium, so the fact that they are on weekdays works to my advantage now.

  10. On the first day of tickets being available to the public I always try to get Sox vs. Cubs tickets. In the past I've only been successful one time. Today, however, was a very different story. I was able to get four tickets to each of the Cubs at Sox games from June 20-22. I'm trying to figure out what the difference is from past years to this year. Just an overall lower demand? Poor advertising about tickets going on sale today? The fact that the games are on weekdays? Just lucky this time around? They may still have some tickets available, so if you haven't got them yet, go on over to Ticketmaster.

  11. QUOTE (fathom @ Dec 6, 2010 -> 04:10 PM)
    Lot of money to match for someone with some health issues the last few years. I think we can be creative and find someone on par with Putz for cheaper.



    Did I miss something because when I clicked on that article there was no mention of how much the deal would be worth, only that it's a two year deal with a club option for a third. I see nothing wrong with that.

  12. QUOTE (fathom @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 12:45 PM)
    He just needs to go to the Marlins the second this season is over.


    Agreed! On the off season list needs to be the following subtractions: Freddy Garcia, Bobby Jenks, Tony Pena, Ozzie Guillen, Mark Kotsay, and Andruw Jones.

  13. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Sep 1, 2010 -> 12:26 PM)
    No doubt. And even when he's seemingly cruising he can allow a 4 or 5 spot in a hurry.


    Assuming Peavy is back (risky assumption?) there's no need for Freddy. Danks, Peavy, Buehrle, Floyd, Jackson looks pretty good to me.

  14. QUOTE (Steve9347 @ Aug 31, 2010 -> 12:09 PM)
    He'll be at the stadium by 2. The "plan" is for him to sit tonight, but that may change depending on what he says to Ozzie.


    Just heard this on ESPN 1000.



    What is wrong with this team? Down four games with just 30 left to play. Where's the sense of urgency? Manny will be at the stadium four hours before the game starts. Get him in the damn lineup Ozzie. He has to go up to the plate and swing the bat a total of about 15 times and he's not playing the field. I think he's capable of doing that on four or five hours of sleep. Not to mention they are paying him $120,000 per game for the rest of the season. I feel like I'm listening to Lovie Smith after that Bears third preseason game. No sense of urgency at all!

  15. QUOTE (RME JICO @ Aug 5, 2010 -> 03:27 PM)
    Has to be a completely demoralizing and season ending loss for the Tigers. So much hope after tying it in the 9th and putting the winning run at the plate only to lose 3 out of 4 at home vs a division opponent. They are now 2 games under .500 and 9 back. 2 Horse race.


    Mark Kotsay flat out won a ball game for the Sox. You have to give the man credit today. Too bad Ozzie will now give him credit today...and tomorrow...and the day after....and the day after that....

  16. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ Aug 5, 2010 -> 09:43 AM)
    But who cares if Kotsay is left handed? He doesn't hit RHP or LHP? I'd rather use a good right handed hitter up there than a lefty that can't hit for s***.


    And why are you guys talking about Kenny firing Ozzie? I asked if Kenny was able to DFA Kotsay.


    I'm not saying I want Kotsay to stay by any means. I think when Teahen comes back it should be the end of Kotsay. But I don't think that's what will happen. From my understanding a GM has authority over who's on the roster, a manager has the authority to determine how those players are utilized.

  17. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Aug 5, 2010 -> 09:36 AM)
    He doesn't have the authority to fire Ozzie, so I don't think any of us know if he has the authority to overrule Ozzie on anything.


    Looking back I think Reinsdorf just didn't want Kenny Williams making a rushed, emotional decision about Ozzie Guillen. Overall Ozzie is a pretty good manager and I think Reinsdorf thought this thing would get turned around and everything would work itself out. I don't think that situation completely tells that Kenny has no authority. Turns out it was a good thing not to fire Ozzie. I think if Kenny finds a way to get a left handed bat, Kotsay will be the player to go. Until Kenny finds that, we're stuck with Kotsay.

  18. QUOTE (soxfan-kwman @ Aug 4, 2010 -> 12:13 PM)
    I kind of hope we pick up Manny. He is like TO, put him somewhere new & he'll produce. Don't really like him, but he is clutch... Look what he did for a crappy LA team in 2008. Put him at DH & maybe let him play LF for the first 3 or 4 innings, once or twice a week.



    Plus, Tank might learn a thing or two from Manny!!



    I don't think we really want him to learn anything from Manny. How to be a terrible defensive player? How to use PED's? How to not hussle? How to grow huge dreadlocks? Well, that last one may be cool.

  19. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Aug 2, 2010 -> 10:06 AM)
    Even in my Anti-Jackson rants, I kept including the clause "unless Cooper's been begging for this guy for a couple years and can turn his career around in 12 minutes a-la Thornton".


    I don't see Coop being able to make an instant impact with Jackson. I think we'll see the biggest impact this off season and throughout spring training. It wouldn't surprise me one bit to see Jackson be very good next season, but I think it's expecting a lot for Jackson to come in, have one bullpen session with Coop, and then be lights out the rest of the season.


    I can't help but be very excited about next years rotation. Danks, Peavy, Buehlre, Floyd, and Jackson. Wow, that could be scary good.

  20. I don't think that Hudson is going to be any type of special pitcher moving forward. Probably a high end #4 starter, slightly over .500. My issue is that Jackson isn't a special pitcher either, but is going to cost the Sox 15 times more than Hudson would've to get you around the same production. If there isn't a move to swing Jackson in a deal for a big time hitter, this was a big mistake by Williams. We'll know within 24 hours.

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