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Posts posted by hawksox13

  1. QUOTE (WCSox @ Jun 3, 2010 -> 09:26 AM)
    I'm not sure that AJ would be super-excited about leaving Chicago, nor am I sure that other managers are falling over themselves to pick up his baggage. He's no Milton Bradley, but he does rub a lot of people the wrong way. He's also not hitting this year.




    The option year on his contract kicks in (with a modest raise) if he's dealt. Some teams may see that as a negative, and some may view it as a positive. Mark has a limited NTC, but I'm not sure if his 10/5 rights kick in this season. The market for Mark is going to be limited, so we're not going to get a ton in return via a bidding war (especially if Mark continues to pitch like a #3). The main motive for dealing Mark would be salary relief.


    I disagree. I think there will be a contending NL team that would give a nice return for Mark Buehrle. It would be nice if he started to pitch like the Mark Buehrle that we all know and love, but I think he would bring in a nice return. The fact that he isn't just a rental increases his value greatly.

  2. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 3, 2010 -> 09:16 AM)
    Yes, Buehrle's contract becomes much more onerous if he's traded.


    AJ hasn't flat out said "I'll block any trade" but he's given strong indications that he doesn't want to be dealt a few times this season. The Sun Times had this quote back early in the year, but the link for them isnt' working any more.


    That's awesome that you can just remember that stuff and find the links and quotes so quickly. You're good! If you read right below what you bolded it says that he wants to be in a place where he can win. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out with him. Hopefully he'll do what's right and accept a trade if it's to a contender, even if it's after his 10/5 rights have kicked in.

  3. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 3, 2010 -> 09:08 AM)
    If someone offers you a really solid price right now, for almost any of those guys...yeah, you do it, but KW does have a bit of luxury in terms of being able to wait on moving anyone other than AJ to see how the market develops.


    Has A.J. said that he will decline trades to other teams? I know a lot of people are caught up on his 10/5 rights, but it seems to me that if a contender came calling he would welcome the opportunity to go out and try to win another championship. He doesn't seem to take well to losing. I may have missed something, but I just don't see that being a stumbling block in moving A.J. If the 10/5 rights need to be worried about for anyone, it's Buehrle. If his kick in doesn't he get a raise if he's traded and the extra year made mandatory? Or is that how his contract is already set up?

  4. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jun 3, 2010 -> 08:47 AM)
    Really, the only way that there is going to be a non-trivial decrease in the value of those guys is if they get hurt. It doesn't make sense to deal Jones right now especially, since any team getting him will want to know he can pull out of his slump.


    Most of these guys are going to be rental players for whatever team acquires them, so getting Konerko in early June may be a much more attractive option to a team then getting him on July 31st. That's nearly two more months of value. And for a team like the Angels that have a huge hole to plug, dealing Konerko now could really maximize his value. I'm sure Kenny has at least put out feelers to see what the Angels may be willing to offer for Konerko.


    The biggest mistake Kenny could make would be to hold onto all these guys or even go out and try to acquire another player to try and make a run at anything this year. He needs to make some deals and start preparing for 2011. That's his job. If he's too stubborn to admit his failures of this past off season and start to correct them the Sox need to bring in someone else to do the job.

  5. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 2, 2010 -> 10:10 PM)


    Cubs might be talking with the Angels about trading Lee to them.


    It now appears that it's Xavier Nady that the Angels are looking at. Kenny needs to wake up and start dealing before teams start to fill needs and the Sox current players somehow become even less valuable than they've already become. Konerko's number one most likely landing spot appears to be the Angels.


    Kenny needs to step it up, admit failure and get what he can for some of these guys. Say goodbye and thank you to A.J., Paulie, Andruw Jones, J.J. Putz, and Jenks if possible. Don't be stubborn, don't sign some other old 3B and give up prospects when they literally will be zero help (Lowell). It's time to start dumping players, picking up prospects, saving money that can be spent this offseason, and correcing this mess we call 2010. Wake up Kenny, it's over!!!

  6. QUOTE (SoxPride56 @ May 25, 2010 -> 08:22 AM)
    Every player on that 2005 team did something to help win that ring. So while Frank didn't have an on field impact during the postseason, he did have an impact on winning the division which led to winning the World Series.


    I'm as big of a Frank Thomas fan as they come, but Frank's .219 batting average, .315 on base percentage, 34 games played, 19 runs scored, and 23 overall hits in 2005 had very little to do with the White Sox winning the World Series. I think he did actually hit a walk off home run against the Twins early in that season if I remember correctly, so I guess you can count him for winning 1/99 of the regular season games in 2005.

  7. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ May 25, 2010 -> 08:12 AM)
    Frank is a first ballot HOF.



    ......and he was injured during the second half of the season and for the entire playoffs. You can count Frank if you want, but he didn't have any impact on that postseason or on the White Sox winning the 2005 World Series. But yes, Frank is a first ballot HOF'er for me too.

  8. And the Sox don't just find themselves 7.5 games back of one team, it's now two teams. This season is a lost cause. Underperformers such as A.J., Buehrle, Floyd, Beckham, Jenks, Peavy and Quentin have killed this team. It's hard to imagine them making up 7.5 games on both Minnesota and Detroit. In the past when Minnesota held division leads I've always been confident because I truly thought the Sox were more talented. This year I can honestly say that the Twins are more talented. Add that with the 7.5 games they've been spotted and it's goodnight.

  9. QUOTE (ChiSox_Sonix @ May 21, 2010 -> 07:56 AM)
    When he was brought over he was viewed in that light. If you read what caulfield said carefully you would have noticed that. His signing was viewed as a key piece to a team trying to contend. The pitchers listed all had that in common, that is being an integral player for their team. Maya is not that. That was the point trying to be made, and he was right about it.


    Perhaps trading Buehrle who is due $14M next season and bringing Maya in for much cheaper would free up enough money to then sign a significant offensive upgrade this offseason. The question (example only): Is Adam Dunn+Maya+prospects received in the Buehrle trade > than Buehrle? If the answer to that is yes then you can look to sign Maya and trade Buehrle. Maya's a huge unknown compared to Buehrle, but it's the type of risk a team like the Sox would need to take to somehow find a way to compete in 2011.

  10. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 20, 2010 -> 08:47 AM)
    I like your list of guys likely to move but I think you're off here. I think Buehrle is at the top of the list in terms of asking price, but that's because of emotional attachment to the team more than anything else. I put Rios above Peavy as well, because his contract actually costs less and he's performing at or above it. Buehrle and Peavy are currently under-playing their contracts,w hich also hurts them.


    If you really want to say "Which guy on the Sox brings the most return if you trade him right now", the answer is D1: the pitching Danks.


    I wasn't even thinking trading the Sox youngest and most talented pitcher would even be thought of as a trading chip, even if he's set to get a huge raise come arbitration time. You're probably right about Rios over Peavy. He probably would bring back more in a trade.


    To clarify, I'm not suggesting that the Sox make all of these moves. I'm just putting it out there as to who may be moved and if moved, what those players would be worth. I want the Sox to keep Rios, Danks, Buehrle and Peavy. If I were the Sox I'd look to move Pierzynksi, Konerko, Andruw Jones, Freddy Garcia, J.J. Putz and Bobby Jenks. I wouldn't just give these guys away, but I'd be very open to listening to offers.

  11. IF the Sox decide to become sellers and blow this team up, I thought it may be interesting to discuss who would be the most likely to be traded and who would bring back the most talent in a trade.


    Most likely to be traded if the Sox blow this team up:

    1. A.J. Pierzynski - There is already interest out there, a contender would surely bite

    2. Andruw Jones - Very affordable bat that can add value to a team looking for some power

    3. J.J. Putz - solid reliever that could help out any contenders bullpen

    4. Paul Konerko - Paulie would have to waive the no trade, but probably would for a contender

    5. Freddy Garcia - If he wasn't family he'd be a couple notches higher on this list

    6. Bobby Jenks - Expensive reliever, but team would control Bobby into next season as well

    7. Alex Rios - Expensive bat, but playing like an all star

    8. Mark Buehrle - If the Sox decide they don't want to pay Mark $14M next season teams would be interested

    9. Jake Peavy - Very expensive contract, has to pitch better to make his contract doable for teams

    10. Juan Pierre - Outside shot that a contending team may take a shot on Pierre, Sox would pay some of his salary

    11. Scott Linebrink - A team would really need bullpen help to take on even half of this contract


    My personal opinion is if you know you're out of it this season but want to try and contend next year again you can only trade your expiring deals (Pierzynski, Jones, Putz, Konerko). Hold onto Buehrle, Peavy, Rios, and Pierre and try to make some adjustments and make a run again next season.


    Most Value in return if the player is traded:

    1. Mark Buehrle

    2. Jake Peavy

    3. Paul Konerko

    4. Alex Rios

    5. A.J. Pierzynski

    6. Andruw Jones -

    7. J.J. Putz - could be higher on the list since relievers are always in high demand at the trade deadline

    8. Bobby Jenks

    9. Freddy Garcia

    10. Juan Pierre - would be more of a salary dump. Would have to throw in a bit more money than the Dodgers are already paying

    11. Scott Linebrink - would be a salary dump in which the Sox would have to pay at least half of the remaining salary


    I won't attempt to guess what level prospect(s) each player would bring back to the Sox if traded, only the overall value of each player for being traded. I'm not suggesting that all of these guys are likely to be traded. At most I think we'll see five guys traded, which is still quite a bit.

  12. QUOTE (jamesdiego @ May 18, 2010 -> 11:11 AM)
    Cowley(yea, whatever) reported today that Kenny is now comtemplating changes in the coaching staff. Even though Oz is supposed to be in charge of who his coaches are, that might change soon. Said KW is not interested in making changes to the players yet.


    I hope Walker is gone by the end of the week.


    Even if Walker is gone by the end of the week, it's just change for the sake of change. Firing Walker won't do a damn bit of good. This team has to suck it up, admit they were wrong and start positioning for next season by dealing some of the players that won't be around next season anyway (Pierzynski, Putz, Garcia, Jenks, Konerko). You may not get much or anything for Garcia, but why not let Hudson come up and get some more major league experience?

  13. QUOTE (BigSqwert @ May 17, 2010 -> 12:58 PM)
    Who cares?


    Lucy makes sense as the back up catcher if it saves nearly $800K. As opposed to getting veteran back ups the Sox could go with a young bench, which would end up saving them another couple of million dollars. It's not ideal, but if they really are looking to cut the payroll down to $91M for next season, then they can't afford to be deep in the bullpen and on the bench. This team isn't in a position to be strong everywhere.

  14. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 17, 2010 -> 12:49 PM)
    Good post, but a couple points. First...I wouldn't be surprised at all if D1 is close to a $10 million arbitration player as a first year arb guy.


    Second, you're still holding Randy Williams in the bullpen. That is approaching unacceptable based on his performance this season.


    Third, you have bugeted $1 million for another relief pitcher. You'll note that the relief pitcher we brought in this year, Putz, is at $3 million. The other FA reliever on the roster makes $5 million+ next year. I'd argue you're seriously underpricing a RH setup man.


    Fourth, you've priced 2 backups at $1 million each. I believe Vizuqel and Kotsay make slightly over $1 million, so that eats into your total by another $750k or so.


    Fifth, it's possible Quentin could get more than that in arbitration as well.


    Basically, I'd argue that up and down the list, you've systemically left the Sox more salary room than they will actually have. Because of that, signing guys and still holding a $100 million payroll becomes more possible in your scenario.


    Finally, the last thing to consider is that the Sox's outgoing salary this year is $98 million. You've assumed a $3 million increase...but where is that revenue coming from? THis team is collapsing this year, there is no sign of a revenue shot coming in. If anything, a payroll decrease appears more likely. If the total salary drops to $95 million, and you add in a couple million on a few of those guys as I argued you need, then you're looking at filling your 1b and DH spots with about $8 million total to play with.


    The Sox got Andrew Jones for $500K so there are deals out there. Kotsay makes exactly $1M. Vizquel is making $1.375M this season, but you could easily bring up a minor leaguer that will make the league minimum and still get as much production as Vizquel is giving. I was considering Santos to be the right handed set up man, so the reliever I was thinking about would be more of a middle man and be more realistic for the $1M that I included.


    Randy Williams wouldn't be in my bullpen, but who's the better left handed option in the system that will be ready next year? Sadly, he's the best the Sox have. If Quentin and Danks get more in arbitration then I budgeted for, then that certainly does hurt my outlook. But if Quentin continues to to hit .200 this year and is ineffective I just don't see his salary doubling. Danks you may be right about.


  15. QUOTE (fathom @ May 17, 2010 -> 12:48 PM)
    Crawford will likely get more money than that, and there's no way we'd win a bidding war for his services with teams like the Yankees rumored to have an interest in him. Also, there's no way I see our payroll being over 100 million next year after what's sure to be a mediocre attendance this season. Good try though, I appreciate the thought you put into it.


    I don't think I'd pay more than $14 million per year or give Crawford more than 5 years so if he's getting more than that I'd say the Sox should probably look in another direction. Just curious, what do you think the Sox will be looking to get the payroll down to heading into next season?

  16. QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 17, 2010 -> 11:45 AM)
    So lets ignore Peavy and Buehrle's career numbers and base all judgment off of a few months? Is that what you are saying is smart GM-ing?



    If we are going to continue to play virtual GM then let me take a shot at it:


    In really looking ahead to what 2011 could look like, you have to start looking at salaries, who will have increases and who will likely not be brought back to the team. I’m going to guess that the following players will not be brought back in 2011 or will be traded during the 2010 season:


    Bobby Jenks - $7.5M in 2010

    Paul Konerko - $12M in 2010

    A.J. Pierzynksi - $6.75M in 2010

    Freddy Garcia - $1M in 2010

    Omar Vizquel - $1.375M in 2010

    Mark Kotsay - $1.5M in 2010

    Andruw Jones - $500K in 2010

    J.J. Putz - $3M in 2010


    Now here are the projected salaries for the players on the 2011 roster:



    1. Peavy - $16M

    2. Buehrle - $14M

    3. Danks - $5.5M (estimated to include arbitration increase)

    4. Floyd - $5M

    5. Hudson - $425K (estimated league minimum in 2011)



    Thorton - $3M (assuming Sox pick up his option)

    Santos - $425K (estimated league minimum in 2011)

    Linebrink - $5.5M

    Pena - $1.8M (estimated to include arbitration increase)

    Marquez - $425K (estimated league minimum in 2011)

    Williams - $425K

    Additional Bullpen Arm – Assume $1M for this slot


    Bench Players:

    Ramon Castro - $1.2M (assuming his option is picked up)

    Jayson Nix - $425K

    1 back up infielder – Assume $1M for this slot

    1 back up outfielder – Assume $1M for this slot


    Starting Position Players: Juan Pierre – LF - $5M

    Gordon Beckham – 2B - $425K (estimated league minimum in 2011)

    Alex Rios – CF - $12M

    Carlos Quentin – DH - $4.5M

    Alexei Ramirez – SS - $1.1M

    Mark Teahen - $4.75M

    Tyler Flowers - $425K (estimated league minimum in 2011)

    1st Baseman – Big hole

    Left Fielder – Big hole


    With 23 men included on the roster and a starting first baseman and left fielder/DH still needed, the salary for 2011 at this point would be: $82.325M. Assuming the Sox want to stay right around a $100 million payroll in 2011, they would have $17.675M left in their budget to go out and get the starting 1B and LF that they need. The Sox do have the flexibility of either DH’ing Quentin and signing a LF/RF or letting Quentin to continue to play the field and signing a DH.


    2011 Free Agent options to fill the 1B/DH/LF holes that the Sox will have:

    Carl Crawford

    Jayson Werth

    Lance Berkman

    Hank Blalock

    Adam Dunn

    Nick Johnson

    Adam LaRoche

    Carlos Pena

    Xavier Nady

    Brad Hawpe


    My personal preference here would be to sign Adam LaRoche and Carl Crawford. LaRoche can probably be had in the range of 2yr/$10M. To get Carl Crawford will probably take in the range of 5yr/$70M. That would increase the Sox payroll by $19M annually and give them a 2011 payroll of $101.325M, which they can handle.


    The question then becomes, is this line up good enough to win in the American League:

    1. Carl Crawford - RF

    2. Gordon Beckham – 2B

    3. Alex Rios – CF

    4. Carlos Quentin – DH

    5. Adam LaRoche – 1B

    6. Alexei Ramirez – SS

    7. Mark Teahen – 3B

    8. Tyler Flowers – C

    9. Juan Pierre - LF


    This team would be faster and a bit younger. The weakness of this team would be the bullpen depth. Thorton would make a solid closer and Santos has the stuff to be a set up man, but getting to those two may be difficult at times. With the position this team is in you just can't fix everything overnight, so you have to give certain things up to gain others. You can improve this team and make it younger in the off season without raiding the minor league systems talent by making trades or just completing giving in to rebuilding. That's something that's not really Kenny Williams style, but this year blew up in his face so maybe he'll try something a bit different.


  17. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 17, 2010 -> 09:21 AM)
    Jenks, I don't really care if he bring anything back, but if I can get rid of 1/2 of his salary for the season I'd totally do it.


    I agree. The Sox should get rid of Jenks if the opportunity arises. I don't think they have any intention of letting him go to arbitration next year and then being stuck paying him $8-9 million for next season. That would be crazy. Even with increases in current players salaries heading into next season, the elimination of the salaries of A.J., Konerko and Jenks is close to $26 million for next season. You can't tell me with that off the books the Sox won't be a serious contender for someone like Carl Crawford.


    Also, what about trading Freddy Garcia or even releasing him and letting Daniel Hudson come up and get some addtional major league experience? It seems like a waste to let Freddy stay with the club and eat up innings that could be valuable experience for a younger pitcher like Hudson.

  18. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 17, 2010 -> 08:26 AM)
    Frankly, if I get to firesale mode (and we show every sign of needing to get there) I'd unload everyone who was an upcoming FA this offseason that I could possibly unload for whatever I could get back, including simply salary savings. I'd try to get back a lower level minor leaguer or a reclamation project for the guys who are struggling (Jenks, Putz, Kotsay or Vizquel or AJ if anyone will take htem) and I'd try to get legitimate pieces back for Konerko and Jones.


    And then, out of the guys remaining, I'd look to move Rios for a top level prospect.


    The Sox are NOT going to get anything back for Kotsay or Vizquel, including even a return of a bag of baseballs. If you want those guys gone the only way that's happening is simply releasing them, which I'd actually be fine with. You are NOT going to get a legitimate prospect back for Andruw Jones either. Maybe they can get a reclamation project type player back for him. To me, A.J. and Konerko may bring in legit prospects from a contender.

  19. QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 17, 2010 -> 08:24 AM)
    So unload the entire team including top players signed for multiple years for what exactly? A bunch of prospects? Walk back to your living room, pick up your controller and continue your MLB the show league. IN real life, this idea is what we call retarded.


    I don't think you trade away guys with years left on their deal that can still give the Sox some production (Floyd, Rios). I do believe that trading guys that have expiring contracts (Konerko, A.J., even Jenks who is set to make a lot at arbitration next year) is a smart move.

  20. QUOTE (WHITESOXRANDY @ May 17, 2010 -> 06:56 AM)
    Over the next two months the White Sox should move:


    A.J. - he'll bring a good prospect. Ask Texas for the best of their 4 young catchers and a minor league arm. Let that catcher and Flowers duke it out for p.t. now and see what we have.


    Konerko- this is probably the best time in years to deal him. He could really help some team and the financial commitment isn't that large. He could yield a really nice prospect or two.


    Rios- yes, it would be nice to keep him but why? To see if this team can finish ahead of KC ? It might be better if we got the number 1 draft pick instead. Besides, the Sox gave up nothing for him so it could be a steal if they get a goo dyoung talent for him.


    Jones- trade him now while he's playing well. Again, a steal if they get a nice prospect.


    Putz- same as above.


    Floyd- as soon as he rights himself and he will.


    Peavy- same as above.


    Buehrle- send him to the National League. If the Cardinals don't want him then someone will. Take what you can get.


    Trade these 8 guys for the most young talent that we can get and start over.



    For this year, keep:


    Pierre- no one will take his contract so they are stuck through next year.


    Linebrink- see above


    Teahen- ditto ( atleat the Sox have his replacement already for 2012 Morel)



    Might as well hold onto the rest of the team and add the young guys to it. They can't be any worse.


    Kotsay, Vizquel, Garcia and Nix let them play out the year. They have no trade value.Same with Quentin. Decide next year what to do about him.


    Start over next year with our core of young guys and hopefully they will draft high and well for the next few years. Maybe they can fix the organization in that time with a much lower payroll and the money invested into international scouting, better coaches, scouts and minor league player development with a new organizational philosophy.


    Why continue down the same path that's proven to be ineffective?





    I agree that it is probably time to unload. I've held out hope, tried to justify how this team can get back into the race, and tried to think of who they could add that would take them to the next level. If you think about it, this team just isn't good enough to compete with the Twins this year. Sad but true. Don't let pride get in the way and give away prospects to try and compete with the Twins. It's not worth it this year. The smartest thing for this team to do is sell off some pieces and start to rebuild and get a little younger.


    A.J. - You've got to look to trade him. Go out and see what you can get for him. His contract is up at the end of the year and this team isn't going anywhere. Trade A.J. to a team that thinks they can compete, save the money that left on his deal and see what you can get for him. Bring Flowers up on June 1st and let him be the starting catcher for the rest of the season.


    Konerko - Almost the same as above. Last year of his deal, save the salary, see what you can get. Both Konerko and A.J. have done a ton for the White Sox (2005) and deserve to be on a team that is competing for a championship. I'm not an expert on player value so I'm not sure what you can get in return for A.J. and Konerko as rentals, but they aren't going to be brought back to the Sox next year anyways so you really aren't losing anything by trading them to contenders, plus it'll save some money which will hopefully be spent in the offseason.


    Rios - Keep him. He is part of the new core of this team.


    Jones - To keep respectability I'd probably keep him and let him play outfield or DH every day. He hardly costs anything and has been a nice addition to this team. The only way they should trade him is if they want to let Jordan Danks come up and get major league experience instead of letting Jones play. A.J. and Konerko make around $19 million combined this year so it's a nice cost savings for the team to dump that salary. With Jones only making $500,000, it's not that beneficial to get rid of him, unless you can get a nice prospect in return( which I doubt will happen).


    Putz - I would look to trade him as well. Teams always overpay for relievers around the trade deadline. Putz is only signed through this season so there is no harm in trading him, assuming you aren't going anywhere this season.


    Floyd- Keep him. He has a track record of being solid with the Sox. His contract is very reasonable and he will turn his bad start around. He's also part of the new core of this Sox team.


    Peavy - Keep him. You don't trade Peavy when his value is low. To trade him you'd have to eat some salary and probably wouldn't get great value in return. He's part of that new core.


    Buehrle - I'm split on this. If you can get a nice haul of young talent for him then I would say trade him. If you can't get exactly what you want I would keep him. He's only 30 years old. If you sell on Buehrle you would be selling low.


    Teahen/Pierre/Linebrink - I think the Sox are stuck with these guys, for better or worse.



  21. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 12, 2010 -> 04:19 PM)
    It didnt upset me much, but saying in the thread title the Sox signed Embree does hint towards a ML deal, not a MiL one. Also, I would just post this in the catch all thread as it isnt much. If there was a thread or topic on Randy I would include this here, but personally I dont see it deserving its own thread. The news probably has a .5% chance of actually impacting the sox in my mind. If Williams fails, I dont see Embree really taking his place. I see another move coming first unless Embree is stellar at Charlotte, and that is improbable.


    Not trying to knock you at all, just personal suggestions.



    I gotcha. Those are some good points you make. And I have to agree with you, there isn't much of a chance that this actually ends up affecting the Sox one way or another so it probably should have just been put in one of the catch all threads. My bad.

  22. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ May 12, 2010 -> 04:00 PM)
    Actually it should be in the Minor League Thread. If hes called up to the Sox then its important to talk about in the White Sox forum.


    My question involved in my original post was whether or not this had any upcoming implications on moves the Sox may or may not make, thus making it an appropriate topic for the major league board. Sorry if I'm mistaken here. Move it if you'd like. It really won't upset me too much.


    All I'm saying is Rock doesn't need to be an ass about it. That's part of the reason I don't post on message boards often because people are always so smart and tough over the internet. I thought the topic may interest some Sox fans, I posted it. People who want to read it and respond can, others who it doesn't interest so much can just stay away from the topic. Not sure what the big deal is.

  23. QUOTE (RockRaines @ May 12, 2010 -> 02:30 PM)
    Title of thread should be:


    Soxtalk poster starts thread about minor league signing.....Why?


    I guess minor league signings aren't discussed at Soxtalk, huh? The purpose of a message board is to allow fans to discuss/debate issues relative to the team they follow. If you don't think this topic is worth discussing then just don't get involved Rock. No need to be a smart ass or try to be funny (at which you failed). Perhaps you can just monitor what's posted and then delete all topics that don't interest you?

  24. QUOTE (hogan873 @ May 12, 2010 -> 09:32 AM)
    I agree that it's not too early to keep an eye on what MN and Detroit do. Obviously the Sox need to worry about winning games. It's fine for us fans to keep an eye on the schedules. A tough schedule for MN coupled with a good stretch of winning baseball games for the Sox could easily change the face of the division by the end of the month.


    I have to agree that the next month and a half is VERY important with regards to the next few years of White Sox baseball. If the Sox continue to fall off they'll be heading in a rebuilding direction. That could include trading Konerko, Jenks, and Pierzynski. Possibly trying to find a taker for Pierre, Linebrink, and Garcia. Bringing up Daniel Hudson, maybe even Jordan Danks and Dayan Viciedo to see what they've got and to get them some major league experience.


    If the Sox close the gap and make this a race in the next month and a half I can see them going hard after Adrian Gonzalez or another big time left handed bat.


    This is a big 40+ days coming up for White Sox baseball. Schedule watching, even in May, is very acceptable this year.

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