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Posts posted by dpd9189

  1. QUOTE (fathom @ Jun 9, 2009 -> 07:30 PM)
    I'd take Zambrano/Lilly/Dempster/Wells/Harden over Buehrle/Floyd/Danks/Richard/Contreras



    Me too, that's the one area they have us beat in. I'd take our pen over theirs though.

  2. QUOTE (GREEDY @ May 21, 2009 -> 12:52 PM)
    I read Peavy has two small dogs and is slightly concerned that Bartolo might eat them... understandable.


    Just got some time to chime in about this now. Needless to say I was surprised and optomistic about this earlier today but have come back down to earth after reading that Peavy will most likely veto the trade. I would've loved to see him in a Sox jersey but I'm also a baseball realist and if you read between the lines I think he will be with either the Cubs or Brewers come August 1st. He seems to be comfortable in the NL so be it. Also this is why you DON'T give a NTC to a player....EVER. On a side note, I like Richard and would like to see what Poreda can do in the big leagues to maybe not all is lost.


  3. QUOTE (fathom @ May 16, 2009 -> 03:03 PM)
    And the Cubs win. Worst managing I've seen in my life. A good throw by Pence gets him easily at home. I hate baseball this year.


    I knew this game was over when LaToliet walked Scales.

  4. QUOTE (fathom @ May 16, 2009 -> 02:54 PM)
    Lance Berkman continues to be Mr. Un-clutch against the Cubs. BTW, Cecil Cooper is a horrendous manager. How are you not bunting with Michaels at the plate?



    Cooper should be fired if they lose this game, horrible managing.

  5. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ May 16, 2009 -> 01:05 PM)
    The Brewers, Cardinals, Reds, and Mets all have similar records to the Cubs, and until you tell me how the injuries are going to work out or which teams are going to be buyers at the deadline (the Cubs have nothing to offer except money), it certainly seems like they're no where near as far ahead of the rest of the league as they were last year.


    If the NL East is just beating each other up...the Central has 4 teams with virtually identical records.



    You don't need much now a days to get something decent in return. Example, the Cubs traded a bag o' crap to Oakland for Rich Harden last year. In my opinion Milwaukee still has the best chance of knocking them off if the Brew Crew can pick up some pitching (Peavy) at the deadline. Not sold on the Cardinals or Reds even though the Reds might be a year away from being a contender with their young pitching.

  6. QUOTE (bigruss22 @ Feb 14, 2009 -> 07:17 PM)
    Like major league players? They dont have crap in the minors, especially not enough for Halladay.


    Edit: I know its a bold statement, but that trade is impossible unless the Cubs trade away major pieces for prospects and flip them or trade those major pieces to TOR.


    White Sox win the AL Central but fall to the Yanks in the playoffs


    Oakland wins the west


    Cubs land Peavy by May


    Giants win NL West


    Yanks over Mets in WS 4-1.



  7. QUOTE (whtsoxfan @ Feb 4, 2009 -> 01:08 AM)
    I just read that KW and the Mariners are in talks of trading Carlos Quentin to the Mariners in a "MONSTER DEAL" that would send li Jarrod Washburn....Carlos Silva maybe, Morrow... here this is what it says





    Carlos Quentin

    Aaron Poreda

    Clayton Richard or Brandon Allen


    To Seattle for

    Brandon Morrow

    Wladamir Balentein

    Jarrod Washburn


    Why would he trade highly thought of Aaron Poreda who Guillen says that everyone is going to love because of the way he pitches?

    This trade suck...



    Stupid internet rumors. Why not throw in Floyd and Danks while were at it? Maybe even trade Alexi Ramirez to the Cubs for Aaron Miles and Paul Bako.

  8. QUOTE (Stan Bahnsen @ Feb 3, 2009 -> 11:42 AM)
    There's more lefties in MLB than in the general population. RF gets the least action in little league. Going 1st to third on a single's not much of an issue, when you can usually go 1st to home on anything that reaches the outfield.


    Just wanted you to rest assured that you did, in fact suck. :gosox4:



    If we're going to spend 8 mil on a player for 1 year, I'd much rather it be Ben Sheets.

  9. QUOTE (kyyle23 @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 04:44 PM)
    If the only thing that gives the Cubs great position to deal to the Padres is Peavys desire to go to the Cubs, then he isnt going. And you keep saying they need to slice the payroll by 30 million. Isnt thier payroll already at 40 million with all of the trades they have made as it is? Do you honestly think the Padres are going to go into the season with a 10 million dollar payroll?


    The Cubs arent going to steal Peavy just because he wants to go to the Cubs. He is one of the best pitchers in the league, and the return for him should be great. the cubs do not have great, I dont even think they have good anymore. there are plenty of other teams out there that can offer much better prospects, and I am sure Peavy wont have a problem going to another contender.


    this article right here says they want to cut 5 million, not 30 million





    Like I said guys I REALLY hope it doesn't happen either, I just have a bad gut feeling about it.

  10. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 04:33 PM)
    I understand that you are under the impression that Peavy said he wanted to play for the Cubs and only the Cubs, which was not entirely true. He wasnt singing Cubs fan songs or wearing Cubs hats. It is one of a handful of preferred teams for him. The Cubs literally have zero ammo for Peavy unless they include someone like Soto. regardless of their negotiating position the Padres are not going to trade one of the best pitchers in the NL for Vitters and nothing else, its just not going to happen and there would be an absolute uproar across the league.



    Sorry Rock that last post was meant as a response to yours.

  11. QUOTE (dpd9189 @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 04:24 PM)
    No disrespect but I think some of you guys are missing the point. The Cubs are in great position to still get Peavy and they may end up robbing the Pads. Peavy has a NTC and will only approve a trade to the Cubs (Peavy's own words), the Padres HAVE to get rid of him because they are slicing the payroll by $30 mil. The key is this is Peavy's no trade clause. The Cubs are holding all the cards in this, not San Diego. That's why it sucks. Its not as much the Cubs trading for Peavy, it's more the Padres having to dump salary and Peavy using his NTC to block them from getting more for him. If he didn't have a NTC, he would've been dealt by now. Its going to wind up being Peavy for Vitters and a couple of guys. Its similar to last year where Santana was using his NTC to block a trade anywhere except the Mets, Yanks or Red Sox. THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T GIVE PLAYERS A NO TRADE CLAUSE.



    I hope you're right but I still see it happening. It's almost gone according to script since it first broke in late November. Like I said though, Peavy is basically holding the Pads hostage with his NTC. Santana did the same thing last year. Even though the Twins got Gomez, that was a fleecing, I think this will be the similar.

  12. QUOTE (RockRaines @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 01:49 PM)
    What will they trade for him then?


    original players:


    Cedeno: gone

    Pie: Gone

    Ceda: gone

    Olson: gone


    All they have left of value is Vitters and no team in the world would trade Peavy for Vitters. Marshall isnt very good, they have zero MLB ready position players and no real arms left. Samarjigidjja has a no trade clsuse and signed with the Cubs to be in Chicago. They literally have nothing left.


    No disrespect but I think some of you guys are missing the point. The Cubs are in great position to still get Peavy and they may end up robbing the Pads. Peavy has a NTC and will only approve a trade to the Cubs (Peavy's own words), the Padres HAVE to get rid of him because they are slicing the payroll by $30 mil. The key is this is Peavy's no trade clause. The Cubs are holding all the cards in this, not San Diego. That's why it sucks. Its not as much the Cubs trading for Peavy, it's more the Padres having to dump salary and Peavy using his NTC to block them from getting more for him. If he didn't have a NTC, he would've been dealt by now. Its going to wind up being Peavy for Vitters and a couple of guys. Its similar to last year where Santana was using his NTC to block a trade anywhere except the Mets, Yanks or Red Sox. THIS IS WHY YOU DON'T GIVE PLAYERS A NO TRADE CLAUSE.



  13. QUOTE (Balta1701 @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 01:21 PM)
    On average, probably yes.


    I'll take an Adam Dunn number of strikeouts if he's also giving me an Adam Dunn number of home runs.



    Dunn's K's won't kill you because of his OBP and his home run numbers.



  14. QUOTE (Thunderbolt @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 01:12 PM)
    No way does Samardijza get sent down to AAA for a year, Not after what he did for them last year.


    The thing is Samardjiza was drafted as and projected to be a SP and he still needs to work on some more pitches. He's the only "real" SP prospect the Cubs have right now. I'm not saying he won't be up with the big club next year but I can see them starting him out Iowa to stretch him out and work on his pitches. Think about it though, did any of us think Fields would start out at AAA last year.....I didn't.

  15. QUOTE (DBAHO @ Jan 28, 2009 -> 12:56 PM)
    I think Peavy's a goner also, but I'm hoping that another team other than the Cubs may jump in on the bidding, but that's prob unlikely ATM. Sad for the Padres how much that franchise has dropped in the past couple of seasons also.


    Welcome aboard to Soxtalk as well. :cheers



    Thanks, glad to be a part of soxtalk. I agree about another team jumping in but Peavy has a NTC and said a few months back he wants to stay in the NL and would only approve a trade to 5 teams (Cubs, Atl, Stros, Cards, and LA). Houston and StL couldn't take on his salary, LA would really have to trade the farm for him since they are in the same division as the Pads. It seemed like he was going to go to Atl and it was almost a done deal but it got squashed at the last minute and the Braves getting Javy and Lowe took them out of it and as dumb luck would have it, the Cubs (who never really had any interest in Peavy in the first place) are the only team left. What really sucks is that Hendry holds all the cards and may get Peavy for less than expected. It doesn't help that there are so many FA pitchers still on the market that can be had for cheap....speaking of which I'd LOVE to see the Sox take a chance with Ben Sheets.

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