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Posts posted by dpd9189

  1. QUOTE (fathom @ Apr 14, 2010 -> 04:29 PM)
    Silva I agree with you on (but watch the awful NL make him into a serviceable starter), but Gorzelanny is healthy again and throwing significantly harder than he was when hurt with the Pirates. Gorzelanny should make a pretty decent 5th starter when Lilly returns.



    I agree. I've always liked Gorzelanny. He'll be a decent 5th starter. I would assume Silva becomes the long man when they get Lilly back.

  2. QUOTE (jasonxctf @ Apr 10, 2010 -> 02:22 PM)
    it will be interesting to see, with some seasoned hitters this year, if they performed better before or after coming to the Sox.


    if they hit better last year (or years) then this year, the logical question will be why.


    Not tryng to stick up for Walker but there's only so much he can do, ultimately its on the hitters to start hitting. Didn't the Cubs fire like two hitting coaches last year and it really did nothing for them? Either you can hit or you can't and right now this lineup isn't hitting worth a crap. Things better pick up or this is going to be a long season.

  3. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Jan 6, 2010 -> 02:21 PM)
    I look at it more of 7/120 over what's realistic for Albert if he hits the open market and the mega spenders are allowed to bid, 10/300, 7/210? I don't think 30m per season is out of the question, and you're in an era where it's a lot harder to get those contracts insured.


    Again, I really think it comes down to where if they don't resign Holliday or a comparable bat or a top flight pitcher Pujols will be a hell of a lot more reluctant to resign before he's a FA, and if he hits FA he's not resigning with the Cards IMO, if he's made the choice to go for top dollar, I don't see that being in St. Louis.


    There's many possibilities, it's possible Stl. has been holding a little payroll back knowing full well they're going to have to add a ton with Albert.


    From a business position, Stl. is one of the best baseball cities in America. Will it sting to trade or have Pujols walk in FA? Absolutely, but I do not see it shutting off the fan base to a point where it's a major hit when compared to potentially doubling the money they are guaranteeing to Holliday. Again, Stl. has to have a realistic plan B if Albert wants to leave for more money.




    I don't like this signing at all, possibly the worst this offseason. 7 yrs 120 mil for a 30 year old who's best years might be behind him very soon, plus its going to hamstring the Cards from making future moves. They won't make playoffs this year, book it.

  4. QUOTE (iamshack @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 08:46 PM)
    I think he'll fit in fine there. It's a place with less media scrutiny, the fans are a bit more laid back, and they should be a playoff contender. I think it's a very nice risk for Seattle.


    Seattle is actually a great sports town, its just very isolated from the rest of the US so it gets little national coverage. If he starts his crap there, he'll hear it from them just as bad as he's heard it from his other stops.

  5. QUOTE (NorthSideSox72 @ Dec 18, 2009 -> 04:16 PM)
    Raped? As far as I can tell, they made out on the deal. Now, the original contract is a whole different discussion. But from the current place, this was as good as they could get, and they did manage to put themselves in a better place than they were.


    Bradley isn't just a guy with a few issues - he's not AJ, or Swisher. He's such a negative pull, such a problem in the clubhouse, that he is truly of negative value to a team. That is, unless they can somehow become the exception to the rule, and have him become a different person than he has been. And that is a long shot.


    Getting into the deal was stupidity by the Cubs, no doubt. And they never should have publically said he was gone - that was stupid too. But what happened to him with the Cubs, was of his own doing.



    Totally agree with this. Don't think they got raped at all. They got rid of the biggest clubhouse cancer in all of baseball who put up such all world numbers last year in the NATIONAL LEAGUE (.257 12 HR 40 RBI) and actually got an extra 6 mil to spend on current free agents. As far as Silva goes he'll either be cut or be middle relief for the Cubs, this is one of those moves where you have to take into account a guy's impact on the clubhouse and Bradley was hated by that team. I'm honestly shocked Hendry pulled this off this deal and got money back. I was 99.99% sure they were going to have to eat the contract and flat out release him. That being said I still don't know how Jim Hendry has a job after signing this guy but I'll give him some props for finding another sucker and getting some paper back.


    To be honest Milton Bradley was never that good to start with, he was coming off a career year in Texas and the Cubs were the suckers that bit on him. He always has been a clubhouse cancer, very injury prone, and average defensively. I think he's a piece of garbage and am GLAD he didn't wind up on the South Side.

  6. QUOTE (whitesoxfan101 @ Oct 8, 2009 -> 08:30 PM)
    He did his job, the game is over and the series tied if Matt Holliday makes a play that would have been easier for a high schooler. But instead, he turned the Cardinals stealing home field advantage into a potential sweep in one fell swoop. That play might not be remembered quite like the Bill Buckner play or Merkle's boner, but it should be.



    wow, can't believe the Cards lost that. I thought only the Cubs lose that kind of way. Holiday must feel terrible.

  7. QUOTE (SoxFan562004 @ Sep 21, 2009 -> 09:12 PM)
    from what I've read and heard on the radio it will be hard for Ricketts to add much payroll since he was scrambling to get financing to finalize the purchase... basically what I understand is he doesn't have extra cash around to pour into the team, especially considering the $$ it costs to upkeep The Shrine.


    I don't think they need a major overhaul, but I can see them making a few minor moves that they couldn't do this year because of the management situation. They have had the same issues that we've had this year.....some underproducing hitters and late inning bullpen issues.

  8. QUOTE (Jordan4life @ Sep 21, 2009 -> 08:07 PM)
    Throw in the Gregg/Heilman trades and letting Derosa go for nothing but financial relief and you're talking one epic ass fail. That team is in some SERIOUS long-term trouble.



    Yeah it might be the worst offseason in recent memory for any baseball team. However I don't know about the long term thing, it kind of depends on how much money Ricketts wants to spend. Ricketts first order of business should be firing Hendry and Pinella, if he does that they're better right away.


    I don't want Milton Bradley anywhere near our team. The guy is the definition of a clubhouse cancer. I honestly don't even know who the Cubs can trade him to even if they ate his whole salary, he's basically playing himself out of the league. His career numbers aren't even that great to start with, he had one very good year in Texas and the Cubs were the suckers that bit on him. Regardless of what you think of the Cubs, Bradley is and always has been a piece of crap and I don't ever want to see him in a White Sox uni.

  10. QUOTE (SoxAce @ Aug 25, 2009 -> 09:28 PM)
    The Red Sox literally gave us runs today, and we still lose.



    I'm starting to get real tired of Alex Rios. I'm starting to realize that he was put on waivers for a reason.

  11. QUOTE (sin city sox fan @ Aug 25, 2009 -> 09:26 PM)
    Might as well trade him right now.....as soon as he throws a pitch thats not a strike, you'll start hearing "fans" say he sucks and is worthless.



    If he's 100% healthy then he pitches, if not then DON'T pitch him. We have too much money invested in this guy to screw around with him and this is the 2nd straight year he's spent a good amount of time on the DL.

  12. QUOTE (chw42 @ Aug 5, 2009 -> 11:50 AM)
    Just goes to show you that Cubs fans never got through high school.


    That stadium has been overtaken by Cub fans the last two days though. I watched the first hour of the game last night and it seemed like the game was being played at Wrigley. Reds suck.

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