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Posts posted by dpd9189

  1. I'll throw out one from left field.


    The Sox acquire Jeff Samardjiza from Oakland for prospects. Sale and Samardjiza would be a sick 1-2 and if the Sox can sign him to an extension, even better. If the Sox aren't good and he won't sign an extension then deal him in July. He landed the Cubs Addison Russell and could be a great trade chip for the Sox too if they felt that was the route to go.

  2. QUOTE (IowaSoxFan @ Nov 3, 2014 -> 12:39 PM)
    No thanks on Victor. The cost is going to be too high for the twilight of his career in both money and the opportunity cost of the second round pick. He turns 36 next month and is reportedly looking for a four year deal, just too much risk in that for me. I would much rather have Sandoval at this point.


    I agree. Pass on V-Mart.

  3. QUOTE (StRoostifer @ Oct 31, 2014 -> 08:37 PM)
    Oh boy does this have the potential to be messy!


    "Yet, even if baseball could prove that tampering occurred, what type of penalty would even be appropriate? This is where it gets interesting. The Rays could claim that the Cubs’ actions caused Maddon to opt out — and demand a player as compensation. A good player, too, considering that the Cubs value Maddon enough to give him what is certain to be a monster contract. Think Javier Baez. Or Addison Russell."




    Rosenthal loves those website hits, eh? There's a better chance of Jesus joining your for dinner tonight then that happening. This is nothing but sour grapes from the Rays and Maddon had an opt out clause and they were caught off guard that he used it. I don't think it has anything to do with the Cubs, they'd have been pissed regardless of where he went (Cubs, White Sox, Mets, Dodgers, etc). They lost a top GM and top manager in a matter of 2-3 weeks, they don't have the up and coming talent they once did and there has been no progress of a new stadium deal to keep the team in Tampa. Dark days ahead for the Rays.

  4. QUOTE (raBBit @ Nov 2, 2014 -> 10:20 PM)
    Romo's velocity is down bad and I don't like paying guys for their production in a pitcher-friendly ballpark in the NL.


    Gergorson is another guy who built a track record in two pitcher-friendly parks. In fact, he has pitched in SD an OAK which have the lowest BABIPs from 2009-2012. I am not saying he's not a good piece, but I do think his market is going to be higher than he's going to be worth.



    I see what you're saying but I think Cooper can help these guys improve. I just think without any significant improvements to the bullpen, this team won't go anywhere. Can't continue to piss away leads and good outings by the SP's because of a bad bullpen.


    Another option although I'm not sure how much it helps you in the big picture is to trade someone (Alexei, DV) for bullpen help.

  5. Greggerson and Romo would make me happy. I'm not big on the UFA hitters this offseason but Hanley Ramirez really intrigues me. I think he'd hit great at the Cell and fits in better with a team like the Sox where there's pressure but not the pressure of playing for the Yankees-West (LAD).

  6. I still think if the Dodgers would've called that Maddon would've landed there but the Cubs is a good landing spot for him. How quick success will come will depend on how and when the Cubs FO decides to spend some $$$ on pitching. As for Renteria it sucks for him but he'll be fine, he'll get a nice $2 mil plus severance package and probably will have a job asap. He seems to be a well respected baseball guy and the Cubs weren't terrible under him.


    I would've loved to see Maddon on the South Side but I think the Sox FO wants to see what Robin can do with some actual talent (if they give it to him) before making that decision.

  7. If the Sox do bring him up this year, I'd like to see them work him out of the pen and ease him into the big leagues. Also between now and the start of next season if it's determined that he is ready to be in the rotation then fine but if he isn't ready I REALLY hope the Sox don't rush him into it. Very easy to ruin a pitcher that way. Regardless I'm excited for him, he's a real legit prospect not just some guy who the organization hopes can be good.

  8. We'll have to see what happens this offseason but my gut tells me no, this isn't a playoff team next year. The only real way IMO to get in the playoffs next year is to win the Central. Teams having underachieving years like the NYY, Red Sox, Tigers (to an extent) will be big players this offseason and if you add in the AL West which has been very good this year, I think the 2 WC's come out of those divisions.


    Personally I'd like to see Hahn shake the roster up quite a bit this offseason, this just seems like its the same team, different year and same results every year.

  9. QUOTE (caulfield12 @ Jul 7, 2014 -> 10:00 AM)
    All depends on what they get back for him. Oakland has six pitchers already...they have Milone parked there in AAA with a 2.62 ERA and 6-0 record in his last 11 starts but no spot in the rotation nevertheless.


    If anything, it's more like the Jackson for Hudson/Holmberg move, or its equivalent in 2014. Sacrificing part of the future for a "win now/no excuses" mentality amongst the players.


    With Cespedes on the market after 2015...their window is this year and next. That's pretty much it before they have to reload/retool again.


    A lot of it rides on how JS does in the AL, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Dempster and Garza stink it up when they were dealt to AL teams by the Cubs? The AL is a different animal, especially the AL West. I don't blame Beane for making this trade because I love seeing teams "go for it" but it's a very high risk high reward type trade on their end. If they win the WS then they can probably live with whatever the guys they traded to the Cubs wind up doing.

  10. I think the Cubs did well. Samardjiza is a nice pitcher but that's as far as it goes. He's not worth the $100 mil he's asking for. If he's worth that then Sale is worth about $140-$150 mil when his time comes for a long term deal. I think it was a good deal for both teams but Oakland better win it this year because I think Beane unloads Samardjiza in the offseason. No title + trading away a top 6-7 prospect in MLB + eventually trading JS = Failure.


    As for the Northsiders lack of pitching, they'll probably start acquiring some this offseason. God knows they have the $$$ and prospects for it. If they don't it'd be a real slap in the face to their fans.

  11. I think Loria is a complete scumbag but I really don't feel bad for guys like Reyes and Buehrle. The Marlins have done this twice before and people were joking last offseason that it would only be a matter of time before Epic Firesale #3 happened. Those guys knew the history of the Marlins under Loria and decided to sign there anyways, the one smart guy was Pujols who didn't sign there even though they offered him more $$$ than the Angels or StL. If I remember right he didn't sign with the Marlins because they wouldn't give him a NTC. He knew what these guys were all about.


    But back to the topic at hand this is totally different then what the Cubs are doing. Also any big time free agents in future years won't even consider the Marlins.

  12. I still think Thornton will have value to many teams, he's a hard throwing proven LHP and it just takes one team to think he needs a change of scenary. However if the Sox season starts to take a dump, then it's time for KW to swallow his pride and start to trade off parts and rebuild. I see what the Cubs are doing and I wouldn't mind the Sox doing it either. I can live with a rebuild if it's done the right way.

  13. Pros on opening series:


    Danks and Peavy looked solid, bullpen has some nice young arms and has promise, nice start at the plate for Dunn and Rios which will hopefully build up their confidence.


    Cons on opening series:


    Line up looks as mediocre/below average as advertised, not much speed at all on this team, the 08 version of Gavin Floyd is probably never coming back.

  14. QUOTE (Chicago White Sox @ Feb 14, 2012 -> 01:57 PM)
    Well we need a bat off the bench that can hit RH hitting. He fits that need. As for consistent playing time, don't most players need that to be at their best? I would think a player who draws a lot of walks would be better in limited action, although that's pure speculation on my part.


    The defense is the other key. We now have two backup outfielders that can play quality defense. They bat from opposite sides of the plate, which offers a lot of flexibility late in games (a plus with Viciedo as our RF). Plus it now allows Lillibridge to play more IF.


    Overall, I think it's a great move and fills several needs quite well.


    I don't think it's a bad move by any means but I don't think it's a great move either. He's going to be a 4th OF and brings a couple of nice attributes to the Sox but that's where it ends. Anyone looking to catch lightning in a bottle here will most likely be disappointed. I think his biggest plus is his glove, will be nice to have in OF in games where we're up 1 in the 9th. Out of any OF on the team right now, Fukudome has hands down the best glove. However aside from that I'd temper all expectations on him as an impact hitter.

  15. Pros: Great glove, draws walks, history of starting out hot, nice cheap depth move


    Cons: Can't hit LH pitching at all, needs consistent at bats to be productive/not a great platoon player, 35 years old.


    Overall more of a depth signing and maybe more of a late inning defensive replacement then anything. Can draw walks very well but to be honest I wouldn't expect much.

  16. I can care less. JR's a good business man so the Sox will get some significant money for it. If you read between the lines it seems like negotiations are already taking place between JR and Ricketts behind the scenes. I think it will eventually happen, it just depends on if it's 2013, 2014 or 2015. Most of the Cub fans I've talked to at work today didn't seem to mind it either.

  17. Nothing official yet but it looks like Cespedes to Miami and Soler to the Cubs. Am I the only one who thinks the Marlins should be investigated? Where the F did they get all this money? They also gave Pujols the highest offer but he turned them down because they wouldn't give him a NTC and they'd have probably shipped him out in a few years anyway. Something stinks down there.

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