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Posts posted by dpd9189

  1. QUOTE (Baron @ Dec 9, 2015 -> 08:45 PM)
    Love Cubs fans crapping on this move because he's a less good version of AJ as one person called him. But they just signed a 35 year old for nearly 60 million who's overall value was actually lower than Brett's.


    Not a Cub fan but Lawrie had a 0.6 WAR last year. This is nothing more than a stop gap move. If people think he's the long term answer at 3rd, he's not.

  2. QUOTE (TheFutureIsNear @ Dec 9, 2015 -> 04:34 PM)
    I don't see how a non-playoff team with arguably the worst minor position player talent in all of baseball can be talking about trading their best prospect. Just makes no sense to me. There's no 1 player that is going to turn this team into a WS contender, so unless he's part of a Q package, or something along the lines, that nets us 3-4 top prospects back Anderson shouldn't be discussed.



  3. QUOTE (HickoryHuskers @ Dec 9, 2015 -> 02:19 PM)
    If Frazier were under team control for 3 years, maybe, but not for just 2.


    Agree. If this team were 1 or 2 players away then I'd say do it but not for Anderson and not for a guy who will be a UFA in 2 years and will command a good sized deal.

  4. Frazier is the only one of those guys I'd want, Philips and Bruce are garbage. I think there's a trade to be made but the Sox won't get him for B and C level prospects. You're probably looking at a deal that involves Anderson or Fulmer. Most likely Fulmer.

  5. If someone offers Hahn a Herschel Walker trade for Sale, then pull the trigger. Sale is great but the Sox are an organization with no identity or plan right now. I'd like to see them try to build a consistent winner rather than try to throw crap at the wall every year to see what sticks.


  6. If I have to make one prediction though, I think the Sox throw us a curveball and trade Melky Cabrera for an MLB ready player or some prospects. This would allow for the Sox to get even more money off the books for 2017 where they should be able to spend again.

  7. I think Hahn is a smart guy but I'm at the point where I really don't know what the plan is for the Sox right now. I can't tell if they truly want to add pieces to try and contend this year or if they're quietly going to rebuild without really saying they're rebuilding. Right now this team is in Baseball hell. Not good enough to contend but not really trying to rebuild either. It's frustrating.

  8. Few things.


    -Price can opt out after 3 years so if he pitches well, he's most likely going to cash in again. Overall it's not a bad deal and it makes the Red Sox better instantly.


    -Once rumors started last week that Boston "was not going to be outbid" for Price, it was clear where Price was going.


    -No one on the Sox should be untradeable right now unless you like watching a 69-75 win team every year.

  9. QUOTE (scs787 @ Nov 20, 2015 -> 06:35 PM)
    I sure hope no one wants to completely blow this up.


    Trade one of Q or Sale for the "Small army of bats" they talked about and you should be close to where you need to be.


    Pitching staff in 2 years should still be really good with Sale/Q-Rodon-Fulmer-EJ and there's a good chance we see guys like Adams, Danish, Montas, Clark, Guerrero, and maybe even Beck pushing for that 5th spot.


    Add that "Small army" of hitters to Abreu, Eaton, Anderson and maybe some other guys develop and poof.


    Blowing it up is painful but if you look at the Cubs and Astros, both were in the postseason this year and it looks like both will be there consistently in the coming years.

  10. QUOTE (Jose Abreu @ Nov 20, 2015 -> 11:03 PM)
    Floated a Quintana for Schwarber proposal out to two Cubs fans today.


    Both said we'd have to include "much more". :lol:


    I would do that trade in a heartbeat. One guy plays everyday and the other plays every 5th day. Plus 2-3 more years of control with Schwarber and he doesn't have to play the field. He was only up in the big leagues for 3 months and was hands down the best player for the Cubs in the playoffs. Would love him on the Sox.

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