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Posts posted by Sox72

  1. 28 minutes ago, Lillian said:

    On the field performance aside, Manny is a hard guy to like and root for. Maybe the front office never really felt like he would be worth the money, which he was seeking. They may have also worried about whether, or not, he had the discipline and character to be dedicated to the game, for 10 years, once he was guaranteed all of that money. Perhaps they view Harper differently. He is the more likable person and a better "face of the franchise". If they thought they could realistically afford both, now all they have to do is spend enough on one, to get it done. The fact that he doesn't appear to want to go to Philadelphia might provide an opportunity for this organization to redeem itself, with its now disgruntled fans. Just do it!!!

    Your perpetual optimism and silver-lining-approach is genuinely appreciated in what can often be the cesspool of posts on this site. 

  2. 30 minutes ago, ron883 said:

    The Sox organization disappoints year after year. They have failed their fanbase once again. I don't see anything changing in the near future. They got lucky in 2005. Jerry won't pay. We won't see a winner. If I live in this city, I might as well cheer for a team with a great FO and an owner willing to spend. I know it is blasphemy, and possibly a spur of the moment overreaction, but as of now I will be cheering for the Cubs and attending their games. This was the final straw. 

    I was always kind of hoping that it would eventually be a “ban bet” that got you to finally leave. Would be a little more integrity in that. 

  3. 26 minutes ago, Chicago White Sox said:

    100% fair criticism.  Two reasons:

    1) I have fifty pages to get through in that thread and wanted an immediate response (admittedly selfish)

    2) If there is any chance Hahn or anyone else in the front office scrolls through this site I want them to know their incompetence has cost the franchise two future Sox fans.  I would have done everything in my power to make these kids love the Sox like I do.  Obviously my story means absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things, but maybe others here feel the same way I do and there is a better chance of that coming across in this thread than the 800+ page Machado one.

    Ha. Good answer. 

    • Like 1
  4. 1 hour ago, almagest said:

    The more I think about it the more I think this is key. You are incredibly lucky to see TWO franchise talents in the prime of their career in one free agent class. We never thought this would happen. You horribly blew one, so now make sure the other doesn't get away.

    If Harper signs to anything resembling a reasonable deal with another team I think I'm gonna start a "Sell the teams, Jerry" billboard fund for right outside GRate & the UC.

    Feel free to DM me when you do. I am ready to waste my money on that (and not on tickets).

    • Like 1
  5. 11 hours ago, IowaPG said:

    Hey brother you wanna meet up in person and hash it out? Dont know how I hurt you?  These little jabs are annoying . dont know if your balls are still shriveled up from the -25 weather or your lack of a back bone hides you behind your computer. Wasnt your fault your father left, your ma was just too busy free lancing 

    Wow. This is what this thread has devolved into? I guess I’ll stay away until someone signs. 

  6. 1 minute ago, KiwiSox said:

    Well obviously past production comes into it a little bit but it's definitely not what the Sox are paying for. This is all a bit nuanced.

    Your hostility here absolutely baffles me. You alright mate?

    I guess your consistently evolving “nuance” just evades me. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, KiwiSox said:

    This is wholly dramatic and actually a bit crazy. You do know each year does not feature the exact same stastical leaderboard as the year prior right? Things change all the time. And on a per game basis Harper hits a ton more HR than Machado over the course of their careers. It's really not a stretch at all when you look at the bigger picture to EXPECT Harper to put decidedly better power numbers.

    Machado has an edge in being a better defender at a higher value defensive position. I think that matters less to the Sox right now than finding someone who can just create wanton amounts of left-handed offensive destruction.

    Hmmm. So are we basing future predictions on past performance or not? Because it seems to change in every other post. 

  8. 2 hours ago, KiwiSox said:

    Well much like ERA is counter-intuitively not the best predictor of ERA, home runs aren't always the best predictor of home runs. Over their career's Harper hits the ball harder, hits the ball to more fields and more of Harper's fly balls turns into home runs. To me those numbers strongly indicate that going forward Harper's power numbers are going to be better than Machado's.

    Some statistics paint a player's profile, other stats paint a player's production. The Sox should not be buying production, they should be buying a profile. I like Harper's profile more.

    Jesus. Stop posting. Or....keep posting but get off this. Because you have run yourself in circles and are losing any sort of future credibility based on not wanting to lose this argument that you’ve lost. 

  9. 3 hours ago, KiwiSox said:

    You are just deliberating misrepresenting what I am saying here and I frankly cannot understand why. If after 2015, the year where Harper cranked forty-two dingers, I said "Manny Machado will hit more home runs than Bryce Harper each of the next three years!" you would have this same incredulous tone in dismissing it. I am saying, irrespective of what Steamer projects, that Harper is going to hit more home runs than Machado each of the next three years.

    Part of this may have to do with where they wind up by the way. If Machado goes to Philadelphia and Harper goes to San Diego (which is probably a less-than-likely scenario) ballpark factors may influence it in a big way.

    Wait, what? You’re whole argument seemed to stem from Steamer. 

  10. 5 minutes ago, Jerksticks said:

    I agree although I don’t think it’s that close.  Harper is way better or at least a way better fit for our team needs



    Wait, whoa. I get arguing either/or is a better player. But how on Earth do you see Harper as a better fit for the Sox?

  11. 44 minutes ago, GREEDY said:

    Your response shows you are just trying to bait a fight.  I did nothing wrong.  You made a racist remark and called me a troll.  

    What a completely asinine response. 

    40 minutes ago, SoCalSox said:


    You know how I can tell you’ve been got? You drew a “racist” remark out of something where I didn’t make one. You’re reaching & reaching hard. 


    Thats weak but expected. Trolls love dishing it out but can’t handle it when it gets slammed back in their face. 

    Stop trashing board members & calling people hacks & you won’t have problems. 

    And a perfect reply. 

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  12. 16 minutes ago, SoxBlanco said:

    Last night, raBBit said this...”paleose1 is legitimate and an impressive guy.”

    People directly asked him what he meant, and he didn’t answer. It seems like he was purposely being cryptic and having fun with the fact that he had inside information. And to me, that’s completely fine. I don’t lose any sleep over it, but I think that’s what people are referring to.

    Also attacks anyone else who has sources. He NEEDS the attention. 

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